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1280 A.D. Orders Thread (Friday or Saturday?)

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  • 1280 A.D. Orders Thread (Friday or Saturday?)

    Please post orders here for the 1280 A.D. turnchat.

    Turn 0 (1280 A.D.) - SMC, DM already complete
    Turn 1 (1285 A.D.)
    Turn 2 (1290 A.D.)
    Turn 3 (1295 A.D.)
    Turn 4 (1300 A.D.)
    Turn 5 (1305 A.D.)

    NOTE: It is almost certain that we will NOT complete a full 5 turns in this chat. War turns take FOREVER to complete. That said, I would still like to get orders from RA's through that full time period so that we could do a follow-up chat the next day or something, if possible.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

  • #2
    General Orders for the Chat:

    Unless specified in the Orders, Any Newly built Cavalry on the mainland is to go to the Vet Stack at Seeburg # 12. Unless specified in the Orders, any Newly built Infantry on the mainland is to go Napoleton #6 and fortify.

    Roman Front: Each turn, send the Vet Cav at Fort Hole West into Roman Territory and Report. Fire the Artillery at Brundisium and Report on effect, then withdraw the Cav back to the Fort and Fortify.

    The DM has agreed to lend the SMC 8 Native Workers for SMC use. Please Fortify them at Seeburg #7, until I have any possible use for them. If I don’t need them during a turn, I will release them for general PW stuff, as long as I get them back for the next turns SMC stuff. Any PW Workers that I have as part of a force that is behind enemy lines will be counted as part of this 8 (i.e. the one worker that will be part of the Berlin Bombers Group).

    After any type of attack, either bombardment or other, please report the effects and what is showing.

    Turn 0 (1280AB):.
    Move the Leader from Howitzerville #2 to where he is needed (Loveshack I think).
    Roman Front General Order
    Unfortify the Ironclad and move it North (end of movement)
    Move 1 Vet Cav to position A (Berlin #15) and Raze, withdraw back to Howitzerville #2.
    Move 1 Vet Infantry to Howitzerville #2 and Fortify (covering Cav).
    Move 3 Vet Cav (the Backstreet Boys) to Howitzerville #8, move them N 1 tile at a time towards Position #1 (Berlin #18), Reporting on any enemy on the way. Hopefully the Position #1 won’t be occupied, be we shall see.
    Draft from Chiquita. Move him to where the Leader went and Fortify.

    Turn 1 (1285AB):
    Roman Front General Order
    Move Galley NE, NE, then East towards Whelsh Coast (upgrade it to Galleon when it gets there)
    Move the Ironclad as directed by SMC during chat.
    Move 1 Infantry from Boomtown to Solace and Fortify.
    Move 1 Native Worker (SMC Reserve) to Howitzerville #7 and Rail
    Move all Wounded Vet Cav to Howitzerville and Fortify,
    Move all Wounded Elite Cav to Seeburg and Fortify
    Move the Army to Gaia and Fortify.
    Move all Healthy Vet Cav (both in Howitzerville and outside) back to Stack at Seeburg #12
    Move all Healthy Elite Cav back to Napoleton #17
    Move the Art’s from Abandonment #7 to #1
    Move the just built Art from Chiquita to Abandonment #1
    Fire all Art’s at Stuttgart, unless some other target presents itself and that we’ll decide to fire on during the chat.
    If there is no Allied Mil Unit at New York #20, move 1 Native Worker and 1 Vet Infantry North to Hannover #14 (Worker will road next turn, Inf will Fortify}
    move the Backstreet Boys to position 2 (Berlin #1)
    move the last Explorer to Berlin #1 and Raze
    have the weakest of the 3 Backstreet Boys Raze, the others Fortify

    Draft from Rheims, Move him to there the worker is, at Hannover #14

    Turn 2 (1290AB):

    Draft from Oak Ridge, move him to ????

    Turn 3 (1295AB):

    Draft from Opiadom, move him to ???? Last of the Draft

    Last edited by E_T; December 27, 2002, 11:46.
    Come and see me at WePlayCiv
    Worship the Comic here!
    Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


    • #3
      FAM Orders for Turn Chat

      Place Holder for FAM Orders.

      These orders are final

      I will likely show up in the afternoon.

