As some of you know I am stepping up and seeking your vote for the position FAM - Term 7.
I want to be clear regarding my platform, an educated democracy is a succesful democracy.
First - I will work with the SMC, President and the DM to insure that our campaign against the Germans will be sucessful. This will include obtaining all relevent and necessary MPPs and alliances that we as a nation deems in our best interest.
Second - in persuant to our great undertakings in building the ToE and Hoovers dam, I will work to RESTRICT other nations from benefiting from our hard research.
Idealy speaking,
I will support first obtaining Scientific Methods, Then immediatly Starting ToE while we research Replacable Parts. After that then Atomic Theory and Electronics. I will not allow Atomic theory to be traded until we are 5 turns away from compleation of Hoovers. I will not allow electricity to be traded untill at least 5 turns from ToE. One bonus regarding replacable parts is that we have one other non wonder tech worth trading. If all goes well, we can have mobile transportation and flight by the end of this administration while the rest of the world is researching mass production.
We are entering into a time of great trepidation. We must be careful. We want to build support for the demise of germany but do not want to give up our tenous tech lead.
I intend to WAIT until rival AIs can afford an exhorberant prices for the techs we have to sell. This requires allowing some deals to expire.
Together with the DM, we can use this time to pull away from the AI civs and insure a 2-3 tech lead.
I hope to put us so firmly ahead of the AI so that we can complete the UN as the other nations begin to enter the modern age.
Please feel free to ask any questions. This thread is for debate. Other candidates are MORE THAN welcome.
Thank you for your anticipated support
I want to be clear regarding my platform, an educated democracy is a succesful democracy.
First - I will work with the SMC, President and the DM to insure that our campaign against the Germans will be sucessful. This will include obtaining all relevent and necessary MPPs and alliances that we as a nation deems in our best interest.
Second - in persuant to our great undertakings in building the ToE and Hoovers dam, I will work to RESTRICT other nations from benefiting from our hard research.
Idealy speaking,
I will support first obtaining Scientific Methods, Then immediatly Starting ToE while we research Replacable Parts. After that then Atomic Theory and Electronics. I will not allow Atomic theory to be traded until we are 5 turns away from compleation of Hoovers. I will not allow electricity to be traded untill at least 5 turns from ToE. One bonus regarding replacable parts is that we have one other non wonder tech worth trading. If all goes well, we can have mobile transportation and flight by the end of this administration while the rest of the world is researching mass production.
We are entering into a time of great trepidation. We must be careful. We want to build support for the demise of germany but do not want to give up our tenous tech lead.
I intend to WAIT until rival AIs can afford an exhorberant prices for the techs we have to sell. This requires allowing some deals to expire.
Together with the DM, we can use this time to pull away from the AI civs and insure a 2-3 tech lead.
I hope to put us so firmly ahead of the AI so that we can complete the UN as the other nations begin to enter the modern age.
Please feel free to ask any questions. This thread is for debate. Other candidates are MORE THAN welcome.
Thank you for your anticipated support
