TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part VII
ormuzd: what turn have we ended?
Paddy5: 780AD
* Rasputin has left #civ3dem
Paddy5: bye
ormuzd: ah, thanks for the grid
Paddy5: Raiding base queue to Marketplace ???
theViking: yes
Paddy5: 4Raiding base queue to Marketplace
Paddy5: Vadso queue to Marketplace ???
theViking: ok
Nimitz: do
Nimitz: it
theViking: NA que to pikemen
Paddy5: 4Vadso queue to Marketplace
Paddy5: 4NA que to pikemen
Paddy5: 4Rainbow to mine
Paddy5: TWH Pike name = Razmen ???
theViking: ok
Paddy5: 4TWH Pike name = Razmen
Paddy5: where do we want them
theViking: f?
Paddy5: 4 Razmen fort
Paddy5: 4Bob stack mine
Paddy5: 4The Edge 4-4-4
Paddy5: 4Mad X 1 sit
Nimitz: "Law is order, and good law is good order."
Nimitz: Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Politics
Paddy5: hahaha
Paddy5: 4TBFree galley stack 1-1-2
ormuzd: Law is a door in the field and only the stupid ones go through it
ormuzd: don't know who has said it
Paddy5: 4Troden galley stack 4-7-7
Paddy5: 4Settler WIWM 2
Paddy5: ouch
Paddy5: 4Senda stack roads
ormuzd: what happened?
Paddy5: your quote
Paddy5: 4Roads R Us 2
Paddy5: 4Yngve fort
Nimitz: "When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it."
Nimitz: - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
Paddy5: Settler in NA ??? where are we going
ormuzd: to the southern isle?
ormuzd: I just started downloading the save
ormuzd: I hope I'll have until the end of the session
Paddy5: where on the southern isle???
Paddy5: hahaha
Nimitz: "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may
think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space."
Nimitz: - Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Paddy5: theV??
Paddy5: Nimitz???
theViking: Beow 2-1?
Nimitz: did not plan in the settler
Paddy5: cool
Paddy5: 4settler name to settler NA2, then move 1-1-1
Nimitz: "Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities."
Nimitz: - Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959)
Paddy5: New Archer in Thors hammer name = ???
theViking: way are we bulid archer in TH without barracks? Name Goodking
Paddy5: 4New Archer in Thors hammer name = Godking's lads.
ormuzd: Rodrick
theViking: change build que in TH
Paddy5: 4Godking's lads fort
Paddy5: 4 change build que in TH to barracks
Paddy5: 4TUG 8 wait
Paddy5: TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
Paddy5: 4TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
Paddy5: 4TUG 2-1
theViking: he can't swim
Paddy5: what ??? who Sir???
theViking: Defender of Hope
Paddy5: swim where
theViking: 6
Paddy5: 6 is the ruins
Paddy5: ???
theViking: ??? how did you get there
Paddy5: was TH 8-9-9-9 then moved 8
Paddy5: unloaded DoH 6 to ruins
theViking: ok? save for me next
Paddy5: ok
Paddy5: 4Settler NA 9
theViking: I see you went into egypt
Paddy5: to settle on the ruinsd right ???
Paddy5: not egypt in PTW
Paddy5: ruins still our space
theViking: persia then
theViking: water
Paddy5: Tug went up into Persia, unloaded, then moved back to our water
Paddy5: as in TUG 2-1
theViking: ok I am slow today
Paddy5: it is all good
Paddy5: so do we settle in the ruins
theViking: yes
Nimitz: yup
Paddy5: 4Settler to settle
Paddy5: 12Fauske founded 790AD
Paddy5: queue ???
Nimitz: well I gtg to bed
theViking: temple?
Nimitz: cya later
Paddy5: Good night Mr VP
theViking: cu
* Nimitz has quit IRC (Quit: )
Paddy5: Thanks again for getting this session rolling
Paddy5: 4Fauske queue temple
Paddy5: 4Worker Bee stack roads
Paddy5: 12 time to search the cities again
theViking: Farsund build to Spear?
Paddy5: thought you wanted a tewmple ???
Paddy5: we can ship troops in from the main land
theViking: Farsund is building worker
Paddy5: farsund, I am sorry, mixed it up with the new joint
theViking: SaG wf 4 -:[/b][/color] tax?
Paddy5: 4SaG wf 4 to tax
Paddy5: 4Farsund build to Spear
Paddy5: BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
Paddy5: ???
theViking: ok
Paddy5: eoewuld happiness issues
theViking: Beow wf 7-8 =:[/b][/color] tax
Paddy5: 4BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
Paddy5: 4Beow wf 7-8 to tax
* BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
Paddy5: 12anything else then
theViking: nop
Paddy5: me eithwe
Paddy5: do you want the save ?
theViking: no
Paddy5: Ormuzd, how are you going out there?
Paddy5: 4saving
Paddy5: 4end turn
ormuzd: what turn have we ended?
