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Senate Session 34

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  • #31
    TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part VII

    ormuzd: what turn have we ended?
    Paddy5: 780AD
    * Rasputin has left #civ3dem
    Paddy5: bye
    ormuzd: ah, thanks for the grid
    Paddy5: Raiding base queue to Marketplace ???
    theViking: yes
    Paddy5: 4Raiding base queue to Marketplace
    Paddy5: Vadso queue to Marketplace ???
    theViking: ok
    Nimitz: do
    Nimitz: it
    theViking: NA que to pikemen
    Paddy5: 4Vadso queue to Marketplace
    Paddy5: 4NA que to pikemen
    Paddy5: 4Rainbow to mine
    Paddy5: TWH Pike name = Razmen ???
    theViking: ok
    Paddy5: 4TWH Pike name = Razmen
    Paddy5: where do we want them
    theViking: f?
    Paddy5: 4 Razmen fort
    Paddy5: 4Bob stack mine
    Paddy5: 4The Edge 4-4-4
    Paddy5: 4Mad X 1 sit
    Nimitz: "Law is order, and good law is good order."
    Nimitz: Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Politics
    Paddy5: hahaha
    Paddy5: 4TBFree galley stack 1-1-2
    ormuzd: Law is a door in the field and only the stupid ones go through it
    ormuzd: don't know who has said it
    Paddy5: 4Troden galley stack 4-7-7
    Paddy5: 4Settler WIWM 2
    Paddy5: ouch
    Paddy5: 4Senda stack roads
    ormuzd: what happened?
    Paddy5: your quote
    Paddy5: 4Roads R Us 2
    Paddy5: 4Yngve fort
    Nimitz: "When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it."
    Nimitz: - Anatole France (1844 - 1924)
    Paddy5: Settler in NA ??? where are we going
    ormuzd: to the southern isle?
    ormuzd: I just started downloading the save
    ormuzd: I hope I'll have until the end of the session
    Paddy5: where on the southern isle???
    Paddy5: hahaha
    Nimitz: "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may
    think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space."
    Nimitz: - Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Paddy5: theV??
    Paddy5: Nimitz???
    theViking: Beow 2-1?
    Nimitz: did not plan in the settler
    Paddy5: cool
    Paddy5: 4settler name to settler NA2, then move 1-1-1
    Nimitz: "Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities."
    Nimitz: - Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959)
    Paddy5: New Archer in Thors hammer name = ???
    theViking: way are we bulid archer in TH without barracks? Name Goodking
    Paddy5: 4New Archer in Thors hammer name = Godking's lads.
    ormuzd: Rodrick
    theViking: change build que in TH
    Paddy5: 4Godking's lads fort
    Paddy5: 4 change build que in TH to barracks
    Paddy5: 4TUG 8 wait
    Paddy5: TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
    Paddy5: 4TUG, wake defender of hope, move 6
    Paddy5: 4TUG 2-1
    theViking: he can't swim
    Paddy5: what ??? who Sir???
    theViking: Defender of Hope
    Paddy5: swim where
    theViking: 6
    Paddy5: 6 is the ruins
    Paddy5: ???
    theViking: ??? how did you get there
    Paddy5: was TH 8-9-9-9 then moved 8
    Paddy5: unloaded DoH 6 to ruins
    theViking: ok? save for me next
    Paddy5: ok
    Paddy5: 4Settler NA 9
    theViking: I see you went into egypt
    Paddy5: to settle on the ruinsd right ???
    Paddy5: not egypt in PTW
    Paddy5: ruins still our space
    theViking: persia then
    theViking: water
    Paddy5: Tug went up into Persia, unloaded, then moved back to our water
    Paddy5: as in TUG 2-1
    theViking: ok I am slow today
    Paddy5: it is all good
    Paddy5: so do we settle in the ruins
    theViking: yes
    Nimitz: yup
    Paddy5: 4Settler to settle
    Paddy5: 12Fauske founded 790AD
    Paddy5: queue ???
    Nimitz: well I gtg to bed
    theViking: temple?
    Nimitz: cya later
    Paddy5: Good night Mr VP
    theViking: cu
    * Nimitz has quit IRC (Quit: )
    Paddy5: Thanks again for getting this session rolling
    Paddy5: 4Fauske queue temple
    Paddy5: 4Worker Bee stack roads
    Paddy5: 12 time to search the cities again
    theViking: Farsund build to Spear?
    Paddy5: thought you wanted a tewmple ???
    Paddy5: we can ship troops in from the main land
    theViking: Farsund is building worker
    Paddy5: farsund, I am sorry, mixed it up with the new joint
    theViking: SaG wf 4 -:[/b][/color] tax?
