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A perspective on the history and future of the Monkey Homeland

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  • A perspective on the history and future of the Monkey Homeland

    Monkey History.

    First contact was made with CoD. Early correspondence indicated that we had a common in peace and a healthy trading relationship was built. Some early exploration rules were agreed to: CoD would not explore south, with our guarantee that there were no other teams to be met; Monkey would not explore north, with CoD agreeing not to restrict our ability to meet other teams. Obviously, CoD was lying and their "don’t go further North" was to ensure Monkey did not reach Python.

    Note that CoD & Python before Monkey and conducted early trades leaving Monkey behind in tech from the start. We believe they began to plot our demise very early. However not knowing this, Monkey was overjoyed when it was suggested by CoD that our 3 team continent join in an alliance to ensure our tech & economic growth, and have a chance of keeping up with the yet unknown 4 team continent. An avoidance of early war, tech co-ordination, map trading, would be a benefit to everyone.

    But we soon realised that a full alliance was not what CoD had in mind. What Monkey thought was agreed upon, was for all of us to gift techs, and share tech research for the benefit of all. What CoD wanted to do, was to keep tabs on tech points and sell tech to Monkey in order to drain our wealth and stifle growth. A very disappointed Monkey team, with its poor starting position, and tech inferiority, had no chance catching up or making the payment demands of CoD. Our only option was to devise a unique plan to sell "Goodie huts" to CoD, for low level techs (ie give CoD the location of Monkey Goodie Huts in return for gifting us old techs.) But once our huts were exhausted, it was clear Monkey was always going to trail CoD.

    In the meantime, the military buildup by Python did not go un-noticed. Nor the extraordinary faith & co-operation between the two teams, when it was noticed Python workers clearing & roading jungle for CoD. Our warnings to CoD of Pythons build up of military were responded to with light heartedness. Also of great concern to team Monkey, was the rapid southern expansion by CoD. The loss of the dye luxury to one sole team is obvious, but CoD had excellent land to their west that they were ignoring, in favour of settling in thick jungle. Monkey responded by immediately sending settlers north to establish a border and gain access to at least 1 dye luxury.

    And finally, the ultimate injury handed by CoD to Monkey was to ‘stiff’ us on an agreed-to deal for the Republic technology, and the insistence of unreasonable terms for it’s “purchase”.

    Concern was building within Monkey. We were being used by team CoD as stepping stones to their own goals of continental domination and tech advancement. Their original offers of co-operation now appeared to be a complete sham. The depth of this sham materialised, when a LARGE stack of Python Swordsmen moved into attack formation along the CoD/Monkey border. The CoD grand plan was complete. They successfully manipulated their northern neighbours into attacking their weak and peaceful southern neighbours, and claim the prime central land position for themselves.

    What CoD told Python about our territory is unknown. However, any team that had full-territory knowledge would see that the land is not worth fighting over.
    Python's vision of palace jumping to better territory is flawed in that our territory is no better than what that they already own. But typically of what happens when you have a poor start and a strong neighbour, you jump at any offer of alliance, and do so without the knowledge of the full picture.

    CoD & Pythons early first contact is another obvious reason for their alliance. And how could they really trust a Monkey Team consisting of GoW & Voxian membership? CoD was able to use their diplomatic relationship to manipulate Python into believing attacking Team Monkey would be the answer to their territory problems.

    With CoD screwing Team Monkey over in the republic trade, we have been left in a Despotic government and unprepared for war. Coupled with barbarian outbreaks in key areas, team Monkey had no choice but to evacuate and abandon cities, to retreat to our core. Pillaging roads has slowed the Python advance to a one tile per turn, giving Team Monkey time to prepare and build its war machine.

    But in times of war, communication is often the first to fail. Errors have been made and some military operations were less than successful. The loss of Fort Siamang was a regrettable error by our field commanders not following orders, but nevertheless, one that succeeded in slowing the Python forces yet again.

    Good news was received when the prayers to the Prophet of the Church of the Winged Monkey were answered, and iron was banished from the continent.

    So with the knowledge of this divine intervention, the heroic but doomed diversionary force in Fort Siamang, and even a despotic Golden Age, Team Monkey has rallied again, and built a force of Mercenaries that even the armies of Python & CoD will find difficult to destroy. Each tile of territory is going to be paid for in Python & CoD blood. (But mostly Python, as CoD prefers to play the safe puppet master and not get their hands dirty)

    Alas however, as history has shown, even the greatest nations of the world will fall, if they are cut off and strangled slowly to death. Team Monkey may not survive, but we will ensure that neither will the Python army.

    The only winner, will be that quiet giant. The one desperately trying to pretend they didn’t manipulate this whole war. The team quietly rexing while it lets its allies die....Team CoD.

