It's about time we set the workers free. There are plenty of cities that can accept slaves from the country (Oak Ridge, for one), and Hospitals will provide an opportunity for further integration.
Several points we should discuss:
1. Are we for emancipation?
2. If so, how much are we willing to spend toward it? (We have so many slaves, we may have to build some domestic workers to free up space in our cities if we want them all set free NOW. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for hospitals to start coming on-line, which will take a while.)
3. If so, what form do want it to take? (Completely unofficial effort by Spiffor and the RAs, powerless senate bill in conjunction with that, or a full-blown amendment that orders emancipation and maybe prevents us from taking more slaves later on.)
Several points we should discuss:
1. Are we for emancipation?
2. If so, how much are we willing to spend toward it? (We have so many slaves, we may have to build some domestic workers to free up space in our cities if we want them all set free NOW. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for hospitals to start coming on-line, which will take a while.)
3. If so, what form do want it to take? (Completely unofficial effort by Spiffor and the RAs, powerless senate bill in conjunction with that, or a full-blown amendment that orders emancipation and maybe prevents us from taking more slaves later on.)