      1280 (Turn 0)

      FAM Done
      Some nations have Refining. Wait several turns before trading for it. The prices have been droping by about 12% per turn.

      1285 (Turn 1)
      Fight War
      We get Scientific Method. DO NOT TRADE IT untill AFTER the other CIVS Waste their sheilds on US. --AND-- We are within 4 turns of completing ToE.

      Let Deals Ride but,
      Check with Greece to see what they want for Refining the prices have been droping by about 12% per turn. We can cancle the 5LPT deal for 2 luxes and see what Greece will be willing to trade for. Let the president and DM decide if we can afford any LPT deals. I perfer that we do not pay any LPT

      1290 (Turn 2)
      Fight War
      Let Deals Ride but,
      Check with Greece to see what they want for Refining the prices have been droping by about 12% per turn? We can cancle the 5LPT deal for 2 luxes and see what Greece will be willing to trade for. Let the president and DM decide if we can afford any LPT deals. I perfer that we do not pay any LPT

      1295 (Turn 3)
      Fight War
      Let Deals Ride but,
      Check with Greece to see what they want for Refining the prices have been droping by about 12% per turn? We can cancle the 5LPT deal for 2 luxes and see what Greece will be willing to trade for. Let the president and DM decide if we can afford any LPT deals. I perfer that we do not pay any LPT.

      1300 (Turn 4)
      Fight War
      Let Deals Ride

      1305 (Turn 5)
      Fight War
      Let Deals Ride.

      General Situation:
      - Polite but broke for at least 10-15 turns unless another deal with another civ expires.

      - Furious, broke and backwards, can pay WM + 5L for Sanitation, Steam Engine or Communisim.

      - Polite but broke for at least 10-15 turns unless another deal with another civ expires.
      - Are trading 28 LPT for coal, let this deal continue to ride
      - Trading silks for dyes for at least 9 more turns
      -They have refining will trade it for overall our gold + over 100 LPT - Not an option.

      - Polite and is riding on a 5LPT for our Spices, Incense and Dyes. -Renegotoion for Refining gets us the tech for 41 LPT + the 3 lux. - Not yet an option, waiting mor time as this is the most promising.
      -Our deal for Ivory expires in 7 turns, maybe we can include it in te refining deal.
      -They have refining will trade it for overall our gold + over 100 LPT - Not an option.

      -Polite but we have nothing but gold for them.
      -They have Refining will trade it for overall our gold + over 100 LPT - Not an option.

      -Polite but we have nothing but gold for them.
      -They have Refining will trade it for overall our gold + over 100 LPT - Not an option.

      - Polite but broke for at least 5-9 turns unless another deal with another civ expires. Can only offer WM for Replacable Parts.

      -Annoyed, have a trade embargo with germany against us and are on par in tech with us.

      As we are in pacted wars, DO NOT make peace with ANY nation we have an Alliance with another power against. Do not make peace with any nation we are at war with and that our MPP partners are fighting.

      Do not trade Sci Meth earlier than 4 turns prior to finishing the ToE build. Then traded it to our allies for what ec can get.

      Let all deals ride. Keep peace with all if possible

      Good luck, see you in the afternoon.

      Last edited by ManicStarSeed; December 27, 2002, 23:27.
      Remember.... pillage first then burn.


      • #4
        The Senate has spoken. Ensure that the actions specified in:

        are executed during the 1280 turn.
        I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


        • #5
          What time tomorrow is the chat.
          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


          • #6
            I leave the build queu of my Region to whatever Spiffor feels is needed.


            • #7
              Uber Island RA Orders

              I am following E_T's system of numbering city radius tiles.

              Neon Uber City
              -WF to 2,5,6,8,10,15

              -Change current build from infantry to cavalry; rush for 252 lytons (as per E_T's request here)
              -WF to 1,2,3,4,6,8,10,18,20

              -Queue to Barracks-Cavalry-Infantry-Market-Harbour (If Romans keep coming)
              -Rush Barracks for 64 lytons (also dependant on Romans)

              -Rush Cavalry (Again if Romans are going to invade)
              -WF to 1,2,3,10,11,12,14

              -Growth - work tile 15

              -Growth - Work tile 1

              Whelsh Coast
              -Aqueduct complete - WF to 3,4,8,9,15,16

              Neon Uber City
              -Build aqueduct - growth - Work tile 1

              Whelsh Coast
              -Growth - work tile 19

              -Growth - work tile 13

              -Growth - WF to 1-10,18

              There... I am gone within 3 hours of this post for a few days, so goodbye for now.
              Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
              King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
              May God Bless.