Paddy5: 780AD
* Rasputin has left #civ3dem
Paddy5: bye
ormuzd: ah, thanks for the grid
Paddy5: Raiding base queue to Marketplace ???
theViking: yes
Paddy5: 4Raiding base queue to Marketplace
Paddy5: Vadso queue to Marketplace ???
theViking: ok
Nimitz: do
Nimitz: it
theViking: NA que to pikemen
Paddy5: 4Vadso queue to Marketplace
Paddy5: 4NA que to pikemen
Paddy5: 4Rainbow to mine
Paddy5: TWH Pike name = Razmen ???
theViking: ok
Paddy5: 4TWH Pike name = Razmen
Paddy5: where do we want them
theViking: f?
Paddy5: 4 Razmen fort
Paddy5: 4Bob stack mine
Paddy5: 4The Edge 4-4-4
Paddy5: 4Mad X 1 sit
Nimitz: "Law is order, and good law is good order."
Nimitz: Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Politics
Paddy5: hahaha
Paddy5: 4TBFree galley stack 1-1-2
ormuzd: Law is a door in the field and only the stupid ones go through it
ormuzd: don't know who has said it
Paddy5: 4Troden galley stack 4-7-7
Paddy5: 4Settler WIWM 2
Paddy5: ouch
Paddy5: 4Senda stack roads
ormuzd: what happened?
Paddy5: your quote
Paddy5: 4Roads R Us 2
Paddy5: 4Yngve fort
Nimitz: "When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it."
Nimitz: - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
Paddy5: Settler in NA ??? where are we going
ormuzd: to the southern isle?
ormuzd: I just started downloading the save
ormuzd: I hope I'll have until the end of the session
Paddy5: where on the southern isle???
Paddy5: hahaha
Nimitz: "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may
think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space."
Nimitz: - Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Paddy5: theV??
Paddy5: Nimitz???
theViking: Beow 2-1?
Nimitz: did not plan in the settler
Paddy5: cool
Paddy5: 4settler name to settler NA2, then move 1-1-1
Nimitz: "Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities."
Nimitz: - Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959)
Paddy5: New Archer in Thors hammer name = ???
theViking: way are we bulid archer in TH without barracks? Name Goodking
Paddy5: 4New Archer in Thors hammer name = Godking's lads.
ormuzd: Rodrick
theViking: change build que in TH
Paddy5: 4Godking's lads fort
Paddy5: 4 change build que in TH to barracks
Paddy5: 4TUG 8 wait
Paddy5: TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
Paddy5: 4TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
Paddy5: 4TUG 2-1
theViking: he can't swim
Paddy5: what ??? who Sir???
theViking: Defender of Hope
Paddy5: swim where
theViking: 6
Paddy5: 6 is the ruins
Paddy5: ???
theViking: ??? how did you get there
Paddy5: was TH 8-9-9-9 then moved 8
Paddy5: unloaded DoH 6 to ruins
theViking: ok? save for me next
Paddy5: ok
Paddy5: 4Settler NA 9
theViking: I see you went into egypt
Paddy5: to settle on the ruinsd right ???
Paddy5: not egypt in PTW
Paddy5: ruins still our space
theViking: persia then
theViking: water
Paddy5: Tug went up into Persia, unloaded, then moved back to our water
Paddy5: as in TUG 2-1
theViking: ok I am slow today
Paddy5: it is all good
Paddy5: so do we settle in the ruins
theViking: yes
Nimitz: yup
Paddy5: 4Settler to settle
Paddy5: 12Fauske founded 790AD
Paddy5: queue ???
Nimitz: well I gtg to bed
theViking: temple?
Nimitz: cya later
Paddy5: Good night Mr VP
theViking: cu
* Nimitz has quit IRC (Quit: )
Paddy5: Thanks again for getting this session rolling
Paddy5: 4Fauske queue temple
Paddy5: 4Worker Bee stack roads
Paddy5: 12 time to search the cities again
theViking: Farsund build to Spear?
Paddy5: thought you wanted a tewmple ???
Paddy5: we can ship troops in from the main land
theViking: Farsund is building worker
Paddy5: farsund, I am sorry, mixed it up with the new joint
theViking: SaG wf 4 -:[/b][/color] tax?
Paddy5: 4SaG wf 4 to tax
Paddy5: 4Farsund build to Spear
Paddy5: BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
Paddy5: ???
theViking: ok
Paddy5: eoewuld happiness issues
theViking: Beow wf 7-8 =:[/b][/color] tax
Paddy5: 4BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
Paddy5: 4Beow wf 7-8 to tax
* BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
Paddy5: 12anything else then
theViking: nop
Paddy5: me eithwe
Paddy5: do you want the save ?
theViking: no
Paddy5: Ormuzd, how are you going out there?
Paddy5: 4saving
Paddy5: 4end turn