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Turn 136, 150 AD

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  • #16
    Done this so far...

    Peace on table from ND. Clearing table.

    NM finishes c. Set to, doesn't matter
    Tempest finishes k. Set to to k
    Tornado finishes k. set to mi
    Typhoon finshes p. set to p
    SS finishes s. set to s

    g [p, mi] at Sirocc 6 moves into Sirroc, unloads, moves 2
    g [p. mi] at Sirocc 6 6 moves into Sirroc, unloads, moves 2
    g [2 p] at Sirocc 6 6 moves into Sirroc, unloads, moves 2
    g [p. mi] at Sirocc 6 6 moves into Sirroc, unloads, moves 2
    g [2 c] at Sirocc 6 6 6 moves into Sirroc, unloads, moves 2
    g at Sirocc 6 attacks Mycenian galley at 8. No damage, promoted to veteran. Moves 2 1 1. 6 galleys ready to move on V.
    g's at Sirocc 2 end turn
    2 w at Tempest 1 move to WW 2 and load on galley
    g [2 w] at WW 1 1 moves 4 4 4 4
    k fm Tempest moves 4 4, pause
    s fm SS moves 4 4 4
    k fm Tornado moves 7 7 7 7 7 7
    p fm Typhoon moves 8 8 7
    g at Typhoon 2 3 moves 7 7 7 7
    c at Monsoon 6 6 moves 1 1 1
    g at Dissv 4 1 moves 1 1 1 2 (we need more lift in the south, GoW can be watched by 2 vet and an elite galley)
    g at Dissv 7 7 7 moves 7 7 7 8
    g at WittCty 1 1 moves 4 1 2 9
    g at WittCty 8 7 moves 8 7 3 2
    p at Pamp 9 9 fortifies
    2 p at Pamp 6 9 fortify
    p at Pamp 6 3 moves 1
    w at EotS 4 moves 4 4, loads on g
    k at WW 2 moves 2 and loads on g
    g [k, w] at Oil 2 moves 4 4 4 4
    g at Sirocc 4 4 moves 6 6 6, end turn
    mi at TheV 4 moves 8, fortifies
    wc at theV 7 7 moves to MillerT
    p at TheV 4 7 fortifies
    p at Eliop 7 7 moves 8 7 8
    group [3p, 5 mi] at HH 1 moves 8 7 7 (we want to relieve the wc's for upgrading to knights)
    mi at Toledo 4 4 skips turn
    p, mi at Toledo 6 move 9
    p, mi at Toledo 8 move 6
    c fm NM moves 2 2 1
    2 c fm Sirocc move 1 1 1
    k fm NM moves 1 and fortifies
    2 mi fm Sirocc move 1 1 1
    3 p fm Sirocc move 1 1 1 (that is 5 vet p and 5 vet mi ready to load on boats for V)
    3 reg mi move 1 1 1

    w at Bliz 3 starts road
    w at Monsoon 6 6 moves 1 1 1
    w at SA 8 7 moves 4 8 9
    w at BbytSea 1 moves 8
    3 w at DissV 6 move 9 and mine
    w at WoChange 4 moves 3
    w at WoChange 4 finishes mine
    w at WoChange 4 moves 3 (doubling up on clearing jungle)
    w at DissV 1 moves 3 and mines
    w at DissV 1 moves 3 3
    w at DissV 1 moves 3 6
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #17
      Looking good, from memory (no map here). One of those Toledo p,mi groups is going to scout up North, the other one is also going to deal with the barb camp, right?



      • #18
        Additional movement:
        p fm Sirocc moves 1 1 1

        Toledo changed to w and rushed for 8 gold. The city can go back to RP next turn. +1 MI in waiting
        Monsoon rushed to 10 shields. Changed to pike in 3
        WW rushed to 20 shields. Changed to pike in 2
        Blizzard changed to pike

        Typhoon moves wf from fur-forest to coast.
        Arashi moves wf off mountain to irrigated desert. -1 gpt, +1fpt. k in 2 maintained
        Sufa moves wf off coast to fur-forest for pike in 1
        SS move wf off Mountain to irrigated desert to grow

        New Madrid and WM offered to Spanish, accepted.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DeepO
          Looking good, from memory (no map here). One of those Toledo p,mi groups is going to scout up North, the other one is also going to deal with the barb camp, right?

          The way ND moved, it is best to scare them off the mountain at Toledo 9 9 9. If they want to move up there, in the face of 2 mi and 3 pike, welcome them to it.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #20
            Last move. Reg mi loads on galley at WW 1 1.

            leaves room for the knight. Another galley comes along for the settler and worker.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              I can play this turn, but I think it's better if NYE does. It'll take me all weekend to catch up.
              Save sent out... just now.
              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
              - Phantom of the Opera


              • #22
                Oops, just noticed that SR already sent it.
                I guess I DO have a lot of catching up to do
                "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                - Phantom of the Opera


                • #23
                  Since we can load almost no more military units from Stormia, I suppose this would be the time to get our workers ready to go- we thought about at least 6, right?

                  With 5 galleys devoted to Operation Agent Orange, we could start using the two galleys remaining to send them a bit by bit...
                  Save the rainforests!
                  Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles

