Please post orders here for the 1280 A.D. turnchat.
Turn 0 (1280 A.D.) - SMC, DM already complete
Turn 1 (1285 A.D.)
Turn 2 (1290 A.D.)
Turn 3 (1295 A.D.)
Turn 4 (1300 A.D.)
Turn 5 (1305 A.D.)
NOTE: It is almost certain that we will NOT complete a full 5 turns in this chat. War turns take FOREVER to complete. That said, I would still like to get orders from RA's through that full time period so that we could do a follow-up chat the next day or something, if possible.
Turn 0 (1280 A.D.) - SMC, DM already complete
Turn 1 (1285 A.D.)
Turn 2 (1290 A.D.)
Turn 3 (1295 A.D.)
Turn 4 (1300 A.D.)
Turn 5 (1305 A.D.)
NOTE: It is almost certain that we will NOT complete a full 5 turns in this chat. War turns take FOREVER to complete. That said, I would still like to get orders from RA's through that full time period so that we could do a follow-up chat the next day or something, if possible.