    Paddy5: 4SaG wf 4 to tax
    Paddy5: 4Farsund build to Spear
    Paddy5: BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
    Paddy5: ???
    theViking: ok
    Paddy5: eoewuld happiness issues
    theViking: Beow wf 7-8 =:[/b][/color] tax
    Paddy5: 4BMB rush to CourtHouse at 44 gold
    Paddy5: 4Beow wf 7-8 to tax
    * BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
    Paddy5: 12anything else then
    theViking: nop
    Paddy5: me eithwe
    Paddy5: do you want the save ?
    theViking: no
    Paddy5: Ormuzd, how are you going out there?
    Paddy5: 4saving
    Paddy5: 4end turn
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #32
      TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part VIII

      ormuzd: I have just downloaded the turn
      ormuzd: I'll complete the orders
      Paddy5: ok
      ormuzd: or this is the end of the session?
      Paddy5: I am happy to continue...... theV???
      theViking: 20 min more then away for one hour
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: 12America wants to talk to us???
      Paddy5: Ormuzd?
      theViking: talk
      Paddy5: 12Sure
      Paddy5: 12America offer TM for TM and 1 gold
      theViking: will they buy our wm
      Paddy5: do we accept this then try for wm
      theViking: we don't need it
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: trying counter proposal
      Paddy5: 12they have 4 gold, offering 1 gold for our wm
      theViking: never mind
      theViking: ?
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: 4Goodbye to america
      Paddy5: 12BMB queue to aquaducts ???
      theViking: yes
      Paddy5: 4BMB queue to aquaducts
      Paddy5: 4The Edge 1 sit
      Paddy5: 4Mad X 1-1-2
      Paddy5: 4TBFree galley stack 4-4-4
      Paddy5: 4Troden galley stack 7-7-7
      Paddy5: I wish you could take galleys up rivers
      Paddy5: 12Settler WiWM to settle ???
      theViking: just as well
      theViking: too many persians around
      Paddy5: yes
      Paddy5: 4Settler WiWM to settle
      ormuzd: Russia wanted gems from me, america did not contacted me
      ormuzd: in my game I'm at war with Russia now
      Paddy5: 12Bigfjord founded 800AD
      Paddy5: ouch
      Paddy5: are you playing c3c?
      Paddy5: 12Bigfjord queue ???
      theViking: Spear?
      Paddy5: 4Bigfjord queue spear
      ormuzd: no, ptw
      Paddy5: ohy
      theViking: patch?
      Paddy5: oh
      Paddy5: Russia not at war with me
      ormuzd: 1.27f
      Paddy5: 4Roads R Us = roads
      Paddy5: same as me
      ormuzd: no matter, mine is unofficial and this will not affect the game
      Paddy5: thios is strange
      Paddy5: ok
      ormuzd: we still can't trade invention
      ormuzd: we can get monotheism from Japan
      Paddy5: america will give it to us for eberything
      ormuzd: ah, yes
      ormuzd: missed them
      ormuzd: this is not a deal
      Paddy5: amerifca wants gems, 89 gold, 38gpt, and wm
      ormuzd: we have to declare war after this to have the gold
      ormuzd: for upgrades
      Paddy5: hmmm
      Paddy5: 4Paddys friend mine
      theViking: I'll say wait some more turns
      ormuzd: archer name?
      ormuzd: Rorix?
      Paddy5: 4new archer in RoV name = Rodrick
      Paddy5: rodrix???
      ormuzd: whatever
      Paddy5: hmmm
      ormuzd: just to be distinguished
      Paddy5: I just read you last post
      Paddy5: which one then ?
      ormuzd: Rodrick
      ormuzd: fortify him?
      Paddy5: 4Rodrick 8-8-8
      ormuzd: done
      Paddy5: 4Settler NA2 2-2-2
      Paddy5: TUG 1-1 wait
      Paddy5: 4TUG 1-1 wait
      Paddy5: 4wake Godkings lads & Beach Bums, move them 8 onto TUG
      Paddy5: 4Tug 9
      Paddy5: 4Defender of Hope fort
      Paddy5: 4Worker Bee stack 9
      Paddy5: 12 time to search the cities yet again ..........
      theViking: ok, i will be back in an hour
      theViking: if you are here then.
