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Feudality (Capital City)

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  • Now it is clear to me why Uber would call for an election. Surely such bickering cannot be good publicity, can it? Bribing? There will be no bribes on my account, that is to say, I will not offer up anything out of my own pocket in an attempt to win a vote. If my campaign is a successful one, the people of Futility will soon find out that their vote was well worth it. All I gotta say fellas is:

    May the best man win


    • General Locus, I think it would be a good idea for you to withdraw your campaign and vote for Nuclear Master. Us gem mongers have to stay together after all.
      I changed my signature


      • Why should Locus withdraw? Was not his campaign begun first?
        Sent by Him,
        Prince TORARADICAL of The MAELRI

        Creator and High Administrator of Noitazilivic--Home of the first cIV DGame, the first Warlords DGame, and the first BTS DGame


        • I will not withdraw. I may be looked upon by some as an outsider here because I am new; but that should not diminish what I have contributed to this game so far, nor should it qualify me as unworthy. There are those here, such as Bismarck, Zone, Esoteric and Toraradical that know me as Locus, Officer of the Military of the Noitazilivic D-game. They know I have what it takes to be an effective leader in these here D-games. They also know that I am a champion of the people, that when I am in charge, no voice goes unheard, no matter how small. They can vouch for me. Bismarck already has. I will not be withdrawing to throw my support towards a fellow gem-monger, when I whole-heartedly feel that I am the right man for the job.

          As a current citizen I have been in negotiations with current town elder, NM, to try and get a road put through my mountain tile. He has not been able to give me a commitment one way or another. They best I've gotten is "I'll try or I'll see what I can do." Let me just say that if I am elected, I will not pursue this road in the immediate future, because I realize there are greater needs for the town of Futility so that our town can grow and compete with the other cities of our great Mayan empire; for when Futility wins, we all win!!! I also realize that there are citizins of Futility that aren't as fortunate to have a mountain full of gems or a floodplain full of food. Thus I will not look to increase my wealth in the immediate future, by building a road and/or mine on my mountain, but instead make a push to help out those less endowed citizens of Futility.

          A wise man once said "If you give a man a fish,' as NM proposes to do, "he will eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime."

          And that, my friends, is what I am all about.

          I am General Locus, for Town Elder of Futility, and I approve this message.
          Last edited by General Locus; July 21, 2004, 00:50.


          • If I was of this city I would vote for him, but for now all I can do is say that he will be a good man for the job.
            Sent by Him,
            Prince TORARADICAL of The MAELRI

            Creator and High Administrator of Noitazilivic--Home of the first cIV DGame, the first Warlords DGame, and the first BTS DGame


            • It's Feudality. General Locus, you may or may not teach us to fish, but I will teach us to fish as well, collect surplus, and spread it all around.

              And why can't you pick your own ideas for issues? I had just said that it will be an urgent goal for me to bring everyone's tiles up, and then you go and say the same thing. Think before you speak.


              • So far Uber Krux appears to be the most pro-active at addressing my needs.


                • I have already laid out the groundwork for three possible suburbs of Feudality, and proposed a plan that would make every citizen of our great city extremely rich. By making the suburbs specialized markets controlled by the will of Feudality, we could easily create a market for commerce, another for food, and another for shields. Each city could be controlled by "voting blocks" of similair-good'ed people.

                  The Gem-mongers could have a city where everyone votes 100% commerce, and could then sell their goods there for an enormous profit. The shield-producers will also find themselves with a suburb specifically designed to pad their pockets. And yes, the many food-whores will also have a place of their own to sell their goods.

                  My plan was laid out long ago, before the rise of tariffs in our empire. Such talk only makes my plan more appealing, since there will NEVER be a tarrif on any citizen of Feudality in ANY suburb of Feudality, so long as I am acting Town Elder.

                  I am responsible, trustworthy, and diligent. I will work hard to plan the best possible course for Feudality, while doing my best to improve the lives of each of our citizens.
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • Tsk, Tsk, Bismarck, the USP does not exist in these lands!
                    Only because I am sure you haven't gotten around to doing so...


                    General Locus has been a political rival of mine for eras in other Democracy Games longer then I can remember, and despite this fact he has proven time and time again his know how in the world of civ... He has proven through his abilities as a leader how the citizens could truly benefit from his actions, and I for one wish for us citizens of Feudality to experience the great benefits of such a leader in the position of town elder. As Locus has said many people can vouch for this and I for one wish to promote it. My vote will go towards the General for I am positive that through his abilities myself as a floodplain citizen will thrive along with the lesser and even all of the citizens of Feudality. I may not have much of a voice in this Democracy Game with my lack of involvement up to this point because I have been busy closing the 1BC Democracy Game. However, do not let the weight of my message diminish because if given a chance General Locus will meet the needs as a Champion of the People.

                    General Locus for Town Elder!
                    1BC DGame: Judge
                    Noitazilivic DGame: Judge
                    Apolyton FGame: Citizen
                    CDG DGame: Citizen


                    • I propose that on the first of each month, there is an election for the Town Elder of Feudality. Sound good?


                      • 1st of the month....not too bad of an idea, I think that a certain number of trading sessions or more favorably, a certain number of gaming sessions would be a better idea, because in some months there might be more activity than others.


                        • Originally posted by General Locus
                          1st of the month....not too bad of an idea, I think that a certain number of trading sessions or more favorably, a certain number of gaming sessions would be a better idea, because in some months there might be more activity than others.
                          I agree with the good general, and oppose the horrible, selfish, greedy NM.

                          Vote against NM in the election
                          "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                          - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                          • There is real mudthrowing in here.

                            "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise can not see all ends." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.
                            Term 9 and 10 Domestic Minister of the C3DG I., Term 8 Regional Governor of Old Persia in the C3DG and proud citizen of Apolyton. Royal Ambassador to Legoland in the C3 PTW DG, Foreign Affairs Minister and King of the United Kingdom in the MZO C3CDG and leader of the Monarchist Imperialist team. Moody Sir Aidun (The Impatient) of the Holy Templar Order in the C4BtSDG


                            • Yeah, makes watching this more fun.
                              1BC DGame: Judge
                              Noitazilivic DGame: Judge
                              Apolyton FGame: Citizen
                              CDG DGame: Citizen


                              • Ordinance 1: Tarrif Matching Votes:
                                UberKruX: yay
                                Thrumble: yay
                                General Locus: yay
                                GhengisFarb: yay

                                4 Yay, 0 Nay.

                                This ordinance will go into effect BEFORE the enaction of the next trading session.
                                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

