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VP campaign thread

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  • #31
    Man... I was just about to go to bed and respond to the next post in the morning when you posted

    Being me, however, I can't do much but respond immediately rather than wait for morning

    Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
    What people say about the order being Compiled.....
    I really wish we had some people in here other than the two of us to comment on this... (HINT to anyone still bothering to read this far )

    You seem to wish to harp on why I will not do these things if not elected. My time is important. I believe it is the VP's job to improve the forum, not because it is written in the CoL, hell, I may as well have been VP last term as I was certainly doing the VP's job acording to the CoL, I kept up on the current events, I started polls, byall rights i COULD have played trns if neded... We all know that CoL is garbage. It is being thrown out, and the Con Con created. I believe that every VP should go BEYOND what is simply stated within the CoL. I ask, why are you not willing to accept any new responsibility simply because it is not written for you to do so?
    I knew you had to get to this at some point, was sorta wondering why you hadn't yet

    Let me explain the reason why I have taken such exception to your method of running for office here... the reason is that I've used exactly the same tactic before because it normally works extremely well, especially against poorly prepared opponents.

    The tactic (which you are using) goes something like this:

    - You are running for an office for which you have more time to expend than the limited responsibilities of the office require.
    - So, in an effort both to bolster your own popularity and the formidability of your candidacy, you start adding to the responsibilities of the office specific things you feel you would be good at doing while implying that these are absolutely necessary parts of the job despite their absense from the job description.
    - This helps you to gain both popularity for your willingness to perform "extra sacrifices" for the job (sacrifices which, in reality, have little to do with the job description) and intimidate opponent(s) because they are sacrifices which you have selected.
    - Once you are elected, you implement these extra items and imply in any later election that they are necessary parts of the job... this makes it almost impossible for anyone to run against you because you work over the course of your term to taylor such things to your own talents... thus meaning anyone who challenges you must promise to do everything you do as well as you do it... all above and beyond the job description of the office... this is precisely why Reddawg, in particular, is currently unbeatable.

    Your opponent typically feels trapped into taking one of three unfortunate courses of action:

    1. Saying they can match what you have promised, which inevitably allows you to say that they're without any fresh ideas and just copying your own.

    2. Trying to "one-up" you by promising their own list of things they'd add to the job description and implying that they are necessary to the job. This inevitably leads to campaign that is little more than an irresponsible bidding war over "who is willing to sacrifice more" when the real question should be why the two candidates are ever less realistic portrayals of the actual job and straying dangerously toward the territory of writing an impossible job description which ultimately dooms the winner of the election to disapoint the unrealistic expectations they set up in the campaign with all of their myriad promises (U.S. Presidential elections do this a hell of a lot...)

    3. Fearing the suddenly increased magnitude of the job, they simply drop out of the race.

    The fundamental flaw with this campaign tactic, one I've used before myself quite successfully more than once because the vast majority of candidates fall for it every time, is that it moves the focus of the campaign away from the relevant issues and job responsibilities (ones which the candidate using hte tactic typically knows don't shed enough favorable contrast between themselves and their opponent) into a battle over areas that do shed contrast between the candidates, but have little or nothing to do with the job description.

    The best counter to the tactic if you want to avoid the insane one-upsmanship which all-too-often leads to a completely rediculous race to see who wants to promise more and more sacrifices and become the better martyr and get completely off-track from the most important issues is to simply refuse to play that game. Whenever your opponent strays from the course, knock them back onto it.

    The voters are not voting on whether I or you are willing to sacrifice more of our time, offer more ideas, or work on more projects on behalf of Apolytonia. I have my own lengthy list of projects I'd love to do here and I plan on doing several of them in the coming term and I might end up sharing many of them by the end of this campaign - the difference is that I seem to realize that those things are not what this campaign is about.

    This said, whenever you bring up issues which relate to the actual job description, whether explicitly in the CoL or generally accepted as being underneath the job, including by the current holder of the office or at least reasonably within the bounds of things people might expect specifically of the Vice President and not simply of any concerned citizen, then I will respond and offer my own thoughts on such things. Of the many many things you have attempted to tack onto the job description of Vice President which are not part of that job, exceedingly few meet this standard.

