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Geheimes aus ND (Secrets from ND)

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  • Geheimes aus ND (Secrets from ND)

    This was my post when I read about the fact that Lux invicta threadned our Settler. They wanted WC for a save passage home. If I recall they even told us that they were able to kill the settler if we didn't comply which we never belived.

    Die bekommen von uns nur eines auf dem silbernen Tablett serviert wenn sie frech bleiben, eine 1A Kriegserklärung.

    Im Prinzip können sie nicht viel schneller produzieren als wir, schon gar nicht, wenn wir den zweiten Siedler nach erstellung des Bogenschützen richtig ausspielen.

    Bewege den Siedler bloß nicht in richtung Neu theben, ich kann mir vorstellen das die ihn verfolgen mit dem Krieger, also bewegen wir ihn solange, bis wir ihn schützen können. Mit dem Bogenschützen!

    Ausserdem werden wir ein wenig bluffen und mit einem Angriff auf sie drohen. Schließlich könnte ja einer unserer Bogenschützen (die wir gar nicht haben) dem Scout Arne folgen, um deren Hauptstadt anzugreifen.

    Gleichzeitig sollten wir Kontakt zu den Warmongers aufnehmen und versuchen sie gegen eine Tech gegen Lux aufzuhetzen!

    Die spielen doch die Söldner, also ich bin mir nicht zu fein welche anzuheuern!
    They get only one thing out of us on a silver platter. A declaration of war!

    they can not produce faster than we can. If we are able to found the second city after we've build an archer to protect our settler they are even slower.

    Do not move our settler in direction Neu Theben as i can imagin they will follow him. Just move it around untill it gets protection.

    We should also bluff a bit and threaten them with an atack. one of the archers that we do not posess at all could be following the scout arne to raid their capitol. At least we could tell them this.

    Of cours we must contact the warmongers to get them fight Lux even if we have to give them one Tech for it.
    They say they are mercenarys I'm not to good to buy one for our cause.
    Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team

  • #2
    Wow, publishing your nice little Geheimes will be much more difficult than just pasting and copying most of us here can use... thanks for the translation!


    • #3
      How to make friends. Friends that cooperate to the very end.

      This was probably the nail that fixed the alliance with GoW in the borconian war (Bobian War for you )

      ich habe gerade länger mit GF gechattet. 15 Runden macht ihnen nichts. Auch dass sie kein Eisen haben macht ihnen nichts. Sie sind sehr daran interessiert, dass die 3 Nord-Staemme aufpassen, dass Spanien nicht alle luxuries kriegt. Sie saehen uns gerne im Sueden bei der Seide so schnell wie moeglich!

      Die Chinesen werden mir immer Symphatischer! Ganz ehrlich! Die sind mir mittlerweile fast lieber als die Spanier. Denen traue ich gerade wegen ihrer zur schau gestellten freundlichkeit viel weniger!

      Also Reiterei gegen eine Technik zu tauschen die wir erst in 15 Runden haben, das nenne ich Vertrauensbeweis!

      I just chattet with Ghengis Farb, they don't care that we need another 15 turns and that they do not have any iron doesn't bother them either. They are very eager to see that the three northtribes (GoW, Lux & ND) do not let get Spain all the luxurys they'd like to see us in the south close to the silks asap.

      I come to like those chinese more and more. Really i do like them now even more than spain. I do not trust those spanish guys they are just too friendly too eager to show how much they like us.

      To trade horseback riding for a tech that we will get in 15 turns that's a proof of trust.

      comment: At that time we wer not sure at all if we should ally with spain or with China but thogh spain always tried to talk nice they actually gave less than the GoW and though i started very sceptical against "warmongers" and rather favorable for nice talking "roleplayers" their open and trustworthy diplomatic skills changed that opinion of mine rather fast.
      Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


      • #4
        The situation: Vox has just invaded borconia and whirls up a lot of dust with it's immortals.

        Someone gave the advice not to move our swordsman to the aid of GoW

        My thoughts about this menace:

        Das sind auch meine Gedanken. Beim Krieg gegen Lux hat GoW laut KRIEG KRIEG geschrieen und zwei Alibi Horseman geschickt. Nun drehen wir den Spieß um.

