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What should be done with Khufu?

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  • What should be done with Khufu?

    Please vote here. Discussion on this topic is already occuring at this thread.

    Create an army
    Rush the palace
    Save him for Issac Newton
    Save him for a different Wonder in the next age (Sufferage, Darwin, Hoover)

    Poll open for 3 days. Unofficial, of course.

    Create an army
    Rush our Palace
    Save him for Issac Newton
    Save him for a wonder in the next age (Theory, Hoover, Sufferage)
    I have no idea

    The poll is expired.

    Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
    Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
    Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
    Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.

  • #2
    Army! and battle!

    The Heroic Epic can help us get more GLs. Then we rush The Hoover Dam and others.

    Build one wonder now with the rush, and many later by shields? Or build Newton's by shields, and many wonders later by rush?

    That is the decision.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #3
      An Army is the best course of action, and certainly the most enticing...
      Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
      Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


      • #4
        I say save him, not necessarily for a specific thing.

        An Army is useless unless we go to war as it must win a combat to trigger anything.

        We may be able to build Newton or Hoover, but there is no drawback to saving him since we aren't in combat with anyone else.

        If we suddenly go to war I would say pop an Army on the front and go attacking. Then use the next GLs for wonders.


        • #5
          Rush the Palace.

          If we use a leader to build an army, I'd rather we actually be at war.
          oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vlad Antlerkov
            Rush the Palace.

            If we use a leader to build an army, I'd rather we actually be at war.
            I think that with the recent immigrants from this game to the PTW demo game, our numbers have fallen greatly. Many have already given up on this game because they feel "it is impossible to lose" this one, because of our previous successes. Too bad, but with that being the case we need to think about what we want to do.

            I say conquest is the best plan we can have. If people are leaving this game because it's already set in stone how we win, why not make things much more interesting and become either communist or democratic, and wage war on the English...the Zulu...the Greeks, Germans, Aztecs, russians....there is really nothing that can stand in our way.

            Why delay this game for another handful of months? Why don't we just conquer everyone and end it all, with us as the mighty rulers of the world? There is certainly no shame in THAT...
            Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
            Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


            • #7
              Hear Hear
              I agree with the above statement.

              To arms all and sundry.

              Total WAR


              • #8
                After voting for Palace I took another look at the map and realised that the later the Palace is built the more UberIsle is going to develop as corruption is much less while the Palace is in Apolyton.

                So -1 for Palace and +1 for..... I dont know, maybe army.
                So many pedestrians, so little time


                • #9
                  Why are people voting for an army?
                  1. Heroic epic? Increasing the leader chance from 1/16 to 1/12 will only really increase leader production after 48 elite battles (rather unlikely to happen during the period where leaders are worth much of anything).
                  2. For the army itself (and war academy)? Our more difficult wars are behind us, if we've done this well so far we don't need an army now. Our biggest threat is a multi-front war in which case we'll need divided forces not concentrated.

                  I guess I'm just not a big army fan.


                  • #10
                    If we want to use the leader immediately, I have to vote for Palace. Army would be my first choice if we were in a war...but that ain't the case.

                    The better option is to save him (for an Army). We are not at war, so we cannot get another leader anyway. Also if we wait, we can build a tank army.

                    I change my vote to wait....I think?


                    • #11
                      Seems like a no-brainer. Our palace and FP locations dictate future wars with Greece and England. We need to use the GL now so that we'll be able to get more GLs from the wars with Greece and England and we need an army for a heroic epic to increase our chances of getting GLs.
                      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                      - Phantom of the Opera


                      • #12
                        I'm voting for Army, since I too (like Shiber and others) anticipate wars eventually with Greece and England, and since we have a pile of cavalry that will eventually grow obsolete. After a respectable building period, as we begin preparing for the next round of conquest, we should prebuild the Heroic Epic, in anticipation of leader generation as the war deepens.
                        aka, Unique Unit
                        Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


                        • #13
                          Go Army!
                          This should be the only GL we spend on an army.

                          It is sort of late to build the Heroic Epic, but that's ok. the real reason for this Army is to be able to build the Military Academy and the Pentagon.

                          Doesn't the thought of size 4 Modern Armor Armies give you goose bumps? The challenge will be keeping the AI's in the game long enough.


