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Impeachment of Aggie, Togas and Arnelos

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  • Impeachment of Aggie, Togas and Arnelos

    The present case is a direct consequence of the decision rendered by The Court in case #7 (Civman2000 versus ManicStarSeed) which will remain a summit of an application of the law to the last letter regardless of any other relevant consideration. Although The Court stated

    *At the end of term 6 administration, the executive made a few moves within the game that were illegal. The illegality is not an issue, as all who have witnessed what did occur indicate they would have done the same (or similar)*

    It also concluded, adopting the plaintiff argument

    *The bill in question would remove the right to bring a case of impeachment for the MPPs signed with Russia, Greece, and Japan. This right is protected in the constitution and may not be taken away by a Senate bill.?*

    I am therefore using my precious right to bring a case of impeachment for the MPPs signed with Russia, Greece and Japan. I seize this opportunity to express my gratitude to Civman2000 who made all this possible.

    I limit this impeachment call to three members of the Cabinet :
    - The President, Aggie, who signed the MPPs
    - The Vice-President, Togas, who did not provide the President with the pertinent information enabling him not to fall into illegality
    - The Foreign Affairs Minister, Arnelos, who identify the illegality but did not succeed in convincing the President.

    Although The Court is perfectly aware of the circumstances, I recall hereunder the main texts describing the origin of the case.

    The facts were discovered by the public in a report posted by Arnelos on December 14.
    (link :

    The same day, Togas recognized the facts:
    * What Arnelos says is true, and I didn't even take the time to review it.

    I was present at part of the turnchat and failed to notice that the bill that authorized the FAM to sign MPPs was limited to only a few nations. I think all of us failed to recognize this. It was suggested by those present at the chat, after the Romans began invading us, that we should sign MPPs with their allies as a means to keep from being ambushed by their alliance. We did this at the same time as we signed the MPPs with Greece (those damned Aztecs demanded 51gpt for a MPPs, so we declined), assuming this was previously authorized.

    Frankly, I feel we did the proper strategic move by nullifying the Roman alliances, but what we did was beyond the authorization of the Senate. I ask that the Senate consider if they would have authorized this action to take place. If not, I believe all of us present would humbly submit to any sanctions the Senate or The Court felt were justified.

    I was not present for the entire turnchat, and I left prior to the declaration of war by Rome, but as an active participant in the decision to sign those MPPs I will accept responsibility for the decision with my fellow ministers. Hopefully this action will be understood and excused by our Senate.*

    And on December 15, Aggie recognized also the facts, taking on him all responsibility for the illegality committed:

    *Sorry I took so long to respond, but I was gone for a day. Now some setting the record straight. I had read the bill and did realize that the Mpp's were not approved. However, considering the declining numbers and interest in the demogame I made a decision to proceed with the necessary MPP, since it was obvious they were needed and would be approved. The only other alternative was to call the chat after less than turn played. This was unacceptable. So I decided to enter the MPP's that were mentioned. At the time I assumed everyone knew the nations mentioned on the MPP bill and these were not them. I apologize to all in the chat who I did not mention it too, ET and Togas particularly. I was wrong in this and should have mentioned it to all. Basically I did not feel the game should be stopped for something whose resolution was common sense and believed all in the chat were of the same mind. So I took the action I did and feel that this is much adou about nothing. For a matter of fact I feel there was no reason to stop the game as early as we did and would have preferred that we completed the 5 turns. However, I do realize many might oppose that decision and aknowledge that it is "technically" illegal what I did. However, though this action did no harm to our nation, I do offer to resign if this action is so horrible(I all fairness the stupidity of assuming we all knew the mpp weren't authorized is my great crime). If the people want me to resign I will, if not we will have a chat on the 18th.

    The Constitution said in Article II.5 : The Senate must approve all Military Alliances, Trade Embargos, and Mutual Protection Pacts.
    I accuse the following members of the term 6 government : the President Aggie, the Vice-President Togas and the Foreign Affairs Minister Arnelos to have respectively signed MPPs illegally, not to have prevented the signing of illegal MPP, and to have not succeeded in tempting to prevent the illegal signing.
    I therefore ask The Court to determine if there are proper and legal grounds to hold a Removal From Office hearing, as per Article V.1.a of the Constitution.
    Statistical anomaly.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

  • #2
    The court is awair of this and is looking into it.