      Paddy5: thanks mate, see you then
      * theViking is now known as theViking|Away
      ormuzd: look, another deal
      Paddy5: where?
      ormuzd: we can make military alliance with egypt against america, korea, rome and greece
      ormuzd: they will give us invention and monotheism
      Paddy5: what do we get
      Paddy5: oh
      Paddy5: are they still at war with persia
      ormuzd: no, they are not
      Paddy5: hmmm
      Paddy5: what do you think
      ormuzd: can you check if you add alliance against russia too what will happen
      ormuzd: they do not want it
      ormuzd: but maybe because I'm at war with russia here
      Paddy5: oh
      Paddy5: ok will check now
      ormuzd: at least we can make alliances against tow others and get invention
      ormuzd: good, there is a real trade
      ormuzd: alliance with Egypt against America and Korea
      ormuzd: we will get Invention and 26 gold
      Paddy5: do we want to do it then
      ormuzd: both countries are far away from us
      Paddy5: I can not just check it
      ormuzd: I'm not sure what will happen when egypt makes peace with them
      Paddy5: we are in or out
      Paddy5: can we leave this till theViking gets back?
      ormuzd: ok
      ormuzd: continue with the cities?
      Paddy5: yes
      ormuzd: we can move wf in thor's hammer from 6-3 to 7
      ormuzd: one shield less for one commerce more
      ormuzd: the same with NA
      ormuzd: wf 1 to 6
      ormuzd: valhalla too - shields for commerce
      Paddy5: 4NA wf 1 to 6
      Paddy5: 4thor's hammer from 6-3 to 7
      ormuzd: FoG may complete the pikeman this turn
      Paddy5: where in Valhalla ???
      ormuzd: hmm, I have clicked the city sqare
      ormuzd: i have these tile sworked now:
      Paddy5: ok
      ormuzd: 8,7,1,2, 1-2, 7-4, 8-7 and 9
      ormuzd: 8 people - correct
      Paddy5: yes
      ormuzd: production - 11, commerce - 16, food - 20
      Paddy5: so 2 to 3
      ormuzd: 1 waste, 1 corruption
      ormuzd: ok
      ormuzd: is the pikeman completed for one turn?
      Paddy5: no, now 2
      ormuzd: move him back then
      Paddy5: 4Valhalla wf so 2 to 3
      Paddy5: 4Valhalla wf so 3 to 2
      ormuzd: ok
      ormuzd: bifrost 1-1 to 6-3
      ormuzd: FoG 3-3 to 8-7
      ormuzd: the pikeman will be completed for 1 turn
      Paddy5: 4 bifrost 1-1 to 6-3
      Paddy5: 4FoG 3-3 to 8-7
      ormuzd: egypt have taken Togas town?
      Paddy5: yes
      Paddy5: all very sad
      Paddy5: they were great changes up there
      Paddy5: thanks
      ormuzd: Paddy Borg
      ormuzd: western colony
      ormuzd: I suggest moving one spear to Where it was Mister
      ormuzd: the city should look defended
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: 4The Map Makers 1-4-4
      Paddy5: 12anything else
      ormuzd: sec
      ormuzd: does fields of gold has two taxmen?
      Paddy5: two ents
      ormuzd: put one of to the grassland for two food
      ormuzd: or we don't need population there?
      Paddy5: we have 4 happy, 2 content, 4 sad, and 2 ent
      Paddy5: take 1 ent away and the city will riot
      ormuzd: I have 5 happy and 5 unhappy
      ormuzd: this is because of the war with russia probably
      ormuzd: ok
      ormuzd: Spanish are Greedy
      ormuzd: put some fishermen
      ormuzd: we don't need shields there this turn
      Paddy5: ok
      ormuzd: maybe only one to work the wheat, all others in the sea
      ormuzd: fishing
      Paddy5: 4SaG WF 7 to 9-9; 7-7 to 6-9; 9 to 6;
      Paddy5: cool
      ormuzd: will we wait for the viking and discuss the deal with egypt?
      ormuzd: I don't have another ideas for now
      Paddy5: yes plaese
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: 4saving
      Paddy5: do you want the dsave?
      Paddy5: Ormuzd?
      ormuzd: no, I'll doenload it for eternity again
      Paddy5: ok
      Paddy5: 4end turn
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #33
        TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part IX

        ormuzd: oh, baby
        ormuzd: too late
        ormuzd: all right, next turn
        Paddy5: what???
        Paddy5: hello
        ormuzd: america want an audience with me
        ormuzd: what about you?