    Moving Forward...

    The alliance between Python & CoD should not be underestimated. But with Python's poor territory and blind acceptance as the military arm of their evil alliance, they will be too far weakened to become the dominant partner on this continent. They have been poorly informed when making the decision for war against team Monkey, superbly manipulated by CoD, and too proud to admit the mistake and change their chosen path into minority.

    On the other hand, CoD’s grand plan has fallen right into place so easily. As they quietly continue their rexing and infrastructure builds. And watch their allies die at the end of mercenary spears.

    Have no doubt .... CoD is the team to be wary of.

    We understand that the politics and military situation on the New World (your continent) is far from stable. However, there is one thing that you can be certain of - CoD will be the "Lego" and "GWT" of PTWDGII. Do not underestimate them as the brave military warriors of Python have done. CoD has the power on this continent, and enough territory to win the game.
    Do what you can to limit this power. Put away your petty differences and agree on the limiting of CoD's growth. Amphibious invasions this early in history are clearly difficult, although having the armies of CoD and Python so far from home would make a strategic strike more than feasible. Galley crossings have been discussed with some already. And we encourage all teams to review their long-term strategy of having a powerful CoD team being left unmolested on this continent

    Team Monkey believes we must agree to a tech embargo now. We have seen the effects of leaving a powerhouse team kept within the tech loop. And a luxury/strategic resource embargo would certainly slow their growth capabilities.

    Most importantly however, support team Monkey in her fight for survival, and make the Python and CoD conquest as slow and agonising as possible. You can each see our tech situation. Monkey does have some limited cash reserves, and we can pay cash for techs. But we will need to negotiate discount deals. Anything that can be offered would be appreciated and Team Monkey will be forever in your debt.

    Beware of the giant manipulator.
    Do not underestimate them.
    Do not trust them.
    Their men wear dresses & makeup.
    Their women have GoW beards.
    They breed through evil genetic engineering
    They are evil.
    They are CoD.
    And they must be stopped.


    This is propaganda, and not to be taken seriously……other than the parts which are true ... which is most of it other than the dresses, beards and genetics part.....
    "No Comment"

  • #2
    Due to popular demand ... the first poo has been flung.
    "No Comment"


    • #3
      This is all tongue in cheek, right? Because otherwise I'll feel like I have to counter certain accusations which are not true (like, oh, damn near the entire post).

      edit: ha! Need to read to the end. Silly me. Disclaimer. Gotcha. Carry on!

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #4
        I am leaving work early today due to a nasty cold, but for now I will fling this back:

        Team Monkey is a bunch of grasping liers! At every opportunity, the Monkeys attempted to exploit CoD's goodwill by trying to get us to gift them technology. While Monkey's lands were clearly inferior to the lands of Python and CoD, it was equally clear that they were holding back and playing "poor me."

        Furthermore, no matter what the Monkeys might think (if they think, which we're not sure about) CoD never wanted this war. We made a choice between what we felt were two unpleasant possibilities. We chose, in our eyes, the lesser of two evils. We could join with Python, or we could join with Monkey. We chose Python.

        As it turned out, Monkey's "gimme, gimme, gimme" attitude toward tech trades, coupled with their attempted settlement near OUR dyes just confirmed that we had made the right decision.

        Besides, we ran out of cake.

        [disclaimer]What H_E said - this is clearly exaggeration. The truth, such as it is, lies somewhere between H_E's version and mine. To the extent that the other teams really want to know what happened, feel free to PM me and ask. I'll tell you openly what happened from CoD's perspective, without embellishment. I'm sure Monkey will be glad to provide their version of events in the same manner.[/disclaimer]

        -Arrian, Executive Transvestite of Team Cake or Death?
        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          The fun begins....


          • #6
            Monty Python would not object to Team Monkey buying Engineering (and its pre-requisites) at discount prices. In fact, we would give them it ourselves if not for this invconvenient state of war between us.

            Plant Giant Redwoods! Larches! Firs! Mighty Scots Pines! Lofty flowering Cherries! Plucky little Apsens! The limping Roo tree of Nigeria! The towering Wattle of Aldershot! The Maidenhead Weeping Water Plant! The naughty Leicestershire Flashing Oak! The flatulent Elm of West Ruislip! The Quercus Maximus Bamber Gascoigni! The Epigillus! The Barter Hughius Greenus!

            Our lumberjacks will thank you when they arrive.


            • #7
              "to keep tabs on tech points and sell tech to Monkey in order to drain our wealth and stifle growth. "

              Tech points are simply evil and should be avoided at all cost.

              /me prepares to flee from Kloreep...

