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Feudality (Capital City)
Demanding an election for the Town Elder?? I thought we already have a town elder... why, I thought you were the Town Elder...???
Well I hereby announce my campaign for Town Elder of Futility. Let it be known that, if elected, I will honour all previous agreements reached to the best of my ability, in terms of settler placement, for our upcoming suburbs. Futhermore, let it be known that, if elected, I will not serve as an autocrat, I will not base all of my decisions on my own personal gain, but I will consider the wants, needs, opinions, suggestions of all of our citizens, to the fullest!!!
Though he is a USP dog... I second the general's campaign. Despite the clear lack of brain cells for the position I am sure he is still the best option for the position, and he sure has been keeping me updated on what has been going on so I am sure we can all agree he is dedicated.
Besides, I doubt I could fill in the position myself so I won't bother running against him and soundly defeating him with my stunning popularity.
have a ball LC.1BC DGame: Judge
Noitazilivic DGame: Judge
Apolyton FGame: Citizen
CDG DGame: Citizen
Tsk, Tsk, Bismarck, the USP does not exist in these lands!
So why exactly are you demanding an election??? Should we not, as citizens, establish, I don't know, proper protocol for, what you might say, term limits, or not necessarily term limits, but term lengths (such as two trading sessions OR 4 game turn sessions) for the amount of time that a Town Elder may serve as Town Elder uncontestd. And also, perhaps, if a town elder abuses his "power" in any way, shape, or form, any willing citizen may demand a new election to remove the Town Elder from his current position.
I am announcing my campaign for Town Elder. Uber Krux and I were working together as a team, until he decided to be self-centered, and forget the interests of the citizens of Feudality. I will work towards enhancing this city to the best of my ability. That includes, helping the shield community, the commerce community, and the food community. As we can see, Uber only seems to want to help himself, as best he can. He accuses me of being "confused" and being indirect and confusing. Yet that is not so. He points out two different times, which I will show you.
Turn Session-Orders for Feudality
We were discussing worker turns, more specifically, if it would waste a worker turn to do a certain action. I stated that I may be wrong, and that he should check to make sure. How is that being confused, confusing, and indirect?
A deal
We were discussing a deal between the two of us. I said to him "Let's make a deal." We discussed a bit, and then he asks me "What was your deal?" I had absolutely no clue about what he was talking about. He then gave me a snarky comment. I said "Seriously, I'm not being sarcastic, what are you talking about?" He then accused me of being a confusing, and indirect person. How am I supposed to read his mind? I really did not have a clue what he was talking about. It seems, Uber likes to throw out insults, just for the fun of it.
My Plans as Town Elder
I am going to set up extremely strict pillage laws. This is something that must be done for the sake of Feudality. As Town Elder, I will make a well balanced city. If it is possible, I will try to improve people who do not have very good tiles, for example, if they only produce one or two goods.
Vote Nuclear Master for Town Elder!
It's hillarious that he would call me self centered, when he ordered a worker to waste 15 turns so he could have one extra shield. I had to fight him for a full hour to get him to let it road the grassland first, so the suburb would be complete a turn early."I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
That is very exaggerated. We were only discussing it for 10-20 minutes, not an hour. What were were discussing for a long time, was the idea of pushing back the settler for a warrior. It would have been better for me if the settler came first, which shows I'm not self centered. You even said that yourself.