This chart shows what our current Corruption/Waste is in all of the cities. It also shows some additional Information:
The formulation for this is Referenced from: Everything you ever wanted to know about corruption and the User Freindly FAQ that is linked to in that thread.
In the Chart:
Corruption effects Trade. Waste effects Shield Production.
Courthouses effect both Corruption and Waste. WLKD effects ONLY Waste.
The chart shows what is the current statistics for Corruption/Waste. It also shows the following:
1) Corruption/Waste with JUST a Courthouse.
2) Waste with ONLY WLKD.
3) Waste with BOTH Courthouse and WLKD.
From the time when I published my {URL=]Construction Shack - 700AD Corruption & Waste Statistics [/URL] Report to now, we have added 3 Courthouses to our Nation. We have also annexed 3 cities from the French. With these two counterbalancing each other, we have actually had AVERAGE Corruption increase by 2.11%. We have also achieved WLKD in a number of cities and the AVERAGE Waste has decreased by 1.70%. The addition of Rheims to city Rank 18, Amiens to Rank 21 and Lyons to Rank 35 have "pushed down" the other cities and have increased the overall corruption in 57% of our nation.
If you’ll notice on the chart, the grayed out courthouse and corresponding percentages. These are courthouses that are under current construction and will be completed relatively soon. The Grayed out WLKD positions that are currently building Improvements (either Cathedral or Marketplace) that will give these Cities WLKD. These should be completed relatively soon. The Yellowed ones are a courthouse & Cathedral Rushes that has already had the funding approved by the MoE.
As you can see, adding the courthouses will have a profound effect on our Corruption, especially while we are in the GA.
I have some further charts showing future effects that will be in the next post.
The formulation for this is Referenced from: Everything you ever wanted to know about corruption and the User Freindly FAQ that is linked to in that thread.
In the Chart:
Corruption effects Trade. Waste effects Shield Production.
Courthouses effect both Corruption and Waste. WLKD effects ONLY Waste.
The chart shows what is the current statistics for Corruption/Waste. It also shows the following:
1) Corruption/Waste with JUST a Courthouse.
2) Waste with ONLY WLKD.
3) Waste with BOTH Courthouse and WLKD.
From the time when I published my {URL=]Construction Shack - 700AD Corruption & Waste Statistics [/URL] Report to now, we have added 3 Courthouses to our Nation. We have also annexed 3 cities from the French. With these two counterbalancing each other, we have actually had AVERAGE Corruption increase by 2.11%. We have also achieved WLKD in a number of cities and the AVERAGE Waste has decreased by 1.70%. The addition of Rheims to city Rank 18, Amiens to Rank 21 and Lyons to Rank 35 have "pushed down" the other cities and have increased the overall corruption in 57% of our nation.
If you’ll notice on the chart, the grayed out courthouse and corresponding percentages. These are courthouses that are under current construction and will be completed relatively soon. The Grayed out WLKD positions that are currently building Improvements (either Cathedral or Marketplace) that will give these Cities WLKD. These should be completed relatively soon. The Yellowed ones are a courthouse & Cathedral Rushes that has already had the funding approved by the MoE.
As you can see, adding the courthouses will have a profound effect on our Corruption, especially while we are in the GA.
I have some further charts showing future effects that will be in the next post.