The winning option was 6.
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
OPTION TWO -(4 votes)
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
Four of the shares are the property of the city that builds the Settler and may be auctioned off or assigned as the city sees fit.
Four of the shares are the property of the central government and may be auctioned off or held in order for the tiles to be used later for auction or for new players to choose as their first tile as the central government sees fit.
Settler is auctioned off. The winning bidder gets control of the Settler and the central tile the city is on as their tile. All other tiles are auctioned off as normal.
OPTION FOUR -(1 vote)
Settler is auctioned off and owns all tiles in its initial radius. There are no shares whoever gets the Settler gets control and all the initial radius squares. Most probably one person will suggest a city site and will get other players to pool money to win the Settler and they will then move to the city site and divide the tiles accordingly. Kind of like a Colony Covenant during the colonial era, they would have a specific area they proposed to found it and then drummed up money and resources to found the colony.
- GhengisFarb
OPTION FIVE -(1 vote)
The city that builds the Settler chooses the proposed site for the new city (the citizens of that city could vote on sites, etc.) The inital tiles in that proposed site are then auctioned off as shares. With half the shares being auctioned off by the City and half being held/auctioned off by the central government. If there is an odd number of tiles the City gets the larger half of shares.
- General Locus
OPTION SIX -(6 votes)
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
Six of the shares are the property of the city that builds the Settler and may be auctioned off or assigned as the city sees fit.
Two of the shares are the property of the central government and may be auctioned off or held in order for the tiles to be used later for auction or for new players to choose as their first tile as the central government sees fit.
-Uber KruX
If you have an alternate Option, please post it and it will be added above. Citizens are allowed to vote for ONE option but may change that vote to another option until the poll is over.
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
OPTION TWO -(4 votes)
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
Four of the shares are the property of the city that builds the Settler and may be auctioned off or assigned as the city sees fit.
Four of the shares are the property of the central government and may be auctioned off or held in order for the tiles to be used later for auction or for new players to choose as their first tile as the central government sees fit.
Settler is auctioned off. The winning bidder gets control of the Settler and the central tile the city is on as their tile. All other tiles are auctioned off as normal.
OPTION FOUR -(1 vote)
Settler is auctioned off and owns all tiles in its initial radius. There are no shares whoever gets the Settler gets control and all the initial radius squares. Most probably one person will suggest a city site and will get other players to pool money to win the Settler and they will then move to the city site and divide the tiles accordingly. Kind of like a Colony Covenant during the colonial era, they would have a specific area they proposed to found it and then drummed up money and resources to found the colony.
- GhengisFarb
OPTION FIVE -(1 vote)
The city that builds the Settler chooses the proposed site for the new city (the citizens of that city could vote on sites, etc.) The inital tiles in that proposed site are then auctioned off as shares. With half the shares being auctioned off by the City and half being held/auctioned off by the central government. If there is an odd number of tiles the City gets the larger half of shares.
- General Locus
OPTION SIX -(6 votes)
A Settler unit has 8 shares which can be bid on. These shares get ownership of the first eight tiles brought into the civlizations cultural influence. Precedence will be given according to the bid price with the individual with the highest winning bid getting first choice, the second highest winning bid getting second choice and so on.
Six of the shares are the property of the city that builds the Settler and may be auctioned off or assigned as the city sees fit.
Two of the shares are the property of the central government and may be auctioned off or held in order for the tiles to be used later for auction or for new players to choose as their first tile as the central government sees fit.
-Uber KruX
If you have an alternate Option, please post it and it will be added above. Citizens are allowed to vote for ONE option but may change that vote to another option until the poll is over.