        Paddy5: not here
        ormuzd: we can trade our gems with rome for dyes, gpt, gold and wm
        ormuzd: SaG completed library
        Paddy5: do we have spare gems
        Paddy5: we will have dyes soon
        ormuzd: yes, one source
        ormuzd: ah, ok
        ormuzd: will check the rest
        Paddy5: 4SaG queue to marketplace
        ormuzd: return workers back to the plains?
        ormuzd: or just queue and after this micro management
        Paddy5: after
        Paddy5: 12FoG new pikes name = ???
        ormuzd: 810 AD started
        ormuzd: Ixidor
        Paddy5: 4FoG new pikes name = Ixidor
        Paddy5: yes
        Paddy5: 4Ixidor 2
        Paddy5: 4The Edge 4-4-4
        Paddy5: 4Mad X 4-4-4
        Paddy5: 4TBFree galley stack 4-7-7
        Paddy5: 4Troden galley stack, wake transported and move the troops 8, then move the galleys 3-3-3
        Paddy5: 4Slenda wk stack 3-2
        Paddy5: 4The Map Makers fort
        Paddy5: 4Settler NA2 1-1-1
        ormuzd: done
        Paddy5: 4new pike in valhalla name = Artic guards, fort
        ormuzd: rome doesn't want to trade ivory anymore
        Paddy5: oh
        Paddy5: 4Rodrick fort
        Paddy5: 4TUG 9-9-8
        Paddy5: 4TUG Wake trans and move them 6
        Paddy5: 4Worker Bee stack slash jungle
        Paddy5: 12time to search the cities again
        Paddy5: to use the incencse we need a harbour on the western isle
        Paddy5: I propose that we change the queue at Icebear Camp to Harbour
        Paddy5: we can rush that in a few turns, it is currently 132gold
        Paddy5: actually the road to incense will be finished this turn
        Paddy5: we have 162 gold
        ormuzd: ok, let's change it
        Paddy5: shall we rush it too
        Paddy5: 4change the queue at Icebear Camp to Harbour
        ormuzd: maybe we should
        ormuzd: not sure
        Paddy5: ok
        Paddy5: my call is to build it now
        ormuzd: all right
        Paddy5: 4Icebear Camp rush Harbour
        Paddy5: 12anything else then
        Paddy5: 4Icebear C wf 1 to 6
        ormuzd: NA
        ormuzd: move wf 9 to 3
        ormuzd: shields are wasted
        Paddy5: 4NA move wf 9 to 3
        ormuzd: valhalla - move the fisherman to the mountain
        ormuzd: the food is wasted
        Paddy5: Valhalla fisrmen ???
        ormuzd: or we don't have fisherman?
        ormuzd: oh, the damn war with russia
        Paddy5: I do not have any
        Paddy5: it is all good
        ormuzd: then move some worker to the mnt
        ormuzd: the people here are happy because of this war
        Paddy5: oh
        ormuzd: anyway - just make more prod instead food
        ormuzd: ah, no
        Paddy5: If I move any, we go from growth in 2 to growth in 4...?
        ormuzd: the food +2 and we need 4 to grow the city, isn't it?
        ormuzd: ok, this city's wf is totally misplaced here
        ormuzd: what about Thor's hammer?
        Paddy5: so you are happy to leave Valhalla
        ormuzd: yes, I guess so
        Paddy5: ok
        Paddy5: Thors hammer, growth in 14, barracks in 1
        ormuzd: no wasted shields?
        ormuzd: then SaG - return the fishermen back to the plains
        Paddy5: if we move the wf from 2 to 4, then we have growth in 7 barracks in 2
        Paddy5: that is in THammer
        ormuzd: then move nothing I propose
        Paddy5: SAG
        Paddy5: 4SAG WF 6 to 9; 9-9 to 7; 9-6 to 7-7;
        Paddy5: we now have growth in 19 and marplace in 20
        ormuzd: FoGye
        ormuzd: yes
        Paddy5: SAG
        ormuzd: FoG - move 7-8 to 3-3
        Paddy5: 4FoG - move 7-8 to 3-3
        Paddy5: so whoi works that mine?
        ormuzd: bifrost 6-3 to 1-1
        Paddy5: 4bifrost 6-3 to 1-1
        Paddy5: ok
        Paddy5: 12anything else
        ormuzd: palace of ice and snow
        ormuzd: why don't we use the mine there with moving one fisherman there?
