The 1305 ad *seti* save
Seti is used to rush the Palace move to Macross City.
Ferropolis is set up as an Army building site.
We fight the current war with limited resupply.
Civ3 big picture strategy is best thought of as a pendulum that oscillates between warfare and building. As such, the objectives of each agressive oscillation is to secure the staging ground, or jumping off point for the next agresive oscillation. With that in mind lets examine the two theatres of operation.
Northern Front or German Theatre:
Hamburg,Stuttgart, and Hannover have already yielded to the yellow-jackets of Apolytonia. Cologne was razed by the allied green-shirts of Greece. Looking forward, the key to the next oscillation is capturing Koningsburg and scecuring the former Cologne city site with one of our settlers. This gives us surface against all remaining participants in Abananaba Major, and constitutes our minimal objectives for staging the next oscillation.
Southern Front or Roman Theatre:
Brundesium in now sporting yellow togs. Syracuse will undoubtedly fall next turn (1310) and we should slip a settler to secure the former Vladistok city site. This new city will provide a site for our Artillery to shell Ravenna to hasten it's capture. This gives us surface against all remaining participants in Abananaba Minor, and constitutes our minimal objectives for staging the next oscillation.
Naturally, we will continue to press in both theatres until our alliances and pacts expire, but our focus should be on the above objectives.
I expect that the infrastructure and war material needs for the next oscillation will be met around 1450 ab or so, and the entire continent should be ours by about 1500 ab.
Ssgt roadcage (retired)
The 1305 ad *seti* save
Seti is used to rush the Palace move to Macross City.
Ferropolis is set up as an Army building site.
We fight the current war with limited resupply.
Civ3 big picture strategy is best thought of as a pendulum that oscillates between warfare and building. As such, the objectives of each agressive oscillation is to secure the staging ground, or jumping off point for the next agresive oscillation. With that in mind lets examine the two theatres of operation.
Northern Front or German Theatre:
Hamburg,Stuttgart, and Hannover have already yielded to the yellow-jackets of Apolytonia. Cologne was razed by the allied green-shirts of Greece. Looking forward, the key to the next oscillation is capturing Koningsburg and scecuring the former Cologne city site with one of our settlers. This gives us surface against all remaining participants in Abananaba Major, and constitutes our minimal objectives for staging the next oscillation.
Southern Front or Roman Theatre:
Brundesium in now sporting yellow togs. Syracuse will undoubtedly fall next turn (1310) and we should slip a settler to secure the former Vladistok city site. This new city will provide a site for our Artillery to shell Ravenna to hasten it's capture. This gives us surface against all remaining participants in Abananaba Minor, and constitutes our minimal objectives for staging the next oscillation.
Naturally, we will continue to press in both theatres until our alliances and pacts expire, but our focus should be on the above objectives.
I expect that the infrastructure and war material needs for the next oscillation will be met around 1450 ab or so, and the entire continent should be ours by about 1500 ab.
Ssgt roadcage (retired)