Originally posted by Apocalypse
GhengisFarb...in lower Ghengland, why does whatsitsname get GeoFront's Saltpeter?
GhengisFarb...in lower Ghengland, why does whatsitsname get GeoFront's Saltpeter?
1) Ghengistown is closer to a palace/forbidden palace and would suffer less loss from corruption.
2) Ghengistown is supposed to be buiding Wonders and needs all the mined hills it can get to do so.
3) Do you really want me to finish that leaderhead or not?

Originally posted by E_T
THis is a very good point and needs to be addressed, not for just this City, but for all of the new Regions. So, on that note....
Domestic Ministries Executive Order #1 (tenitive):
The Redistricting of the Provences will have the following restriction - Cities that have tiles that overlap with another city will be part of the same district/provence.
THis is a very good point and needs to be addressed, not for just this City, but for all of the new Regions. So, on that note....
Domestic Ministries Executive Order #1 (tenitive):
The Redistricting of the Provences will have the following restriction - Cities that have tiles that overlap with another city will be part of the same district/provence.