              • #8
                PW Orders :

                The "orders" will actually tell what tiles need what precise improvements. Arnelos will be up with allocating the workforce

                to get these improvements done. (there are few direct orders as exceptions)
                - High priority improvements are about our war effort, and bringing supplies to the front as quickly as possible
                - Medium priority improvements are about immediate concerns of our cities. They should be tended by workers who stand already on the rail network. Not many workers are needed to complete medium priority tasks.
                - Low priority orders explain what shall be all tile improvements in the far future. I think I've adressed all tiles in the radius of our cities. Do them only when other requests have been complete. There is no priority between cities, but the first orders for each city should be followed first (except in the few cases workers are already standing on a non roaded tile which will need to be improved anyways).

                I use the "worker unit" (WU) : it is the number of slave workers needed to complete a task in one turn. For example, this line :#7 of Howitzerville : need RailRoad (2 WU)" would mean we need 2 slaves or one national to do the job in one turn.

                DIRECT ORDERS
                5 NATIVES #7 of Oak Ridge : move and fortify at #7 of Seeberg. They are now under direct command of E_T
                3 NATIVES #12 of Gaia : move and fortify at #7 of Seeberg. They are now under direct command of E_T
                4 NATIVES #20 of Oak Ridge : move to Howitzerville and Join City
                1 NATIVES #2 of Timeline : move to Howitzerville and Join City


                #7 of Howitzerville : need RailRoad (2 WU)
                #3 of Howitzerville : need Railroad (4 WU) Conditioned to the agreement of E_T. Do not execute this order if our troops cannot move to protect our workers there


                #18 of Arbela : Need Railroad, Mine (4 WU)

                #16 of Susa : Need Clear forest, Mine (6 WU)

                Port Rouge
                #18 of Port Rouge : need Clear Forest, Mine, Railroad (8 WU)
                #19 of Port Rouge : need Clear Forest, Mine, Railroad (8 WU)

                #20 of Dijon : need Clear Forest, Mine (6 WU)
                #18 of Dijon : need Clear Forest, Mine, Railroad (8 WU)
                #19 of Dijon : need Clear Forest, Road, Mine, Railroad (9 WU). There is no road on this tile

                #17 of Arcadia : need Clear Forest, Irrigation (6 WU)

                #8 of Chiquita : need Railroad (2 WU)

                New York
                #4 of New York : need Clear Forest, Mine (6 WU)

                Port of Malignance
                #20 of Port of Malignance : need Clear Jungle, Railroad, Mine (12 WU)

                Hole in the Wall
                #14 of Hole in the Wall : need Clear Forest, Railroad, Mine (8 WU)


                Here It Is
                #15 of Here It Is : need Mine (6 WU)
                #17 of Here It Is : need Mine (6 WU)
                #18 of Here It Is : need Mine (6 WU)
                #5 of Here It Is : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                Del Monte
                #10 of Del Monte : need Irrigation, Railroad (4 WU)
                #16 of Del Monte : need Mine, Railroad (4 WU)
                #17 of Del Monte : need Mine, Railroad (4 WU)
                #12 of Del Monte : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #13 of Del Monte : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #11 of Del Monte : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #20 of Del Monte : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #18 of Gaia : need Clear Jungle, Mine (10 WU)
                #17 of Gaia : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #19 of Gaia : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #20 of Gaia : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #13 of Rheims : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #6 of Lhasa : need Mine (4 WU)
                #5 of Lhasa : need Road, Railroad (9 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #10 of Lhasa : need Road, Railroad (9 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #13 of Lhasa : need Road, Railroad (9 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #19 of Antioch : needs Clear Forest, Mine, Railroad (8 WU)
                #9 of Antioch : need Mine (6 WU)
                #10 of Antioch : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #3 of Antioch : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                Macross City
                #6 of Macross City : need Railroad (2 WU)

