I have started a pair of PBEM after PTWDG II and they are going faster! It seems that there are teams where just one person are playing. Even in my team, after a enthusiastic start, a lot of players has left posting at the private forum because of the boring speed. Speed is more important here than at PBEM, people need to post his opinion about something frequently or...
I don't understand why a game with so many players is going sooooo slooooow What's the problem? Holidays? The amount of duty at the PTWDG I? Has the aggressive atmosphere of the PTWDG I discourage everybody? why the "welcome threads" still being topped and the savegame ones aren't? some tension with the administration?
I just want to play
I'm afraid that when C3C will be released this game will be definitely out. Maybe we should end the game and wait until we can start a more interesting game with Conquest. Or maybe we should give it a push now, at any form
I don't understand why a game with so many players is going sooooo slooooow What's the problem? Holidays? The amount of duty at the PTWDG I? Has the aggressive atmosphere of the PTWDG I discourage everybody? why the "welcome threads" still being topped and the savegame ones aren't? some tension with the administration?
I just want to play
I'm afraid that when C3C will be released this game will be definitely out. Maybe we should end the game and wait until we can start a more interesting game with Conquest. Or maybe we should give it a push now, at any form