        Paddy5: cool
        Paddy5: 4PoIaS WF 2 to 8
        ormuzd: in Paddy Borg
        ormuzd: we are wasting all shields
        Paddy5: brbr
        ormuzd: let's move the people to the fishes in the sea
        ormuzd: this means 1 to 4 and 3 to 7-7
        ormuzd: and that's all I think
        Paddy5: hmmm
        Paddy5: we have an unhappy soul there
        ormuzd: ah, yes, missed this
        Paddy5: so we need one as tax or ent
        ormuzd: then taxman and fisherman
        ormuzd: next turn we will return the spearman to act as a police
        Paddy5: 4Paddy Borg 3 to tax
        Paddy5: 4Paddy Borg 2 to 4
        ormuzd: icebear camp has problems too
        Paddy5: 4icebear camp 2 to tax
        * theViking|Away is now known as theViking
        Paddy5: welcome back
        ormuzd: please, take a look in the domestic advisor for any other problems
        theViking: hi
        ormuzd: the approvla rating here is 63%
        theViking: I'll pick the next save
        ormuzd: hi
        Paddy5: 12ok, anything else then
        Paddy5: 4saving
        Paddy5: 4end turn
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #34
          TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part X

          Paddy5: opps
          Paddy5: not really
          Paddy5: 12uploading is what I ,eant to type
          ormuzd: the viking, we have discussed a deal here
          theViking: what kind of deal
          ormuzd: we can make alliance with Egypt against Korea and America and get Invention and 26 gold
          ormuzd: what do you think?
          theViking: what kind of units have they got
          ormuzd: this work anymore
          ormuzd: *this doesn't work anymore
          ormuzd: alliance with america and korea
          ormuzd: invention for 4gpt, wm and 12 gold
          theViking: Against Egypt?
          ormuzd: allince vs. korea, rome, america
          ormuzd: no, vs. I meant, sorry
          ormuzd: invention for 3 gpt, wm and 1 gold
          ormuzd: i don't know what troops they have
          Paddy5: the save is on the start thread
          ormuzd: but I think all except rome are too far away to be a real danger for us
          theViking: let me load first
          theViking: ok so we get invention for 3gpt wm and 1g?
          Paddy5: who from?
          theViking: from Egypt?
          ormuzd: and military alliances vs. America, Korea and Rome
          ormuzd: maybe you can try Russia too
          ormuzd: in the game here I'm at war with them
          theViking: and Am, Kor and Ro are not allied with Persia?
          Paddy5: do you want to reload now
          theViking: I am reloaded
          Paddy5: Ormuzd?
          theViking: Big gamble but lets go
          ormuzd: just a sec to check about persia
          Paddy5: ok
          ormuzd: we don't have embassies
          ormuzd: let's try
          Paddy5: try???
          Paddy5: shall we end turn?
          theViking: cannot test it
          ormuzd: what do you think about this deal?
          theViking: if we are not going ahead we shuold have a sci
          ormuzd: I want only to avoid war with Egypt
          ormuzd: what will happen if they make peace wit hone of those three?
          theViking: Paddy how does PTW handle that?
          Paddy5: I will try
          theViking: ?
          ormuzd: how will you try?
          Paddy5: to loook at it
          Paddy5: am I missing something then
          theViking: ok
          Paddy5: I am confused
          Paddy5: can one of you clearly state your intentions with this please
          theViking: ormudzd?
          ormuzd: ok
          ormuzd: we can make a deal with egypt
          ormuzd: they give
          ormuzd: Military alliance against America, Korea and Rome and Invetion
          ormuzd: We give
          ormuzd: Military alliance against America, Korea and Rome, 3 gpt, WM and 1 gold
          ormuzd: ok?
          Paddy5: ok
          theViking: clear
          Paddy5: if I do it.. and they accept it then we do not want it I need to reload
          Paddy5: so do we want this
          theViking: it will give us berserker
          ormuzd: I'm trying to get Invention for as little gold as possible
          Paddy5: ok
          Paddy5: very close, but we must come closer.
          theViking: if we can find the money
          ormuzd: I think we don't risk too much
          ormuzd: but I'm not sure
          theViking: Lets do another turn first
          ormuzd: I'm usually fighting AI, not alliaing withtem
          Paddy5: yes
          ormuzd: ok
          Paddy5: so we wait
          theViking: yes
          Paddy5: End Turn then
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #35
            820AD Egypt
            Attached Files
            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • #36
              820AD Paddy Borg
              Attached Files
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • #37
                820AD Icebear Camp
                Attached Files
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #38
                  820AD NorthWest Road System
                  Attached Files
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • #39
                    820AD New Asgard
                    Attached Files
                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • #40
                      820AD Ring of Vikings
                      Attached Files
                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.


                      • #41
                        820AD Spanish Are Greedy
                        Attached Files
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • #42
                          820AD Thors Hammer
                          Attached Files
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • #43
                            830AD Troops arrive via theViking Galley Way
                            Attached Files
                            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                            I am of the Horde.