    I think you're a fabulous citizen of Apolytonia and I know you think similar of myself. We are both extremely active and have a lot of ideas, but the vast majority of the ideas we have about next term are entirely seperate issues from the one which is most important to the voter: which of these two candidates would best meet the following job description and what can be reasonably extended from it:

    "The right hand of the President; he may assist the president in any way currently needed (holding polls, consulting ministers, distributing the save files, etc). In the event the President is unable to play his turn, the Vice-president shall play the turn instead."

    You have stated repeatedly that "IF elected VP, I will...." and followed such a statement with promise after promise after promise of things not in the job description. My continued response has been why you must state IF in such statements when your capability to perform them is not dependent on being Vice President. I have a lot of things I plan to do next term, but the vast majority of them I refuse to preface with the line "IF elected Vice President...", even if such a statement were to help me be elected. That's a very key difference between your argument and my own. Being Vice President will allow me to provide support to the President and any ministers when requested or when it seems needed, it will allow me to have a more active role in creating official polls when allowed by the President, will allow me to take on a more direct/official role in any turnchat or with any cabinet communication, and may even allow me to run turnchats, but it is not the event or non-event upon which is hinging whether I will bother to help Apolytonia in various other ways.

    This is not about what either of us would do next term as an Apolytonian, it is about what we would do (narrowly considered) as Vice President.

    As such, I'm going to attempt to strike at that specific set of the issues of the highest relevance (though you have successfully managed to get off track from the last time I actually spoke on them):


    1. TURNCHAT ATTENDANCE: I am a current attendee at most turnchats despite not being a member of the cabinet. It is a reasonable expectation that I would continue this habit in the future as Vice President, though increasing my commitment by being present at all turn chats at which I can be reasonably expected to attend (baring RL concerns).

    2. TURNCHAT PROTOCOL: I'd like to talk to whomever becomes President about implementing something of added protocol during the turnchat itself and in the form of a variation on the old system of having all orders officially submitted by the ministers in the ministers room and having the public discussion in the main room. My personal proposal is that the ministers' room would be used solely for transmitted orders from ministers (or their designated representatives) where orders need revision or the President or VP requests the clarification of orders, etc. The ministers room would not be used for a seperate discussion there, ministers can private message each other in IRC if they need a request from a specific minister, but general discussions should be held in the main channel with everyone who is there present to comment. The main IRC channel would be used for general discussion and for the executive conducting the turnchat (whether the President or the Vice President) to post results and conduct quick polls (I really like OPD's tendency of using these frequently in unforseen situations, btw... ). I am extremely flexible on this and understand that it will be the President, not myself, who runs the majority, if not even all, of the turnchats or turnthreads during the term. As stated at the top, this is simply where I would start in what would be a discussion between myself and the President about how to conduct turnchats.

    3. TURNTHREAD PROTOCOL: As with turnchat protocol, I would start the discussion with the President by suggesting that one thread be decided solely for ministers to provide orders clarifications, modified or new orders, and answer questions posed to them (specifically) by the acting executive (whether the President or the VP). Another or other threads would be established for turnthread discussion. I admittedly have no experience with turnthreads, so I'd obviously defer to the President's judgement if either Ninot or WhiteBandit were elected on what best to do from their knowledge of turnthreads and their own preferences, but this would certainly not stop me from offering suggestions based upon my own knowledge of observing turnchats and being a poster on the boards.

    4. TURN CHAT/THREAD OBSERVATION AND SUGGESTIONS: One thing I would certainly watch out for and could help with as Vice President is to keep an eye on the smoothness of turnthreads and/or turnchats while they are taking place and confer with the President after each turnthread and/or turnchat to suggest various changes from what I noticed. I could also, in a similar regard, collect feedback from people present for turnthreads and/or turnchats for this purpose. This is an area where I believe the VP could be useful in "supporting the President" and is a reasonable extention of that part of the VP's established job description.