                          It was one of those beautiful indian summer days on the 5th day of November, in the 1225th year of the banana that President Khufu stood atop the reviewing stand at the Avignon Field. An absolutely beautiful day for a parade. And that is just what was in store the Citizenry. Every turn since that fateful November day back in the 870th year of the banana, Apolytonians the world over pause at this time to reflect on the significance of the events made on this very field. Those who can make the journey to Avignon Field are rewarded with a grand parade that somehow or another keeps topping last turns parade. The first parade was celebrated at the conclusion of the Apolyton Golden Age in 1000 AB

                          President Khufu takes a special interest in this day since he is a direct descendent of that last Knight to enter harms way in the last battle of the Second French War. And that is what this parade is all about, thought Khufu. Not the final act of cleansing the world of French leadership that is taught to the wee ones in public schools all over the land of the banana, but rather the transformation of that last brave Knight into a true Great Leader. A Great Leader who remained true to the way of the warrior and caused the formation of Apllyton's first grand Army. Yes, there would be no parade today if that lone Knight had taken the path followed by Ramses and Cheops before him and allowed his destiny to be squandered on a mere awe inspiring construction project.

                          Khufu snapped back to the present as the Apolyton National Marine Band began to play "The Victors", one of the Band Directors numerous great military style marches. Khufu glanced at the program and then to the watch on his wrist and noted that his address to the nation would begin in about an hour's time. But for now, Khufu decided to take in the spectacle as if he were a mere Citizen. He was not required to speak until the conclusion of the Premier playing of the Director's latest work, "Stars and Bananas Forever". But before that there would be the trooping of the ceremonial Palace Cavalry, the 15th Modern Armour Army Group, the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division, and the 17th Radar Artillery Regiment. His stump speach could wait. Let the Parade begin.

                          I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


                          • #14
                            I voted for the most peaceful option: Palace.

                            Only Wonder left that's worth rushing is Women's Sufferage. (We should be able to build Hoover Dam on our own and maybe Theory of Evolution as well.)

                            Frankly, I think most of the AIs seperately right now are so easy to knock over (assuming they don't join up), that Women's Sufferage isn't neccesary even remaining a Democracy.

                            If Army wins, I predict the Hawk party will start calling for it to be used.
                            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                            Templar Science Minister
                            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                            • #15
                              I voted for the most peaceful option: Palace.
                              How pathetic. What does the Palace move accomplish?

                              Answer very little. The principal effects of a Palace build are to change which cities are productive, and to change the locations where culture flips are probable. It does little in the way of actually increasing overall productivity.

                              Why waste a rare GL for so little?

                              Only Wonder left that's worth rushing is Women's Sufferage. (We should be able to build Hoover Dam on our own and maybe Theory of Evolution as well.)
                              Well, atleast we agree on ToE. Women's Suffrage value is inversely porportional to the number of luxuries you control outright. We now control 4 and after the Greek campaign will control 5. This plus Police stations are enough for the oscilating war style under Democracy.

                              While we should be able to Build Hoovers, why wait?
                              Try to imagine what the land of the banana will look like about the time Hoover's Dam appears in our build lists. We will probably have many Factories, (say a dozen for purposes of discussion) that would average 20 native shields, 10 Factory assisted shields, and potentially another 10 Hydroplant assisted shields. Furthur imagine that our top shield city has 30 native shields.

                              How do you evaluate a GL for Hoovers? Hint: It's much larger than the stated Shield value. You have to include the additional shields per turn (120/turn in the assumptions above) foregone while being built.

                              Hoover's Dam is one of the few Wonders that is self funding in terms of shields. If Hoover's were on my buildlist now, I would not be pushing for an Army!

                              Frankly, I think most of the AIs seperately right now are so easy to knock over (assuming they don't join up), that Women's Sufferage isn't neccesary even remaining a Democracy.
                              Contradicts 2nd point so I guess there is hope!

                              If Army wins, I predict the Hawk party will start calling for it to be used.
                              You can count on it. But we are not actually in a RUSH to obtain the requisite victory condition. We want to get a city developed with enough shield count to matter before attempting the Military Academy. We however, are in a RUSH to get Khufu committed to an Army.
                              I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III

