I'm counting 18 votes total and 6 votes for each of the three attack options for another total of 18.
Now we do seem to be evenly divided into three factions, so you'll have to make the call if we don't get a wave of late votes.
Now we do seem to be evenly divided into three factions, so you'll have to make the call if we don't get a wave of late votes.
Originally posted by Modo44
As much as I insisted, you still weren't careful about the options I gave you. It seems to me that some Senators have chosen more than one decision concerning our plans against Carthage (the "attack order" options). What you will get from this i my own will coming on top, of course. Divide et impera, as was once said by a very wise man.
As much as I insisted, you still weren't careful about the options I gave you. It seems to me that some Senators have chosen more than one decision concerning our plans against Carthage (the "attack order" options). What you will get from this i my own will coming on top, of course. Divide et impera, as was once said by a very wise man.