    CONVERSING WITH THE PRESIDENT AND MINISTERS: I would do my utmost to ensure that I have confered with the President and deferred to the President on the issue of starting official polls or pre-poll discussion for official polls. I will constantly (as whenever I am on Apolyton, which is a whole lot!) be on the lookout for issues that could have polls. I think people will find that I am the type to be more likely than most to post items of interest to the populace as official polls (following a lengthy pre-poll discussion, of course) upon which they can comment. I will have to reign myself in at the discretion of the President, of course, something which I am fully prepared to do. However, the President (whichover one of the current candidates he turns out to be) will likely find that I suggest issues for pre-poll discussions and polls probably more often than the typically government minister or Vice President. It is my firm belief that open and lengthy discussion by many of the extremely bright Civ3 players we have here, on just about any issue (though I will have to be selective to an extent so that each issue can actually be handled), is advantageous to us. I will have to confer with any minister(s) whom the poll results affect as well.

    PRE-POLL DISCUSSION: I will start pre-poll discussions with a non-partial post and a listing (using the best of my analytical ability) of what all of the potential and reasonable options seem to be off the top of my head as merely a spring-board. As the discussion continues, I will attempt to guide it toward the point where there are 2 or more solid options that people have coalesced around. This statement makes this process sound easy, something which it is certainly not. I realize this because I've been a moderator before. Though I've played the role of an active moderator and a passive moderator before, I definately think the role of a slightly more active moderator is called for in this case (one who states their own opinion as well as attempting to help the group identifity the key and viable options which would be placed in a poll). Once I believe that point is reached, I believe it something of a courtesy (unless we are especially pressed for time) to then post in the thread to ask if everyone who has been actively posting in the thread is satisfied with the chosen poll options... if not, alteration can be done... if so, it goes to a poll...

    THE POLLS THEMSELVES: I have a background in survey research, so polls are really cool to me (yeah, I'm a social science geek ). It also happens to mean that I have something of an understanding of how the wording of surveys and polls and the order of choices on surveys and polls can affect how people respond to them. I will obviously keep that in mind as I write polls and attempt to make them as non-partisan as my lack of sleep at the time I'm posting the poll will reasonably allow . I've attempted to do this on occassion when I've written unofficial polls (though not all of them ). As I've also been doing with my unofficial polls, I will refrain from voting until at least 5-6 people have voted to prevent people from realizing how I might have voted (not that I'm especially influential and people may be already aware of my views, but it's just a good habit if you're the one posting the poll).


    STANDING IN: Although most of the ministers now have vice-ministers who can take over for them in the event they have something come up, I would also be available to support them by representing them at the turnchats and turnthreads I would already be attending.

    COMMUNICATION ISSUES: I would see as a reasonable extention of my role in this regard that I could watch out for examples of faltering communication between various ministers and tactfully ( ) alert them to it when it occurs and offer suggestions or help if it is requested. Otherwise, I would be available in the event ministers needed to discuss this issue or others related.

    PROJECTS: Obviously, there are many projects a minister might ask of me which I would be able and willing to do if I was Vice President or not... this is not what I'm getting at here as it is not pertinent to me running for Vice President. Rather, my point here is that I would be open to ministers making specific requests for projects that would fall within what is mentioned above, especially where regarding pre-poll discussions and official polls or other job-related projects as suggested by them.


    TIMES I WOULD HOLD TURNCHATS: Should I be called upon to stand in for the President on a temporary or permanent basis, I will be fully ready to do so. I am free during most of the day on all weekends. The only times on weekends I am not free is typically between 6 a.m. and 1 p.m. Eastern Time (currently 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT, will become 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. GMT). I would prefer to hold weekend chats starting on Saturday or Sunday afternoons starting around 3 p.m. Eastern Time (7 p.m. GMT, later 8 p.m. GMT). As for weekday chats, Wednesday evenings right now work well for me, though I'd expect that they would need to be later in the evening (probably starting around 5 p.m. Eastern time, which is currently 9 p.m. GMT and will become 10 p.m. GMT).

