you have no doubt seen the unauthorized transmission I made....
Hope it didn't ruffle any feathers here, as that was not my intent at all....rather, it was my hope that my unofficial voice in the forums might help sway Lego and Vox more firmly to our banner, and to that end, I have prepared a second "unauthorized" transmission.....'cept I wanted to post it here first (thus the "" around unauthorized).....if there's disagreement about it's appearance in the public forum, then it shall remain here!
Unauthorized Transmissions II: Letter to Lego and the Voxians
Hail and fair greetings to your worthy nations, and please to forgive the unorthodox nature of my communication with you.
I know full well that all formal communications must occur between “official channels” and certainly do not seek to deny the validity of that, however, there is such a thing as “keeping the back-channels open” and fostering trust and good will, and that is the spirit in which this letter is written.
First, to Vox, and the dauntless Lord Beta, of the New Voice, in Voxtavia.
A personal apology for your recent troubles.
The unfortunate war which we both participated in should never have happened, and it pained me to ply my skills, combining them with those of my fellow Stormians against brothers who once shared the same lands.
It was an awful, terrible war, and one which we were dearly unprepared for when we suddenly found ourselves neck-deep in it. Your courage and audacity are to be applauded, and the world is a better place that your light has not been extinguished. My hope is that despite our unfortunate past together, our two peoples can one day draw close again, as we once were in the ancient past.
I realize full-well that this will not be a simple matter, nor will it be quickly accomplished, but it is a hope in my heart.
And to the proud folk of the resplendent Empire of Lego….what can I say but that I have been a long-time admirer of you and yours! The glittering Pyramids are surely a sight to behold, and it is my fond wish to one day get to see them as I visit your fair land. It was right, and honorable, and noble to extend your protective wing around the Voxians, and it pleased me greatly to see such kindness in the world. Obvious circumstances prevented such kindness from my fellow Stormians, but events of late have taken a turn which makes it possible to assume that noble mantle.
I refer to the ongoing war with Spain, of which my brothers and I are now a part. It is no secret that before the Stormians joined the unjust war against Spain, she was sadly outmatched by two savage and well-armed opponents, at least one of whom has called for Spain’s utter extermination.
This cannot be allowed to stand.
Just as Lego extended a protective arm around the Voxians, so too, do we now offer that same protection to Spain, in hopes of not only helping her throw off this heinous attack against her sovereignty, but also to prosecute the war in such a way that Spanish strength returns to a level greater than it was previous to the attack, so that Spain may never again fear her enemies, and stand on her own, not as a vassal of Stormia (as some have nonsensically claimed), but as a proud, free, independent nation as is her right.
We MUST do this, not only because honor demands it, but because Spain has done nothing to warrant her extinction.
No matter our past disagreements (and there have been some), she is a fine, proud nation….a people who deserve to BE….a people with a right to exist.
We go now, to help ensure that right, and I would ask the honorable men of Lego to consider your own just and proper position regarding the Voxians, and understand that our aims now bear some similarity to yours, regarding Vox and the New Voice.
The goal is not hegemonic domination, but preservation. Spain must live. Spain will live, and we will help ensure that with our blood. Our very lives.
It is perfectly understood if you feel that this fight is not yours. Having already assisted a nation in need, and having your own concerns to attend to, I am quite certain you and yours have a full plate already, but I would ask from your noble people, and the stout-hearted Voxians, tacit support of our massive undertaking, and our partnership with Spain. Stand with us in spirit, as brothers against those that would extinguish the light of a peer nation.
Yours respectfully,
Wayward son of Stormia

Unauthorized Transmissions II: Letter to Lego and the Voxians
Hail and fair greetings to your worthy nations, and please to forgive the unorthodox nature of my communication with you.
I know full well that all formal communications must occur between “official channels” and certainly do not seek to deny the validity of that, however, there is such a thing as “keeping the back-channels open” and fostering trust and good will, and that is the spirit in which this letter is written.
First, to Vox, and the dauntless Lord Beta, of the New Voice, in Voxtavia.
A personal apology for your recent troubles.
The unfortunate war which we both participated in should never have happened, and it pained me to ply my skills, combining them with those of my fellow Stormians against brothers who once shared the same lands.
It was an awful, terrible war, and one which we were dearly unprepared for when we suddenly found ourselves neck-deep in it. Your courage and audacity are to be applauded, and the world is a better place that your light has not been extinguished. My hope is that despite our unfortunate past together, our two peoples can one day draw close again, as we once were in the ancient past.
I realize full-well that this will not be a simple matter, nor will it be quickly accomplished, but it is a hope in my heart.
And to the proud folk of the resplendent Empire of Lego….what can I say but that I have been a long-time admirer of you and yours! The glittering Pyramids are surely a sight to behold, and it is my fond wish to one day get to see them as I visit your fair land. It was right, and honorable, and noble to extend your protective wing around the Voxians, and it pleased me greatly to see such kindness in the world. Obvious circumstances prevented such kindness from my fellow Stormians, but events of late have taken a turn which makes it possible to assume that noble mantle.
I refer to the ongoing war with Spain, of which my brothers and I are now a part. It is no secret that before the Stormians joined the unjust war against Spain, she was sadly outmatched by two savage and well-armed opponents, at least one of whom has called for Spain’s utter extermination.
This cannot be allowed to stand.
Just as Lego extended a protective arm around the Voxians, so too, do we now offer that same protection to Spain, in hopes of not only helping her throw off this heinous attack against her sovereignty, but also to prosecute the war in such a way that Spanish strength returns to a level greater than it was previous to the attack, so that Spain may never again fear her enemies, and stand on her own, not as a vassal of Stormia (as some have nonsensically claimed), but as a proud, free, independent nation as is her right.
We MUST do this, not only because honor demands it, but because Spain has done nothing to warrant her extinction.
No matter our past disagreements (and there have been some), she is a fine, proud nation….a people who deserve to BE….a people with a right to exist.
We go now, to help ensure that right, and I would ask the honorable men of Lego to consider your own just and proper position regarding the Voxians, and understand that our aims now bear some similarity to yours, regarding Vox and the New Voice.
The goal is not hegemonic domination, but preservation. Spain must live. Spain will live, and we will help ensure that with our blood. Our very lives.
It is perfectly understood if you feel that this fight is not yours. Having already assisted a nation in need, and having your own concerns to attend to, I am quite certain you and yours have a full plate already, but I would ask from your noble people, and the stout-hearted Voxians, tacit support of our massive undertaking, and our partnership with Spain. Stand with us in spirit, as brothers against those that would extinguish the light of a peer nation.
Yours respectfully,
Wayward son of Stormia