        Bis Spanien im Norden ist, dauert das. Die haben zwar ein paar Warrior rumlaufen aber die kann man ja in der Pfeife Rauchen gegen die Imortals der Vox'e

        Wir schicken ersteinmal zwei Schwerties und GoW kann seine Reiter testen. Wir rufen aber am lautesten.
        Ich denke gar nicht daran die schwerties aus Marlowa wegzuziehen die brauchen wir für Spanien

        Tis are my thoughts as well. In the war against Lux Gow screamed loud WAR WAR but did send just to pitty horseman. Now we return that favour.

        Till Spain gets to the north it'll take a long time. Thea have some Warriors up there but they can't do a damn against the immortals of Vox.

        We'll send two swordsman and GoW can test their horseman. We shout the loudest. I do not think about moving our Swordsmen out of Marlowa we'll need them for the spain campaign.


        That GoW and ND will attack Roleplay was already fix at this time!

        The strength we planned for the assault was: 10 Swordsman from ND and 10 Horseman from GoW the assault was delayed longer and longer until finally the great borconian war broke out by us atacking GS citys that they got from RP.
        Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


        • #5
          Wow! So in reality... The Brotherhood of Bob/Borconia was MUCH weaker then GoW thought!

          What a BLUFF we all gave!

          Thank GOD Vox pulled out (and gave us a city for our troubles... )!!!
          Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
          '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darekill
            The situation: Vox has just invaded borconia and whirls up a lot of dust with it's immortals.

            Someone gave the advice not to move our swordsman to the aid of GoW

            My thoughts about this menace:

            Tis are my thoughts as well. In the war against Lux Gow screamed loud WAR WAR but did send just to pitty horseman. Now we return that favour.
            Well if im not too mistaken it was pretty much that we didn't have anything else than the pitty horseman to send. We were pressing hard enought to get thoose 10 horsies for the spain campain..
            Proud member of the PNY Brigade
            Also a proud member of the The Glory Of War team on PtW-DG

            A.D 300, after 5h of playing DonHomer said: "looks like civ2 could be a good way to kill time if i can get the hang of it :P"


            • #7
              This is something we know now. would we have known then we'd have invaded you that's prety sure!

              We really estimated that you had about 20 or so.

              Beeing naiv i know...
              Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


              • #8
                Originally posted by Darekill
                This is something we know now. would we have known then we'd have invaded you that's prety sure!
                Proving that ND is cunning, evil, implacable and dastardly. All the qualities I look for in a woman ally.
                A true ally stabs you in the front.

                Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                • #9
                  And here we are, thinking that we needed to keep our analysis tricks out of the hands of other teams. Part of this is of course that they are available in muliple places for those willing to look around.

                  We thought to keep everyone in the dark, but clearly there are instances where we would have been helped if we shared what we assumed of others, and how we got the information. We always had a relatively good idea of everyone's military strength, even then. All you need is to have met someone in game...

                  BTW, one of the last tricks we started to use, is to analyse how many shields were in each city's build queue. I don't know if everyone knows this, but by analysing the costs of sabotage, you can determine to the shield how many shields are in each build queue. If you follow this over a couple of turns, it's fairly easy to see what every city is building, what it's capacity is, and also if possible wonder builds are in danger because someone else will reach a prebuild faster.



                  • #10
                    Good Lord...


                    • #11
                      That is how we managed to use the UN as a prebuild for the Internet. We could have built the UN, but instead we held Tempest back at the last moment, ( we had sped up research on Miniturisation so that we could change a couple of turns earlier), and built the Internet.

                      That added alot of beakers, or would have if we had not been invaded...
                      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                      • #12
                        You see we're bloody Amateurs that don't know what they do by beeing such amateurs we play quite well I think....

                        P.S. threre was never ever one single spreadsheet in use for ND....
                        Member of the Apolyton C3C DG-Team


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Darekill
                          P.S. threre was never ever one single spreadsheet in use for ND....
                          ... Nor for GS. Or at least none I'm aware off



                          • #14
                            I think Cort used one, but that might be it...
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                            • #15
                              Apart from the UN prebuild off ND, it was a close race to the prebuild of GoW (Apollo, IIRC). We were speculating which of the two would win, even if we could inch just ahead by one turn

                              But as Krill said, it didn't matter in the end


