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Foreign Affairs II

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Paddy the Scot

    you may not want emotion... but are getting votes
    Well said. Well said indeed.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #17
      I offer the following compromise....

      Listed all seven cities in decreasing order of attractiveness. I can make a case, for keeping 3 cities total and urge discussion.

      Giza - On grid, has Incense, must keep. Now at max potential pop of 2. Change build to worker to reduce carthage citizenry to one thus reducing flip risk. This worker (slave) can start to conect El-Amarna. Then make barracks then LIII's. Whenever pop expands to 2 slip in another worker (roman), then back to LIII's. Surplus LIII's above garrison req's can make roads and/or forts.

      New Rusicade - On Grid 1 pop with no surplus food. Has Barracks. Close enough to Giza to be a supplemental LIII producer. Surplus LIII's above garrison req's can make roads and/or forts.

      El-Amarna - Not on Grid 1 pop with 1 surpus food. This is where the surplus LIII's can road. Highly likely that Carthage will build a road for us since they cannot complete the road from Heliopolis to Alexandria without connecting us too! Keep making the spear now in production in hopes that a road either Alexandria or our other holdings completes in time for us to switch to LIII. When size 2 make a worker (roman) to road and irrigate the plains tile in city radius. Once the plains is irrigated, the theoretical max pop is 3.

      The other 4 cities are all too far from Giza to be rushed unit pumps (for Giza) in addition--

      Hippo - on grid size 1 with 1 surplus food 2 plains and several hills. closest water 4 tiles deep into carthage influence, 1 neutral tile and then 2 more tiles in our territory useful in city radius. If water could be brought in within a reasonable number of turns this city would be worthwhile, especially if we decide to breakout from Polyroman Carthage as this city is good staging site for Gabes assault.

      Now the theoretical minimum turns for water to a useful tile is 19 turns basis turn 1 rush LIII turn 3 rush another LIII, turn 8 worker makes naturally as food bin fills, turn 13 rush LIII for garrison, turn 18 worker makes naturallyas food bin fills.
      LIII's pre-road so that 1st worker starts irrigating furthest tile on turn 9, next tile on turn 11, next tile turn 13, the neutral tile on turn 15, our influence tile out of radius on turn 17, 2nd worker joins on turn 18 completing and releasing 1st worker to the useful tile, turn 19 2nd worker joins and completes irrigatiion on useful tile.

      To put in perspective, game will most likely display victory screen before a useful tile is irrigated.

      New Hippo - off grid size 2 with no surplus food. 1 wooded grass, 7 hills. No hope of water. Carthage may build a road to Carthago for us putting us on the grid. Units made here would have to capture Carthago, then 2 turns march to Gabes linkup.

      Leptis Minor - on grid. Every tile is desert, theoretical irrigation is 4 turns after Hippo or 23 turns total.

      New Sabra - off grid Every tile is desert, no hope of water.
      I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


      • #18
        Keep them all and garrison them! Roman blood was spilled in the battles that led to the capture of these cities from the Carthaginians. Let the continued presence of Roman garrisons in the heart of that Philistine Hannibal's lands be a continual source of embarrassment and shame to him and his wretched people!
        So if you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste
        Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste

        Re-Organisation of remaining C3C PBEMS