    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


    • #3
      Does the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech (Article IV.5) incorporate freedom of spelling ?

      Edit: Article IV.5
      Statistical anomaly.
      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


      • #4
        I hope so....... otherwise I am screwed.....

        I spelled "of" as "uv" until about the 4th grade or so.
        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


        • #5
          Originally posted by GodKing
          I hope so....... otherwise I am screwed.....

          I spelled "of" as "uv" until about the 4th grade or so.
          Phonetics rule!!!

          (weren't they an early age sea-going civilization???)
          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


          • #6
            Answer of the Accused, Togas

            (I am abstaining from all Court decisions and proceedings related to this impeachment.)

            Impeachment charges against me should be found without merit for the following reasons:

            1) My actions did not consitute an impeachable offense.

            At the time of this offense I served as the Vice President. I had no official decision making role at the time, merely an advisory role. I participated in the discussion about the MPPS signed, as did other ministers and senators. I feel bad for giving Aggie, the President, advice that was mistaken due to ignorance, but giving bad advice is not an impeachable offense. Art. V, Sec 3 (a) states that, "An official may be impeached only if he or she has violated the Constitution or a law that was in place prior to the alleged violation."

            2) Impeachment is untimely and improper.

            I am no longer a minister. Impeachment proceedings are done to remove or censure a sitting official. As I am no longer a minister but a member of the Judiciary, I must ask that Davout explain what remedy he is seeking. If he is seeking to have me removed from the Judiciary, then I would argue that it is improper as my alleged offense has no relation to my role in The Court. If he is asking that I be removed as a minister, I would argue that it is untimely as I am no longer a minister.

            3) This impeachment is being sought soley due to the malcontent of a losing party in a Court Hearing.

            Davout's argument in Case #7 that impeachment "cannot have any consequences in the present and will have no effect on the future" was ignored by The Court when it found that the pardoning bill was Unconstitutional. Davout, in his frustration, decided to sarcasticly "seize this opportunity to express my gratitude to Civman2000 who made all this possible" and do that which he had argued was futile. The entire proceeding is meant to make The Court and our system of laws out to be a farce. I urge the Judges to find the entire proceeding without merit and to censure Davout for bringing this ridiculous call for impeachment.

            Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
            Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
            Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
            Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BetaHound

              Phonetics rule!!!

              (weren't they an early age sea-going civilization???)
              I believe so, in fact if my history doesn't fail me I think the Carthaginians were a splinter civ off the Phonecians.

              Shouldn't Hannibal get a trade bonus for excellent pronuciation and punctuation then?


              • #8
                Originally posted by DAVOUT
                I limit this impeachment call to three members of the Cabinet :
                - The President, Aggie, who signed the MPPs
                - The Vice-President, Togas, who did not provide the President with the pertinent information enabling him not to fall into illegality
                - The Foreign Affairs Minister, Arnelos, who identify the illegality but did not succeed in convincing the President.
                It should be noted that I was not present when these events took place. My orders and the bill clearly stated that these things were illegal and my orders along with the bill were not followed. I am an agrieved party by the action, not its cause.

                So you are, of course, joking when it comes to my case. What exactly is my crime, failing to press charges against Aggie?

                You cite my crime as "failing to convince the President." Convince him of what? That the MPP's were illegal - he admitted that he KNEW after I had been the one to point it out and provide a full and complete report to the public on the issue. I did my duty - I did not hide the matter from the public.

                Failing to press charges against Aggie for violating the orders I wrote is NOT an offense, as the decision of whether to press charges is entirely my own and I am not legally liable for failing to do so. It would also be laughable to expect a minister to press charges against another minister when it was the SENATE'S LAW that was broken. Would you then haul the entire Senate before the Court for failing to press charges against Aggie?

                Come on, DAVOUT... this is laughable and you know it (which, of course, is your point).

                I fear that by putting up completely laughable charges against myself and Togas, you are attempting to obscure the reality of the issue - the charges against Aggie are very real, not laughable in the slightest. Since you LOST the court case to not allow for the impeachment of anyone, you're putting up laughable charges on as many ministers as you can to make your "point" that this type of thing should have been avoided.

                I say "bring it on". You know as well as I do that the charges against myself are downright laughable and even the charges against Togas are without serious merit (he wasn't the acting executve at the chat). Aggie is clearly guilty, but no-one (apparently now other than you) has had the guts to bring him before the Court for it.