                            • #44
                              TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part XI

                              ormuzd: Persia wants from to move out troops
                              ormuzd: "we will move immediatly..."
                              Paddy5: from where ?
                              ormuzd: don't know
                              ormuzd: oh, maybe I'll have to quit this session
                              ormuzd: it seems I'm playing another game
                              Paddy5: oh
                              Paddy5: yes, would you like to reload the save is listed
                              ormuzd: I'm downloading it - it is 10% here
                              ormuzd: sadly I need the other 90 too
                              Paddy5: ok
                              ormuzd: so, TH completed pikeman
                              Paddy5: theV, are you happy to have a 10 min break while Ormuzd loads
                              theViking: ok
                              Paddy5: yes Pike completed
                              ormuzd: they will be more than 10
                              Paddy5: 10 min break
                              ormuzd: 13% now
                              Paddy5: how goes it
                              ormuzd: 46%
                              ormuzd: 50
                              Paddy5: cool.
                              ormuzd: it's ridiculous slow
                              Paddy5: glad to have you here for the Senate Session
                              ormuzd: me?
                              ormuzd: thanks
                              Paddy5: yes you you mad man
                              ormuzd: yes, indeed, I'm mad to waste the day with this game
                              ormuzd: and you - your night
                              Paddy5: hahaha
                              Paddy5: we will survive
                              ormuzd: but this week we will reduce the time difference with two hours
                              Paddy5: some have quit, others are about to
                              Paddy5: yes we will
                              ormuzd: I'm going to lunch
                              Paddy5: others are here for the long haul
                              ormuzd: continue without me, I'll follow the orders after this
                              theViking: I am here
                              theViking: NA2 2?
                              Paddy5: NA2 2
                              Paddy5: Ormen Lange 4-4-1
                              Paddy5: Bobs stack roads
                              Paddy5: ROV new archer name = ??? and moves to ???
                              theViking: FirstBerserk
                              theViking: NA
                              theViking: or Val
                              Paddy5: ROV new archer name = FirstBerserk, then moves 9-9-9
                              Paddy5: BeachBums forts
                              Paddy5: Godkings lads fort
                              Paddy5: TUG 2-2-6
                              Paddy5: NA new pike name = Stingers , then forts
                              Paddy5: The Egde galley 1 sit
                              Paddy5: Mad X 4-7-7
                              Paddy5: Troden 3-3-2
                              theViking: 6?
                              Paddy5: 6 yes
                              Paddy5: thanks
                              Paddy5: TBFree galley 7-7-7
                              Paddy5: DVessel 7-7-7
                              Paddy5: Old Number Seven 3-3-6
                              Paddy5: TBFree stack, wake transported and move 8
                              Paddy5: The mad Valkyries patrol stack 8
                              Paddy5: Slenda wk stack roads
                              Paddy5: Roads R Us 2
                              Paddy5: Undercover Raz 2
                              theViking: ok
                              Paddy5: ok
                              Paddy5: now I am unsure why our incense is still not connected???
                              theViking: Are you going to check the deal with Egypt?
                              ormuzd: I'm back
                              Paddy5: hi
                              ormuzd: because we don't have navigation
                              theViking: right
                              Paddy5: I do not understand
                              Paddy5: do we need Nav to allow deep water travel? so our harbours useless
                              theViking: hve to xross sea
                              Paddy5: that is so pissy
                              ormuzd: paddy, we don't think
                              ormuzd: we have wasted the gold
                              Paddy5: Navigation is so sos sos sos sos sos sos sossssoooooo think
                              Paddy5: yes we have
                              Paddy5: even with a save rioute opened up
                              theViking: you are right
                              Paddy5: would the FPalace on the western isle help or not ?????
                              ormuzd: no, I don't think so
                              ormuzd: don't we have a scientist?
                              Paddy5: no
                              Paddy5: we need one some where
                              theViking: take the tax man in Paddy Borg
                              theViking: we nedd a road to Dariush Kabir
                              theViking: the prtsians can travel the ocean
                              Paddy5: I was going to put the tax man in PBorg back to work ??
                              Paddy5: there is a road to Dariush Kabir
                              theViking: not yet
                              theViking: may be next turn if the Persians are building roads
                              theViking: we could send Paddy's Frient to 4 off Paddy Borg
                              Paddy5: so you want the tax in PBorg to be sci, not food
                              theViking: give them food we will soon get the incense
                              Paddy5: PBorg tax to wf 7-7
                              theViking: ok
                              Paddy5: Paddys friend is mining, where did you want to take him? PBorg 4 is coast
                              theViking: 6
                              theViking: road
                              Paddy5: so stop the mining now then?