                #9 of Wilsbury : need Clear Jungle (impending), Mine, Railroad (12 WU)

                #9 of Chartres : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #12 of Seeberg : need Irrigation (2 WU)
                #5 of Seeberg : need Railroad, Mine (4 WU)
                #14 of Seeberg : need Clear Jungle (impending), Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #13 of Seeberg : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #19 of Seeberg : need Railroad (6 WU)
                #2 of Seeberg : need Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #11 of Seeberg : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #6 of Avignon : need Mine (impending), Railroad (4 WU)

                #9 of Ubergorsk : need Clear Jungle, Irrigation, Railroad (12 WU)
                #17 of Ubergorsk : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)

                #9 of Geofront : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #10 of Geofront : need Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #3 of Geofront : need Mine (impending), Railroad (12 WU)
                #20 of Geofront : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)

                #3 of Napoleton : need Railroad, Irrigation (override Mine) (4 WU)
                #14 of Napoleton : need Irrigation (2 WU)
                #13 of Napoleton : need Irrigation (2 WU)
                #16 of Napoleton : need Irrigation, Railroad (4 WU)
                #20 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #2 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #8 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #10 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #18 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #19 of Napoleton : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #1 of Arcadia : need Mine (4 WU)
                #7 of Arcadia : need Mine (4 WU)

                #2 of Chiquita : need Railroad (pending), Irrigation (4 WU)
                #1 of Chiquita : need Railroad (2 WU)
                #9 of Chiquita : need Railroad (2 WU)
                #11 of Chiquita : need Railroad (pending), mine (12 WU)

                New York
                #17 of New York : need Irrigation (2 WU)
                #2 of New York : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #3 of New York : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #10 of New York : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #11 of New York : need Road, Mine, Railroad (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #15 of Opiadom : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (13 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #16 of Opiadom : need Clear Jungle, Road, Mine, Railroad (13 WU) There is no road on this tile

                Oak Ridge
                #18 of Oak Ridge : need Mine, Railroad (4 WU)
                #8 of Oak Ridge : need Clear Jungle (impending), Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #19 of Oak Ridge : need Clear Jungle (impending), Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #9 of Oak Ridge : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #10 of Oak Ridge : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)
                #20 of Oak Ridge : need Clear Jungle, Mine, Railroad (12 WU)

                Hole in the Wall
                #6 of Hole in the Wall : need Railroad (2 WU)
                #8 of Hole in the Wall : need Mine (2 WU)

                #19 of Hole in the Wall : need Mine (2 WU)
                #20 of Hole in the Wall : need Mine (2 WU)

                San Cortes
                #3 of San Cortes : need Road, Railroad (9 WU) There is no road on this tile
                #5 of San Cortes : need Road, Railroad (9 WU) There is no road on this tile

                #9 of Heliopolis : need Road, Railroad, Mine (15 WU) There is no road on this tile

                We'll have 79 national workers and 66 slaves to do PW, i.e 224 WU. All public works are estimated to cost 830 WU. We should have improved all tiles near our non-german cities in 4 turns.
                Last edited by Spiffor; December 28, 2002, 11:15.
                "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                • #9
                  Re: Uber Island RA Orders

                  Originally posted by Panzer32


                  -Queue to Barracks-Cavalry-Infantry-Market-Harbour (If Romans keep coming)
                  -Rush Barracks for 64 lytons (also dependant on Romans)

                  Should be done
                  -Rush Cavalry (Again if Romans are going to invade)
                  -WF to 1,2,3,10,11,12,14
                  THis should be Rushed the next turn, so that it will cost less. I hope we won't need it, but we will know in 1290 if we need to.

                  Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                  Worship the Comic here!
                  Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                  • #10

                    I have no FAM orders at this time and many RA's have not posted orders for Spiffor to use. Citing this, I simply don't feel comfortable holding a chat on short notice tonight.

                    E_T will be unable to make the chat tomorrow, but he has been conscientious enough to leave extensive orders for at least the next 2 turns. If he can leave more orders or name a deputy (Meshelic or Aggie, his deputies, or another) to stand in for the SMC tomorrow in the chat, that would be awesome.
                    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                    • #11
                      Orders for Central Apolyton. Please read my orders at the end throughly. I might have to make draft requests.

