I think there's a general concensus stating that we need to end the war with the Zulu as early as possible in order not to deter from our current goal, which is Germany.
Signing peace as soon as possible would be now. However, I have a better proposal: why don't we wait until next turn when we'll be able to attack the Zulu galley near our ironclad, and then move it further south near the other Zulu galley? Inflicting them some more pain in the process will surely drastically improve the terms for negotiation.
Signing peace as soon as possible would be now. However, I have a better proposal: why don't we wait until next turn when we'll be able to attack the Zulu galley near our ironclad, and then move it further south near the other Zulu galley? Inflicting them some more pain in the process will surely drastically improve the terms for negotiation.