'Twas a Feudal night in the land-o'-sheep when a glorious start was attained for the Feudal Game.
I present to you now the results of the world randomly generated by my computer with input World characteristics as follows (polled on):
Landmass[B] Pangaea
Ocean Percentage 60%
Climate Random
Age Random
Temperature Random
So it looks like we hand our fate to the lords of chance, before whom ALL of us are landless serfs squabbling for survival.
So, here is our start.
Looks OK, yes? We are in the middle of the map, and we have a load of floodplains everywhere. Now we need to discuss where to send the worker, and then where to settle our first city.
I present to you now the results of the world randomly generated by my computer with input World characteristics as follows (polled on):
Landmass[B] Pangaea
Ocean Percentage 60%
Climate Random
Age Random
Temperature Random
So it looks like we hand our fate to the lords of chance, before whom ALL of us are landless serfs squabbling for survival.
So, here is our start.
Looks OK, yes? We are in the middle of the map, and we have a load of floodplains everywhere. Now we need to discuss where to send the worker, and then where to settle our first city.