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Turn 138, 190AD

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  • #91
    Going ironless: I think it is the only way... we need loads of units fast, and can't get it without cutting our iron. As said, Leo's coming (in 6 turns minimum). We should not hesitate, and do it.

    Nathan, I agree on rushing being costlier then upgrading, however there is one thing you don't take into account: we've got the cash... we shouldn't overdo it, but if shortrushing can give us 5 units 1 turn sooner for ~70 gold, there is little to think about.

    As to the galleys in the South: move all of them North, or all but one of them back. I too would prefer more galleys, but frankly, we can't spend the shields. Every galley that gets build is an extra horse, which in time is an extra knight. We need those land troops, we've got enough see troops for the moment. Also, we don't need too much extra movement in the South, we want to take it slowly, letting GoW believe that's where our current forces are going to. So, move as much as possible to Wittlich city (but be sure to cover them with a defender), so that our invasion can happen with surprising numbers.

    We can't afford to fail our invasion: either it's decisive, or we lose the race towards gunpowder, and should sue for peace. In 20 turns from now, we should have GoW on their knees, only keeping a hold on little Bob. If we fail that goal, there is no way we can win this war.



    • #92
      By the way, it occurs to me that five shields is break-even on using cash to short-rush horsemen instead of building WCs. If rushing five shields results in a horseman instead of a WC, the cost of the rush is the same as the difference in upgrade costs. Less than five and the rush is cheaper than the extra-expensive upgrade. More than five and the rush is more expensive than the difference in upgrade costs.


      • #93
        Agree, Nathan... plus we might need a couple more slowmovers then what I wrote a few pages ago. The problem is that they can't reach Wittlich if we build them late in our core, from EotS we need 4 turns with fastmovers to reach Wittlich. slowmovers need 8...

        I think that we should start thinking about 9-10 turns before we can have troops on GoW territory, by which time they most certainly will have Leo's (barren some miracle). At that time, ND's GA will be over, so if they decide to attack in full force, we're going to have a hard time defending RP. A rough guess is that they will have some 40 Ansars built in their GA, I'm not sure what we currently have on Bob together with RP's forces will be enough to stop that. It's a gamble, but most likely they won't keep their lands undefended either...



        • #94
          Oh, BTW, could us save-less people have some screenies too please?



          • #95
            Recreated shots

            I think I got everything right.

            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #96
              Note that we have dropped out of 1st in land area and mfg.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #97
                Any particular reason we landed on Valencia 8 instead of Valencia 7?

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #98
                  GoW cut the road behind them anyway. Murcia-99 is roadless.
                  "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                  And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                  Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                  - Phantom of the Opera