    WHAT IT WOULD MEAN FOR ME TO PERMANENTLY REPLACE THE PRESIDENT: If I have need to be completely honest about this (and I strongly believe that I do) it might mean a reduced level of posting activity on the boards, though I would certainly attempt to keep up the following:
    1. Pre-poll discussions and polls
    2. Collecting suggestions about turnchats/turnthreads
    3. Some of my outside projects such as the World Factbook entries and other things I add. However, these would admittedly be the first to go if I really had a time problem - I would find another, if possible, to pick them up, as there are plenty of extraordinarly bright people around here who might likely find ways of innovating with what I do and improve it


    Ok, I'm starting to get rather tired and it's already past 1 a.m. here now. So I'm going to head to sleep and check to see if there's anything new in the morning.

    Assuming people actually slosh through reading all of the above (I certainly hope so... it's the most on-topic part of this entire thread, IMNSHO), then perhaps they will have thoughts that I can learn about and allow to affect my thinking in the morning. That's another thing about me that is extremely important and which I've demonstrated repeatedly on the boards... I will always remain open to being convinced and changing my mind, I don't really even care if it makes me look fickle because I'm suddenly agreeing with my opponent... if someone presents a convincing argument that I find I can agree with, I'm not just going to stick to my guns for the sake of my ego. My ego's not worth as much as being right
    Last edited by Arnelos; October 10, 2002, 02:08.
    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


    • #32
      These guys are setting the standard of campaign dialectics incredible hight. Democracy is really beautiful when worked this way.
      Statistical anomaly.
      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


      • #33
        I would like to thank Arnelos for pointing out that my point seems to not be getting across.

        Turn chats and threads.

        I want to do the compiled orders as stated. This is not an 'extra duty' that I am attempting to tack on to the job, it is the protocol that I wish to use and institute. It has been used, and proven usefull in the past for both turnchats and turnthreads. I am simply laying out my specific plan to accomplish this task.

        Barring MrWIA instituting the turnchat schedule from hell, which I COULD attend, I simply cannot attend chats during the weekday time. They start at 2PM my time, and I am still working.


        I have a long history of creating polls around here. The last three amendments have been started by myself, and all three will be completed.

        Again, I listed finishing the Cash amendment and rewrittng the CoL as things I am Planning to poll on when I get them completed, not as an 'extra duty'. I am merely laying out my actual plans, not a general if needed I will make polls like this.


        I have always been an aid to the ministers, and will continue to do so if asked VP or not. I believe that once again, the compiled orders are a great way to place orders easily accessible to all ministers, and make it as easy to read as possible. This prevents conflicting orders and generally speeds the discussion.


        I really suck at figuring GMT. I can play after 7PM on weekdays, and all day Saturday.

        If the President needs permanent replacement, however, an emergency poll should be held to do so.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #34
          Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
          I would like to thank Arnelos for pointing out that my point seems to not be getting across.
          And I would like to profusely thank UnOrthOdOx for doing two things for me:

          1. Enlightening me to various ideas and different ways of doing things that I had honestly not thought about before. As I've stated elsewhere, I remain open to being convinced by good argumentation and I'm extremely thankful to UnOrthOdOx for providing several ideas that I'm now mulling.

          2. By becoming a candidate, forcing me to think far more intensively and critically about the job I'm running for: what it would require of me, what I might be able to bring to it, and how I can argue my campaign. I must honestly admit that I would not have anywhere nearly as well-thought-out a conception of the job or how I might fit into it without UnOrthOdOx as an incredibly strong competitor to force me to do that. Without UnOrthOdOx, it is quite certain that I would be far more complacent in my campaign... no point in hiding that, I freely admit it. Because he is running, I now have a far better idea of the job and what I would do to meet it simply because I've had to think so much about it to fuel my argumentation. So while I was initially disappointed that I had such formidable competition (who wouldn't? ), I now am certainly extremely thankful for the stimulus it has provided to making me a far better candidate

          So thanks to you as well
          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


          • #35
            I am not sure if someone already informed you,
            /me eyes OPD, and current Candidates...
            but this was the exact reason I proposed myself as a candidate. I saw that you were being complacent, I knew I could get you fired up, and I knew it would make you better prepared for the job in the end. I now leave this job in your more than capable hands, and hope you will take some of the things to heart, and continue to prepare for your job next term.