                Perhaps I just have more faith in our Court... where it seems you (and others) fear the Court so much that you would prefer to pass Senate bills to prevent the Court from doing its job, I have confidence that the Court will do the right thing and see most of these charges just as laughable as they are. Hopefully, the system will WORK and will provide an incentive for laughable charges to not be brought in the future.

                Regarding Aggie, however, I don't know for sure how the Court will rule, but perhaps we need to just let them do so in this matter and let the pieces fall where they may.
                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                • #9
                  Aggie's Response.
                  The charges against Togas and Arnelos are totally without merit and the case against me is moot. First for Togas, he was not the acting president at that time, he DID NOT make the treaties, I as acting FAM did, so Togas did not violate the law, since he took no action.
                  Arnelos was not even present and thus could not have taken any action that was against the law. I did break the law and I have explained the reasons elsewhere. However, the impeachment process only has one purpose, to remove CURRENT office holders. No other punishment is prescribed, thus since I am no longer an elected official no punishment can be visited upon me. Even if an amendment was passed allowing punishment you are not allowed to punish except by the rules in place at the time, ie no ex post facto laws.
                  So I consider these charges nothing short of frivilous and call upon the court to quickly end this issue that should never have been resurected.
                  The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                  • #10
                    Those were the Phoenicians. IIRC they lost their battles with Egypt (which was still at its prime at that time) and went to settle along the mediterranean coast, a little to the north of the area that is now called the Gaza strip. They fought several wars with the Hebrews which had a favorable outcome for the Hebrews.

                    Back on topic, I have nothing else to add to this discussion at the moment but my sympathy with Togas on this matter.
                    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                    - Phantom of the Opera


                    • #11
                      I would like to bring some answers to Togas

                      Our actions did not constitute an impeachable offence
                      This case is raised for The Court to decide, in the light of the facts, and of your recognition that, as you said, *as an active participant in the decision to sign those MPPs I will accept responsibility for the decision with my fellow ministers. Hopefully this action will be understood and excused by our Senate.* Unfortunately, the pardon was invalidated by The Court.

                      Impeachment is untimely and improper

                      I was in total agreement with this thesis that I have demonstrated before The Court. But The Court stated in the case#7 decision:
                      *One item directly involving this poll is the issue whether officials can be impeached after their term of office has expired. We recognize this issue but leave it to future courts to make any such decision*.
                      That The Court could have postponed the answer to this issue and nevertheless decides on the case #7 will remain for long a mystery in the judiciary annals.
                      I have obviously no answer to your question since I though that this point was one of the reasons why the right to call for impeachment was full of emptiness. But The Court decided that this right should be protected in this particular case. So I respectfully transmit your question to The Court.
                      Regarding your role in the judiciary, I personally do not make any relation between it and the present case, leaving that to The Court.

                      This impeachment is being sought soley due to the malcontent of a losing party in a Court Hearing.

                      I do not see anywhere in the Constitution that frustrated citizens do not enjoy the right to call for impeachment. In fact, I was not so much frustrated than enlightened by The Court, and I acted accordingly. And you know nothing of my intentions. I am sorry that you can fear that all this could make The Court and our system of laws out to be a farce. I did much less in this direction than your claim urging the Judges to find the entire proceeding without merit and to censure Davout for bringing this ridiculous call for impeachment. Must I remind you that The Court meticulously protected the right to call for impeachment?
                      Last edited by DAVOUT; December 27, 2002, 14:05.
                      Statistical anomaly.
                      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                      • #12
                        Mistake, sorry
                        Statistical anomaly.
                        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                        • #13
                          Arnelos and Aggie,

                          I think that your comments are addressed to The Court which has now to reconcile the decision to be taken in this case, with the decision taken in case #7.
                          Statistical anomaly.
                          The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                          • #14
                            I have to agree with Arnelos. The charges against him are incorrect and not important, but those against Aggie (and to a lesser extent Togas as well IMHO) are quite serious. Although of course I respect DAVOUT's right to bring this case before the court, I believe he is overreacting and is insulting the seriousness of this issue.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by civman2000
                              Although of course I respect DAVOUT's right to bring this case before the court, I believe he is overreacting and is insulting the seriousness of this issue.
                              What do you mean ? I have the right but I should not have use it?
                              Statistical anomaly.
                              The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

