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City Council: Markets, Libraries and Cathedrals

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Shiber
    Sir Ralph, I figured happy faces turn unhappy citizens into content and not just content citizens into happy citizens but I wanted to make sure. Thanks!
    To be absolute exact, the luxury resource, luxury spending or wonder generated happy faces work this way:

    - If there is at least one content citizen, he is turned happy.
    - If there is no content, but at least one unhappy ciziten, he is turned content.
    - If there is neither a content nor an unhappy citizen (all happy), the happy face has no effect.

    This makes it cost 2 happy faces to turn an unhappy citizen happy (one unhappy->content, and one content->happy), if there are no content citizens in the city.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Torkkeli
      Colosseums give only 2 culture. (I wonder why I had the impression they give 4 culture... )
      So dejons plan looks very good.
      Colosseums (just like every other cultural improvement or wonder) double their culture after they existed 1000 years. A 1000 year old Colosseum gives 4 (instead of 2) culture points per turn, a 1000 year old cathedral gives 6 points, and a 1000 year old Great Library even 12.

      About dejons algorithm: It's pretty much what I wanted too, so I agree, but would consider to build the courthouses first in the more corrupt cities, in order to speed up the building of the other improvements.


      • #33
        With Market & Cathedral you can have WLKD (without Specialist) up to and including:
        4 Lux - Size 8 6H, 2C
        5 Lux - Size 9 8H, 1C
        6 Lux - Size 10 10H
        7 Lux - Size 12 12H

        With also Colluseum:

        4 Lux - Size 10 6H, 4C
        5 Lux - Size 11 10H, 1C
        6 Lux - Size 12 12H

        With that in mind and the underdeveloped nature of a lot of our cities (39, 40 soon), I'm planning to limit our grow for a period until we can let them run. Most of the cities are building the marketplace first, as that will allow the MoE to possibly change the Trade allocation to actually start doing our own research.

        Some cities, I'm working on Libraries first, some will do the Cathedrals first, followed by the others. Of all of our cities, 2 of them are ready to go to the next step of developement, i.e. Universities and Banks.

        The main problem is that we have had some very long wars and we need to consolidate and catch up to were we should be.

        Come and see me at WePlayCiv
        Worship the Comic here!
        Term IV DFM for Trade, Term V CP & Term VI DM, Term VII SMC of Apolytonia - SPDGI, Minister of the Interior of the PTW InterSite Demo Game


        • #34
          Not quite correct, but also not completely wrong. With market and cathedral a city is already in WLTKD with 3 luxuries:

          3 Lux - size 8: 4H 4C
          4 Lux - size 8: 6H 2H
          5 Lux - size 9: 8H 1C
          6 Lux - size 10: 10H
          7 Lux - size 12: 12H

          With Market, Cathedral and Colosseum, here are more differences:

          3 Lux - size 8: 4H 4C
          4 Lux - size 10: 6H 4C
          5 Lux - size 10: 9H 1C
          6 Lux - size 11: 11H
          7 Lux - size 12: 12H

          As we can see, Colosseums begin to have effect with 4 luxuries, which we have. Their effect lowers with more luxuries and reaches zero with 7 luxuries, at least till Medicine. All we can get for now, is 5 or at most 6 luxuries, so it may be worth to build Colosseums in our core cities too. But I would build them last in order, even after Universities and Banks.