            I fully intended to keep this up untill Friday evening, but I cannot guarantee that I will be on to stop it in time, as I am gettting VERY busy. I am stepping down. I do not have time for this position this month, or to make many changes on the forum. Why?

            I own and operate a spook alley for children age 3-8. It opens tomorrow for the 8th year in a row. You can't imagine all the last minute preperations we are having to make... All cash made goes to a burn unit for children at a local hospital (my partner is a Fireman...). The first year we made $300 after expenses, last year we made $20,000. This year I have managed a number of new sponsors, and am moving to a larger building, fully expecting an even greater turnout. This just absolutely must take a precidence over the forum here. If any of you live in Utah, let me know and I will give you the address.

            Besides, if this game has taught us nothing else, it is new blood makes for great improvements. I had my turn, it is time to get new ideas into the position.
            Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; October 10, 2002, 16:06.
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • #36
              Originally posted by Arnelos
              Man... I was just about to go to bed and respond to the next post in the morning when you posted

              Being me, however, I can't do much but respond immediately rather than wait for morning
              I tried to respond to one of your posts last night, but had to drop it when it started to take forever .

              I really wish we had some people in here other than the two of us to comment on this... (HINT to anyone still bothering to read this far )
              UnOrthO's compiled orders ruled. They made things a lot easier. It was my understanding that MWIA loved them too, and I liked how it seemed to speed turnchats up (though I bet it made it harder for those who wanted to play along, it was a lot easier for me personally that way). As to why they're not being done this term -- no one seems to have the time. Just FYI, Arnelos -- I think you'll probably find them useful as well if you see them in action for a bit.

              I knew you had to get to this at some point, was sorta wondering why you hadn't yet

              Let me explain the reason why I have taken such exception to your method of running for office here... the reason is that I've used exactly the same tactic before because it normally works extremely well, especially against poorly prepared opponents.

              The tactic (which you are using) goes something like this:

              - You are running for an office for which you have more time to expend than the limited responsibilities of the office require.
              - So, in an effort both to bolster your own popularity and the formidability of your candidacy, you start adding to the responsibilities of the office specific things you feel you would be good at doing while implying that these are absolutely necessary parts of the job despite their absense from the job description.
              - This helps you to gain both popularity for your willingness to perform "extra sacrifices" for the job (sacrifices which, in reality, have little to do with the job description) and intimidate opponent(s) because they are sacrifices which you have selected.
              - Once you are elected, you implement these extra items and imply in any later election that they are necessary parts of the job... this makes it almost impossible for anyone to run against you because you work over the course of your term to taylor such things to your own talents... thus meaning anyone who challenges you must promise to do everything you do as well as you do it... all above and beyond the job description of the office... this is precisely why Reddawg, in particular, is currently unbeatable.
              I'm not sure this is a very fair analysis of this situation, though the end effect might be true (never thought of it in this light before)... UnOrthO sets goals for himself based on his job. Though it isn't explicitly written into the CoL that UnOrthO should go beyond the base Vice Presidental responsibilites, it is understood that he only takes on jobs where he feels he can innovate new solutions, and it is understood that if he does take on a job, he will go beyond what's being done now (understood being by those who know him or were around during his previous term).

              Your opponent typically feels trapped into taking one of three unfortunate courses of action:

              1. Saying they can match what you have promised, which inevitably allows you to say that they're without any fresh ideas and just copying your own.

              2. Trying to "one-up" you by promising their own list of things they'd add to the job description and implying that they are necessary to the job. This inevitably leads to campaign that is little more than an irresponsible bidding war over "who is willing to sacrifice more" when the real question should be why the two candidates are ever less realistic portrayals of the actual job and straying dangerously toward the territory of writing an impossible job description which ultimately dooms the winner of the election to disapoint the unrealistic expectations they set up in the campaign with all of their myriad promises (U.S. Presidential elections do this a hell of a lot...)