                              theViking: he can go back to his mining afterwards
                              Paddy5: we already have a road at PBorg 3
                              ormuzd: yes, keep him mining
                              Paddy5: I do not understand why we need to road conections there
                              theViking: but Persia don't have roads on PB 4-3 and 3-3
                              theViking: we can have a traderout through Persia
                              ormuzd: I don't think we can use their harbors
                              theViking: yes we can
                              Paddy5: they have roads at 6-6 and 6-3 from PBorg, and we have a connecting road at 3 frokm Pborg
                              theViking: unless we are at war
                              Paddy5: so we are already connected to Dariush Kabir
                              ormuzd: we need the navigation
                              Paddy5: Please excuse me if I am missing something here
                              ormuzd: that's all
                              Paddy5: theV???
                              theViking: there are no road 3-3 off PB
                              ormuzd: why do we need it?
                              theViking: there are no road at 6-3 off pb
                              ormuzd: yes, there is
                              ormuzd: and there are two persian workers who are doing something there
                              theViking: not on my map
                              ormuzd: strange, I can see it
                              Paddy5: I have just loaded a pic on the Senate session 34 thread, which shoes Paddy Borg and the roads
                              theViking: hopefully building road
                              Paddy5: please could you both look at the pic
                              ormuzd: maybe railroad?
                              ormuzd: because there is a road already
                              theViking: silly c3c
                              theViking: sorry
                              Paddy5: it is all good
                              Paddy5: what about this Egypt deal ???
                              ormuzd: alliances against america, korea, rome and russia grants us free invention
                              Paddy5: do we want it this time?.
                              ormuzd: and their territory map
                              theViking: only invention
                              Paddy5: so do we want it?
                              theViking: Rome has two cities on the western island
                              theViking: Should we get some defenders inplace first?
                              Paddy5: yes
                              Paddy5: we have 8 units just landed and will be a few turns ionto place
                              theViking: I'll say wait
                              Paddy5: but each turn we wait the closer we are to making it ourselves
                              Paddy5: me too
                              theViking: Need a sci then
                              Paddy5: so where do we get the scientist
                              Paddy5: yes
                              ormuzd: if egypt makes peace wit hone of them we could not complete the deal
                              ormuzd: maybe stop here and post a poll?
                              ormuzd: not that there are many to look at the polls lately
                              Paddy5: stop
                              Paddy5: hahaha
                              Paddy5: you are funny
                              ormuzd: then let's go with the deal
                              ormuzd: if we loose the game because of this
                              ormuzd: the agony will be short at least
                              ormuzd: and I will stop playing any DG
                              ormuzd: just kidding
                              ormuzd: we are risking some cities with high corruption
                              ormuzd: and one luxury
                              ormuzd: what else?
                              ormuzd: nothing
                              ormuzd: and we will get the science we need at most
                              ormuzd: after this we should be able to crush some heads and return particularly in the game
                              Paddy5: theV???
                              theViking: I'll say wait
                              Paddy5: so do I... we have units there very soon
                              Paddy5: so where do we get the sci from then
                              ormuzd: beowulf
                              ormuzd: beowolf, sorry
                              theViking: or Kalg
                              Paddy5: Beowulf tax to sci
                              Paddy5: why Kalg
                              theViking: no reason/first tax i saw
                              Paddy5: what is Kalg
                              Paddy5: ok
                              theViking: Kalgoorlie
                              Paddy5: hahahaha cool
                              Paddy5: leave it at Beowulf
                              theViking: ok
                              ormuzd: SaG may put the entertainer to work
                              ormuzd: Thor's Hammer too
                              Paddy5: SaG makes too many un happy
                              ormuzd: crap
                              ormuzd: then make him taxman
                              ormuzd: thor's hammer - the same
                              Paddy5: SaG Ent to tax
                              Paddy5: Thors Hammer ent to tax
                              Paddy: hello
                              theViking: we need the gold..
                              Paddy: bloody dial up
                              Paddy: gold??
                              theViking: fishermen at NA
                              ormuzd: ok, only one then
                              theViking: that wil cost 2gpt
                              ormuzd: what will we build in Icebear camp next?
                              Paddy: so what were you wanting in NA?
                              ormuzd: doesn't matter who really will be moved
                              ormuzd: I wanted to produce pikeman in 3 turns
                              ormuzd: but maybe we don't need him?