              Monty Python would not object to Team Monkey buying Engineering (and its pre-requisites) at discount prices. In fact, we would give them it ourselves if not for this invconvenient state of war between us.
              For a small fee I am sure that the Mercenary team would...sorry, wrong game...
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #8

                Now I ask, which New World team would consider a tech partnership with a group that is just now mastering the spork?
                Solomwi is very wise. - Imran Siddiqui


                • #9
                  The Muhammad Al-Sahaf Team would like to announce that while we bear nothing but love and charity toward the participants in this conflict, we have learned through our contact with the divine powers that all of the participants are doomed to rot, die, burn, and suffer in the future.

                  It should be noted that their only hope for salvation is for each to declare fealty to the Muhammad Al-Sahaf Team.

                  We believe that Team Monkey is the most likely to take up this offer by the gods to secure their salvation... that even if their jungles and forests should burn, that they themselves will be saved and delivered into the embrace of the almightly Muhammad Al-Sahaf Team, the Champions of the Desert, and the Rulers of all of that is righteous in hominid-kind.
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                  • #10
                    *** Hot_Enamel begins to rub his hands in glee ***

                    Originally posted by Arrian
                    I am leaving work early today due to a nasty cold, but for now I will fling this back:

                    Team Monkey is a bunch of grasping liers! At every opportunity, the Monkeys attempted to exploit CoD's goodwill by trying to get us to gift them technology. While Monkey's lands were clearly inferior to the lands of Python and CoD, it was equally clear that they were holding back and playing "poor me."

                    Furthermore, no matter what the Monkeys might think (if they think, which we're not sure about) CoD never wanted this war. We made a choice between what we felt were two unpleasant possibilities. We chose, in our eyes, the lesser of two evils. We could join with Python, or we could join with Monkey. We chose Python.
                    Team Monkey made no alliance offer to CoD for an attack against Python. At all times, Monkey played as if they had a safe and secure 3-way alliance and was devastated to discover our two partners had been plotting our demise for quite some time.

                    Originally posted by Arrian
                    As it turned out, Monkey's "gimme, gimme, gimme" attitude toward tech trades, coupled with their attempted settlement near OUR dyes just confirmed that we had made the right decision.
                    Any team/s that help Monkey regain her territory, shall receive the dye luxury as free for the length of the game.

                    Originally posted by Arrian
                    Besides, we ran out of cake.
                    Beta just finished baking some fresh banana cake on the very turn of your invasion. You should of asked for some.

                    Originally posted by Arrian
                    [disclaimer]What H_E said - this is clearly exaggeration. The truth, such as it is, lies somewhere between H_E's version and mine. To the extent that the other teams really want to know what happened, feel free to PM me and ask. I'll tell you openly what happened from CoD's perspective, without embellishment. I'm sure Monkey will be glad to provide their version of events in the same manner.[/disclaimer]

                    -Arrian, Executive Transvestite of Team Cake or Death?

                    Team Monkey has nothing to fear, and has no need to hide behind closed doors to explaining their actions, where nothing can be rebutted.

                    We are happy to answer any questions on the main board or privately.

                    C'mon CoD, you can do better than that.
                    And Python really needs to speak up.

                    Disclaimer :-
                    This is propaganda, and not to be taken seriously……other than the parts which are true ... which is most of it
                    Last edited by Hot_Enamel; May 22, 2004, 08:06.
                    "No Comment"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                      "to keep tabs on tech points and sell tech to Monkey in order to drain our wealth and stifle growth. "

                      Tech points are simply evil and should be avoided at all cost.

                      * UnOrthOdOx prepares to flee from Kloreep...

                      Ahhh Uno...

                      I am afraid there are only a few of us that understand what the term "alliance" really means.
                      "No Comment"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Arnelos
                        It should be noted that their only hope for salvation is for each to declare fealty to the Muhammad Al-Sahaf Team.

                        We believe that Team Monkey is the most likely to take up this offer by the gods to secure their salvation... that even if their jungles and forests should burn, that they themselves will be saved and delivered into the embrace of the almightly Muhammad Al-Sahaf Team, the Champions of the Desert, and the Rulers of all of that is righteous in hominid-kind.

                        Where do we sign ?
                        I'll just dip my spork into this jar of ink.
                        "No Comment"


                        • #13
                          @ everyone else who has posted.

                          Keep them coming.

                          Ask yourselves, can you afford to leave team "Cake or Python" alone, to dominate their entire continent.

                          We have seen it before.
                          We will see it again.
                          "No Comment"


                          • #14
                            I have but one complaint:

                            C'mon, Monkey, this is some of the best fiction I have ever read! Copy right and sell it to a publisher, you'll have millions. You can negoitiate to have the recycled paper used, to save your precious trees.
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                            • #15
                              Fully Monty or Death!