              3. Fearing the suddenly increased magnitude of the job, they simply drop out of the race.
              Can't really comment on that, since I'm still not sure that it's a tactic in this case. It might have these effects -- again, I've never thought about it this way -- but I don't think it's intended too, or even has had these effects -- Apoc toned down the VP role when he took the job, and had no trouble. If UnOrthO wants to expand the VP's responsibliities for his term then I think that's fine -- it's his way of taking on the VP role, which doesn't have much in it by the CoL, and expanding upon it.

              The fundamental flaw with this campaign tactic, one I've used before myself quite successfully more than once because the vast majority of candidates fall for it every time, is that it moves the focus of the campaign away from the relevant issues and job responsibilities (ones which the candidate using hte tactic typically knows don't shed enough favorable contrast between themselves and their opponent) into a battle over areas that do shed contrast between the candidates, but have little or nothing to do with the job description.
              I understand your arguement, but would have to disagree in this case. To be honest, the VP job description just doesn't give him much to do (except in emergencies). The VP, if he just does what the CoL says, is a meaningless position with an active president. The way that some Vice Presidents have been able to counter that is by taking on other roles around the forum as part of their VP job, which I think is a fine practice, and haven't seen it hurting any canidates yet.

              ** snip a bit of text **

              The voters are not voting on whether I or you are willing to sacrifice more of our time, offer more ideas, or work on more projects on behalf of Apolytonia. I have my own lengthy list of projects I'd love to do here and I plan on doing several of them in the coming term and I might end up sharing many of them by the end of this campaign - the difference is that I seem to realize that those things are not what this campaign is about.
              I'm a bit confused by what this campaign is about, then . If you both are going to argue over how you plan to follow the CoL's guidelines, then we could basically just ask "Will do you Turnchats or Threads? How often? Even if you don't need to?" and then close the thread now.

              This said, whenever you bring up issues which relate to the actual job description, whether explicitly in the CoL or generally accepted as being underneath the job, including by the current holder of the office or at least reasonably within the bounds of things people might expect specifically of the Vice President and not simply of any concerned citizen, then I will respond and offer my own thoughts on such things. Of the many many things you have attempted to tack onto the job description of Vice President which are not part of that job, exceedingly few meet this standard.
              See above . I disagree on the definition of the standard.

              ** snip a bit more, since my response would be redundant... **

              "The right hand of the President; he may assist the president in any way currently needed (holding polls, consulting ministers, distributing the save files, etc). In the event the President is unable to play his turn, the Vice-president shall play the turn instead."
              Actually, I'd say most of UnOrthO's Vice Presidental innovations do further this goal. His chat order compilation assists the President; though it is not explicitly stated, his directory and CoL rewriting project would assist the people, who (in my opinion) he does serve (though not by his job description).

              ** snippty snip **

              This is not about what either of us would do next term as an Apolytonian, it is about what we would do (narrowly considered) as Vice President.

              As such, I'm going to attempt to strike at that specific set of the issues of the highest relevance (though you have successfully managed to get off track from the last time I actually spoke on them):
              Ok, I guess I'll go ahead and give my thoughts on the issues you've addressed then, and what I'm looking for from them.

              FIRST: TURNCHATS
              Fair enough issue, though I think it's too narrow to hold the entire debate on.

              2. TURNCHAT PROTOCOL:
              I'd be willing to see some more structure in turnchats, though I think it's generally not needed -- we've seen one or two that have really needed it, but many that haven't.

              Having said that, by your strict definition of what falls under the VP's job and what doesn't, wouldn't this be a doesn't? The CoL doesn't require that the VP innovate in that field... of course, I'm happy that it's getting discussion, and I want a VP that will be innovative and try new things, but I thought I'd point what I consider an inconsistancy out.

              3. TURNTHREAD PROTOCOL:
              Fair enough . If we added the list of compiled orders, I don't think our turnthread system needs much innovation (a seperate thread for comments might be nice, might not, but I'd be willing to try it for a term ).

              Again, fair enough.

              SECOND: POLLS

              I wouldn't mind seeing the VP post polls that the Government believes are important issues. I'm not sure it's needed, but I'd like to see how well it'd work before I write it off -- it could be very useful.

