The following events are what I've been able to re-construct so far from talking to people who were present (and my own knowledge from looking at the save and being there for 1250 A.D. and putting up a huge stink in order to make sure the chat ended...).
- Due to unforseen events, I had to be absent at much of the turnchat this evening (family issues...).
- During the chat, Rome invaded our territory and then declared war.
- When Rome declared war, apparently there was discussion in the chat over what to do. The decision was made to go on with the chat. Apparently, the participants in the chat agreed that Rome declaring war on us was not a "national emergency" as outlined in the Constitution since war with Germany was already 2 turns away and war with multiple powers had already been planned for. The line in the FAM orders about how the chat should probably end if any power declared war on us was apparently either overlooked, ignored, or overruled.
- It was discovered that Rome had MPPs with Japan, Russia, and England. The suggestion was made that Apolytonia should match each of these MPPs in order to make these powers declare war on Rome (when Rome attacked us) rather than on us (when we later attacked Rome).
- Almost immediately after this suggestion was brought up, the question was asked whether it would be legal to do this during the chat. Apparently, someone did notice the line in my orders (marked in bold) which stated that MPPs other than those authorized by the Senate were illegal. The question was asked as to whether "the bill [regarding alliances]" had been passed. That question was answered in the afirmative. It should be noted here that no-one went to go actually read the bill.
- It was apparently assumed by the participants in the chat that "the bill" gave the administration a blank check to sign any and all MPPs it desired to do so. In reality, the actual bill only authorized MPPs with Greece, the Aztecs, and England.
- Legal MPPs were signed with Greece and England
- Illegal MPPs were signed with Japan and Russia
- Apolytonian forces attacked Roman forces. The battles were going heavily in favor of Apolytonia. We gained a victorious army in the process.
- During 1250 A.D., the FAM (that's me), returned to the chat. I was told that we were at war with Rome. I assumed that the war had probably just started. I assumed that the chat would end right then and there.
- As the battles were continuing to be fought, I raised the concern of this probably being a "national emergency" and that continuing to fight the war, especially ending the turn as desired by the President, would likely be skirting a Court case. I had no idea that the constitution had already been violated earlier in the chat...
- As I and Aggie (mostly) argued over whether or not to end the chat, it was brought to my attention that we had a mutual-protection pact with Russia. I honestly believed that this had to be a typo... I responded with something along the lines of "AN MPP WITH RUSSIA?!?!????", but no-one immediately resonded to this (I guess they must have figured I was against it philosophically... not that I was shocked due to the illegality of the pact).
- I eventually persuaded Aggie (as he posted in the save thread, with his objections) to end the chat. It was not yet known by me (for sure) that MPPs had been signed with Russia and Japan and it wasn't yet known to the other participants that these MPPs were in fact illegal.
- Now that the chat was "over" (the first thing I'd fought for), I managed to start a private channel and get some answers on the MPP mess. That's when I found out about the two illegal MPPs and I nearly went through the roof.
After that, it was mostly just a discussion between myself, E_T, and adaMada about the illegality of the MPPs and how the Senate and the Court might react to the situation.

The following events are what I've been able to re-construct so far from talking to people who were present (and my own knowledge from looking at the save and being there for 1250 A.D. and putting up a huge stink in order to make sure the chat ended...).
- Due to unforseen events, I had to be absent at much of the turnchat this evening (family issues...).
- During the chat, Rome invaded our territory and then declared war.
- When Rome declared war, apparently there was discussion in the chat over what to do. The decision was made to go on with the chat. Apparently, the participants in the chat agreed that Rome declaring war on us was not a "national emergency" as outlined in the Constitution since war with Germany was already 2 turns away and war with multiple powers had already been planned for. The line in the FAM orders about how the chat should probably end if any power declared war on us was apparently either overlooked, ignored, or overruled.
- It was discovered that Rome had MPPs with Japan, Russia, and England. The suggestion was made that Apolytonia should match each of these MPPs in order to make these powers declare war on Rome (when Rome attacked us) rather than on us (when we later attacked Rome).
- Almost immediately after this suggestion was brought up, the question was asked whether it would be legal to do this during the chat. Apparently, someone did notice the line in my orders (marked in bold) which stated that MPPs other than those authorized by the Senate were illegal. The question was asked as to whether "the bill [regarding alliances]" had been passed. That question was answered in the afirmative. It should be noted here that no-one went to go actually read the bill.
- It was apparently assumed by the participants in the chat that "the bill" gave the administration a blank check to sign any and all MPPs it desired to do so. In reality, the actual bill only authorized MPPs with Greece, the Aztecs, and England.
- Legal MPPs were signed with Greece and England
- Illegal MPPs were signed with Japan and Russia
- Apolytonian forces attacked Roman forces. The battles were going heavily in favor of Apolytonia. We gained a victorious army in the process.
- During 1250 A.D., the FAM (that's me), returned to the chat. I was told that we were at war with Rome. I assumed that the war had probably just started. I assumed that the chat would end right then and there.
- As the battles were continuing to be fought, I raised the concern of this probably being a "national emergency" and that continuing to fight the war, especially ending the turn as desired by the President, would likely be skirting a Court case. I had no idea that the constitution had already been violated earlier in the chat...
- As I and Aggie (mostly) argued over whether or not to end the chat, it was brought to my attention that we had a mutual-protection pact with Russia. I honestly believed that this had to be a typo... I responded with something along the lines of "AN MPP WITH RUSSIA?!?!????", but no-one immediately resonded to this (I guess they must have figured I was against it philosophically... not that I was shocked due to the illegality of the pact).
- I eventually persuaded Aggie (as he posted in the save thread, with his objections) to end the chat. It was not yet known by me (for sure) that MPPs had been signed with Russia and Japan and it wasn't yet known to the other participants that these MPPs were in fact illegal.
- Now that the chat was "over" (the first thing I'd fought for), I managed to start a private channel and get some answers on the MPP mess. That's when I found out about the two illegal MPPs and I nearly went through the roof.
After that, it was mostly just a discussion between myself, E_T, and adaMada about the illegality of the MPPs and how the Senate and the Court might react to the situation.