Nice... I just read about Narmer. He was one of the first dynasty Pharaos who fought off Nubians and established Egyptian borders around the Nile-valley settlements. One GL, indeed. One other pharao was in before him, but he was just referred to at the 'Scorpion' and not very much was written then.
IMHO Narmer should have come into play long time ago, so we could have got Hatschepsut, Tutmose, Akhenaton, Ramses or Ptolemy by now... But normally, Civ3 won't let us have GLs before long time has passed and I get a lousy average of one per game.
IMHO Narmer should have come into play long time ago, so we could have got Hatschepsut, Tutmose, Akhenaton, Ramses or Ptolemy by now... But normally, Civ3 won't let us have GLs before long time has passed and I get a lousy average of one per game.