                              Paddy: ok
                              Paddy: so temple in IceBear Camp
                              Paddy: ??3
                              theViking: Temple in IceBear
                              Paddy: Temple in IceBear
                              Paddy: anything else tyhen
                              ormuzd: no
                              Paddy: saving
                              Paddy: anyone need the save
                              theViking: Valhalla tax -:[/b][/color] ent
                              * Paddy5 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
                              theViking: no
                              ormuzd: why ent?
                              ormuzd: we will ask when he comes back
                              Paddy: theViking why ent?
                              theViking: growth next turn
                              Paddy: ahhh
                              Paddy: well done
                              Paddy: Valhalla tax to ent
                              Paddy: ok
                              Paddy: end turn
                              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                              I am of the Horde.


                              • #45
                                TurnChat / Senate Session 34 Part XII

                                Paddy: aztecs and persia have signe d an alliance against russia
                                Paddy: aztecs declares war on russia
                                theViking: haha
                                Paddy: england offers us 4 gpt for our gems
                                Paddy: i say no
                                theViking: can we get more?
                                Paddy: she has 47
                                Paddy: I will try for how much then ???
                                theViking: see what she offers
                                ormuzd: we can get more
                                ormuzd: 9gpt I think
                                ormuzd: I have to quit for now
                                Paddy: TM, 40 gold and 5 gpt
                                ormuzd: sorry
                                Paddy: good night Ormuzd
                                theViking: I have to quit soon too
                                Paddy: TM, 40 gold and 5 gpt is not a lot
                                Paddy: oh ok
                                ormuzd: it's noon here
                                ormuzd: just a lunch break
                                Paddy: how soon are we talking then
                                theViking: 1/2 hour maybe
                                Paddy: ok, 30 mins, lets do this last turn then call it over
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: what do we do with Lizzie then?
                                Paddy: TM, 40 gold and 5 gpt is not a lot
                                theViking: Ormuzd said 9gpt
                                theViking: probably without any g or tm
                                Paddy: TM, 40 gold and 5 gpt is more than 9gpt
                                Paddy: no its not
                                theViking: 9gpt is 180
                                theViking: tm = 0
                                Paddy: yep
                                Paddy: well I got it to TM, 10 gold and 9 gpt
                                theViking: good
                                theViking: take it
                                Paddy: trade lizzie TM, 10 gold and 9 gpt for our gems
                                Paddy: good bye
                                Paddy: Ormen Lange 1-1-2
                                Paddy: wake transported and move them 2
                                Paddy: screaming reasons 2 sit
                                Paddy: to wait for ormen lange to go to new settlement
                                Paddy: First Berzerk 6 fort
                                Paddy: TUG 9-8 sit
                                Paddy: The Edge 1-1-2
                                Paddy: Troden galley stack 6-6-6
                                Paddy: Mad x 7-7-8
                                Paddy: TBFree galley stack 3-3-3
                                Paddy: Gamp 4-7
                                Paddy: Polo club 4-7
                                Paddy: aplle splitters 8
                                Paddy: Riders on the storm 4-7
                                Paddy: The Mad Valkyries patrol stack 7
                                Paddy: roads r us = roads
                                Paddy: undercover Raz roads
                                Paddy: slenda ???
                                theViking: 2?
                                Paddy: slenda 2
                                Paddy: Tromso new worker name = ???
                                theViking: Landrobber
                                Paddy: Tromso new worker name = Landrobber
                                Paddy: 8?
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: or 3 to irrigate on cow
                                Paddy: settler pump
                                theViking: have to irregate 9 first?
                                theViking: or 6
                                Paddy: why, the city is on the river, that should carry throuh ?
                                Paddy: the city is irrigated
                                theViking: didn't see it, should be enough
                                Paddy: so move 3 to irrigate?
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: ok, I give up... this is not c3c
                                theViking: What happen
                                Paddy: Landrobber 8
                                Paddy: unable to irrigate
                                theViking: same in c3c
                                Paddy: ok
                                Paddy: I do not understand
                                Paddy: any way
                                theViking: 8 off Tromso?
                                Paddy: yes
                                theViking: ok
                                Paddy: time to search the cities for the last time this session
                                * ormuzd has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
                                theViking: seems good to me
                                Paddy: me too
                                Paddy: saving
                                Paddy: well thank you for a great session
                                theViking: Ok then I will say good night
                                theViking: Next time..
                                Paddy: next time I will try harder to be on time .
                                Paddy: are you available tomorrow evening then?
                                theViking: from about 7pm
                                Paddy: ok
                                theViking: cu
                                * theViking has quit IRC (Quit: )
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