                      1280 (turn 1)

                      1285 (turn 2)
                      Rheims grows.
                      WF- 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,15,16,20

                      1290 (turn 3)
                      Chartres grows.
                      WF- 1,3,4,6,11,12,13,19,20

                      1295 (turn 4)
                      Opiadom grows.
                      WF- 2,4,6,7,8,11,12,19,20

                      Gotham grows.
                      WF- 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,15,16,17

                      Termina grows.
                      WF- 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13,19,20

                      1300 (turn 5)
                      Century Celibration in Apolyton.

                      I request no rushes at this time so money can be used to upgrade units. Watch closely the Roman Ironclad and Galley. If it continues to get closer to Central Apolyton's coast, draft an Inf in Port Rouge, Chartres and Termina. Also pay close attention to the "neutral" Zulu. They are nearly in striking distance of Tassagrad and Banana HQ, both of which are undefended. Also watch out for the Zulu to go north for an undefended Ubergrosk. I don't think we want to loose Sun Tsu at this point in the game.
                      Last edited by Donegeal; December 28, 2002, 10:40.
                      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                      '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


                      • #12
                        E_T, I'd like to draft from Seeberg instead of Chiquita. It won't interfere with the Artillery build, and it'll regain its pop immediately.

                        Turn 0 - 1280
                        Seeburg: Draft from city (instead of Chiquita). WF to 1-4-6-8-9-15-16-17-18-19-20
                        Loveshack: Change queue to Universal Suffrage-Factory-Cavalry-Bank; change WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-10-11-20 (burst of commerce since shields don't matter)
                        Geofront: Change queue to Artillery-Factory-Infantry-Bank
                        New York: Change WF to 1-4-5-6-8-9-15-16-20

                        Turn 1 - 1285
                        Loveshack: US completes! Pop growth as well. WF to 1-2-3-7-8-10-11-18-19-20
                        Seeburg: Pop growth. WF to 1-2-4-6-8-9-15-16-17-18-19-20

                        Turn 2 - 1290
                        Gaia: Draft from city (instead of Oak Ridge). WF to 1-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-14-15-16
                        New York: Marketplace completes. Change queue to Factory-University-Bank-Colosseum

                        Turn 3 - 1295
                        Gaia: Grows back to 12. WF back to 1-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-13-14-15-16
                        Ubergorsk: Pop growth. WF to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-11-13-19-20
                        Oak Ridge: Pop growth. WF to 2-3-4-5-6-12-14-15-16
                        New York: Pop growth. Change WF to 1-4-5-6-7-8-9-15-16-20

                        Turn 4 - 1300
                        Geofront: Pop growth. WF to 1-2-4-5-11-12-13-14-15
                        Chiquita: Pop growth. WF to 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-12-13-14

                        Turn 5 - 1305

                        If there are funds available for rushing projects, I have the following requests:
                        Marketplace in Oak Ridge (208 gold in 1280; cheaper by 40 gold each turn)
                        Artillery in Geofront (don't do this in 1280; rush for 260 in 1285 at earliest, cost reduced by 60 per turn. This rush will allow Geofront to start on a Factory sooner, and adds an Arty to our forces sooner.)
                        Last edited by Kloreep; December 27, 2002, 19:02.


                        • #13
                          If it's pop is currently 10 or less, it's o.k. with me. I'm trying to keep the Drafts to cities that won't feel the effects for a bit.

                          Come and see me at WePlayCiv
                          Worship the Comic here!
                          Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by E_T
                            If it's pop is currently 10 or less, it's o.k. with me. I'm trying to keep the Drafts to cities that won't feel the effects for a bit.

                            Actually, it's 12 (hence being able to grow back immediately). But I'm trying to get all my cities to size 12, and that's why I'd prefer Seeberg.

                            It does put Seeberg on the edge as far as WLAD goes, but I hope that with US, it won't be much of a problem. And any smaller city will still run into trouble once it reaches 12.

                            Edit: I also want to switch the Oak Ridge draft to Gaia. Same idea (shift the pop loss from a growing city to a size twelver).


                            • #15
                              Edited: I was working with so many windows that I posted something in the wrong thread. Please forgive your humble servant.
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera

