This chart shows what our Corruption/Waste is in all of the cities in 980AD. This is when we would have Eliminated the cities of Tours & Grenoble and added the Site 2 City. It also shows some additional Information:
The formulation for this is Referenced from: Everything you ever wanted to know about corruption and the User Friendly FAQ that is linked to in that thread.
In the Chart:
Corruption effects Trade. Waste effects Shield Production.
Courthouses effect both Corruption and Waste. WLKD effects ONLY Waste.
The chart shows what is the current statistics for Corruption/Waste. It also shows the following:
1) Corruption/Waste with JUST a Courthouse.
2) Waste with ONLY WLKD.
3) Waste with BOTH Courthouse and WLKD.
From the time when I published my Construction Shack - 870AD (and beyond) Corruption & Waste Statistics Report to the present, we have added 6 Courthouses to our Nation. We have also Added the City of Lhasa and disbanded Besancon. We have also built the long awaited Forbidden Palace in Contaginon. With all of these factors combined, our nation’s AVERAGE Corruption has decreased by a dramatic 19.95%. We have also achieved WLKD in a number of cities and the AVERAGE Waste has decreased by 19.82%.
The chart is dated for 980AD, and is a CONJECTURE for then. By this time frame, the last two French Worker Farms of Tours & Grenoble will have been abandoned and a new city will stand at the Site 2 location. This chart is representative of these changes.
In the chart, the two columns for ‘Corr with Court’ & ‘Waste with Court & WLKD’ are highlighted in gray, to show what our Corruption and Waste would be with courthouses and WLKD in all of our cities. These are the columns that we’ll be looking at with the next several postings in this thread. We will be showing the following in the next several postings:
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Timeline
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Macross City
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Here It Is.
[EDIT]This chart and the other three that are listed for the cities that we have now are shown in Republic, the All Cities charts are with Democracy.[/edit]
I will also show these same four Palace locations, with all of the expected cities that we have in our Regional boundaries (with a couple of extra German & English and the Greek Ivory Cities added and a couple less Greek Cities). So there will be 8 postings in all, including this one.
The formulation for this is Referenced from: Everything you ever wanted to know about corruption and the User Friendly FAQ that is linked to in that thread.
In the Chart:
Corruption effects Trade. Waste effects Shield Production.
Courthouses effect both Corruption and Waste. WLKD effects ONLY Waste.
The chart shows what is the current statistics for Corruption/Waste. It also shows the following:
1) Corruption/Waste with JUST a Courthouse.
2) Waste with ONLY WLKD.
3) Waste with BOTH Courthouse and WLKD.
From the time when I published my Construction Shack - 870AD (and beyond) Corruption & Waste Statistics Report to the present, we have added 6 Courthouses to our Nation. We have also Added the City of Lhasa and disbanded Besancon. We have also built the long awaited Forbidden Palace in Contaginon. With all of these factors combined, our nation’s AVERAGE Corruption has decreased by a dramatic 19.95%. We have also achieved WLKD in a number of cities and the AVERAGE Waste has decreased by 19.82%.
The chart is dated for 980AD, and is a CONJECTURE for then. By this time frame, the last two French Worker Farms of Tours & Grenoble will have been abandoned and a new city will stand at the Site 2 location. This chart is representative of these changes.
In the chart, the two columns for ‘Corr with Court’ & ‘Waste with Court & WLKD’ are highlighted in gray, to show what our Corruption and Waste would be with courthouses and WLKD in all of our cities. These are the columns that we’ll be looking at with the next several postings in this thread. We will be showing the following in the next several postings:
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Timeline
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Macross City
Only these cities, with the Palace moved to Here It Is.
[EDIT]This chart and the other three that are listed for the cities that we have now are shown in Republic, the All Cities charts are with Democracy.[/edit]
I will also show these same four Palace locations, with all of the expected cities that we have in our Regional boundaries (with a couple of extra German & English and the Greek Ivory Cities added and a couple less Greek Cities). So there will be 8 postings in all, including this one.