Hi, READ before voting!
We need to democratically sort out this amendment.
This is unoffical but would impact the final proposition...
(and for that we need 2/3 majority)
Through the discussions, our people has come up with different
suggestions. If other suggestions are to be added to the final poll, just post them here, and include the option
Law of bananas: §x, others.
Otherwise, choose from beneath: ( one, two or many)
§1a. " What must be done for naming cities, is the duty that falls mainly on the Minister of Imperial Expansion, hereafter referred to as MoIE, Who chooses the city sites and goes about building them. "
§1b. "Cause this is to be the logical course, the new duty for the MoIE would be to take all the ideas for city names, arrange them into a poll which the citizens can vote for, and then put that poll into effect where neccessary. "
§2a. "Under no circumstance, are any citizens in any position,
allowed to use a their (nick)name on a cityname. "
§2b. "As for our founding fathers, here defined as the 1st. Apolytonian governmental term, should their (nick)names be exclued from the rule in §2a. And so forth be distributed by the MoIE in a proper manner as a memorial to our ancestors."
§3a "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that refers to some theme. This theme will be decided by an offical poll, and executed by the government. "
§3b "Renaming of current cities are possible by those cabinet members, when those cities are not named
through a system within this law. "
§4 "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that name can refer to anything that he wishes to.
The cabinet member can therefore include his own nickname."
Discussion about this here: (and other places too)
We need to democratically sort out this amendment.
This is unoffical but would impact the final proposition...
(and for that we need 2/3 majority)
Through the discussions, our people has come up with different
suggestions. If other suggestions are to be added to the final poll, just post them here, and include the option
Law of bananas: §x, others.
Otherwise, choose from beneath: ( one, two or many)
§1a. " What must be done for naming cities, is the duty that falls mainly on the Minister of Imperial Expansion, hereafter referred to as MoIE, Who chooses the city sites and goes about building them. "
§1b. "Cause this is to be the logical course, the new duty for the MoIE would be to take all the ideas for city names, arrange them into a poll which the citizens can vote for, and then put that poll into effect where neccessary. "
§2a. "Under no circumstance, are any citizens in any position,
allowed to use a their (nick)name on a cityname. "
§2b. "As for our founding fathers, here defined as the 1st. Apolytonian governmental term, should their (nick)names be exclued from the rule in §2a. And so forth be distributed by the MoIE in a proper manner as a memorial to our ancestors."
§3a "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that refers to some theme. This theme will be decided by an offical poll, and executed by the government. "
§3b "Renaming of current cities are possible by those cabinet members, when those cities are not named
through a system within this law. "
§4 "Each cabinet member can choose one cityname whereas
that name can refer to anything that he wishes to.
The cabinet member can therefore include his own nickname."
![yeah right!](https://apolyton.net/core/images/smilies/hm.gif)
Discussion about this here: (and other places too)