              PRE-POLL DISCUSSION:
              I don't have any problems with this system, and would be very interested in seeing how well it'd work. Good idea .

              ** snip information on polls themself: my response is same as above **

              I like the idea of having the VP coordinate between ministers -- I've always felt it was an executive power, and considered proposing that the Con Con explicitly write it into the CoL (not saying that the Con Con has or hasn't, just saying I considered proposing it before the Con Con had gotten started ). I'd really like to see the VP canidate take an active role in this area.

              ** snip playing for the pres. section **

              * snip out ending portion*

              I'm not trying to seem pro UnOrthO, though I'm sure I sound that way, but I do respectfully disagree with Arnelos's analysis and thoughts on what are potential jobs appropriate for the VP and what aren't. We may have to agree to disagree on this issue, and who knows -- maybe I'll eventually be brought around to your way of thinking, or you'll come to mine.

              -- adaMada
              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


              • #37
                Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                I am not sure if someone already informed you,
                * UnOrthOdOx eyes OPD, and current Candidates...
                but this was the exact reason I proposed myself as a candidate. I saw that you were being complacent, I knew I could get you fired up, and I knew it would make you better prepared for the job in the end. I now leave this job in your more than capable hands, and hope you will take some of the things to heart, and continue to prepare for your job next term.

                I fully intended to keep this up untill Friday evening, but I cannot guarantee that I will be on to stop it in time, as I am gettting VERY busy. I am stepping down. I do not have time for this position this month, or to make many changes on the forum. Why?

                I own and operate a spook alley for children age 3-8. It opens tomorrow for the 8th year in a row. You can't imagine all the last minute preperations we are having to make... All cash made goes to a burn unit for children at a local hospital (my partner is a Fireman...). The first year we made $300 after expenses, last year we made $20,000. This year I have managed a number of new sponsors, and am moving to a larger building, fully expecting an even greater turnout. This just absolutely must take a precidence over the forum here. If any of you live in Utah, let me know and I will give you the address.

                Besides, if this game has taught us nothing else, it is new blood makes for great improvements. I had my turn, it is time to get new ideas into the position.
                Grr... and I went ahead and posted that long response .

                Ah well. UnOrthO, you did a good job of fireing things up a bit. Very long campeign thread .

                Arnelos -- You'll do fine. I really would like to see you take on some of UnOrthO's proposed projects (or even some of his old ones, such as the Orders Compilation), since they do sound like solid, good ideas that I do believe are appropriate for the VP, but that's your call. Either way, I think you'll be fine, and would wish you the best of luck .

                -- adaMada
                Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                • #38
                  One long post, there ada, I suggest you read my last one...

                  Oh you didn't have to delete it all....

                  Put the structured orders stuff back in
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #39
                    We posted the same minute .

                    I won't delete my really really long one -- it's one of many really really long posts in this thread , and I think the points are still valid (though no longer important ). Besides, I know how much you hate deletions . Having said that, I'll drop the issue unless Arnelos wants to talk it over more -- as I said, it's unimportant, and I really do think he'll do a great job .

                    -- adaMada
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #40
                      If I had known people were still reading, I may have held off a bit longer...oh well.

                      I hope the Arnelos will continue to address the issues, however. Compiling orders can be a great help, but maybe there is another way as well, I don't know

                      Though it isn't explicitly written into the CoL that UnOrthO should go beyond the base Vice Presidental responsibilites, it is understood that he only takes on jobs where he feels he can innovate new solutions, and it is understood that if he does take on a job, he will go beyond what's being done now (understood being by those who know him or were around during his previous term).
                      This is, perhaps, the second greatest compliment anyone has ever given me. The first was what my boss said to a 3 Star General: "If you want the job done right, go talk to Cole" (Im a civilian, but work for the Air Force under a contract with Boeing.)

                      The VP, if he just does what the CoL says, is a meaningless position with an active president. The way that some Vice Presidents have been able to counter that is by taking on other roles around the forum as part of their VP job, which I think is a fine practice, and haven't seen it hurting any canidates yet.
                      Couldn't agree more.

                      And ada, are you going to continue the directory next term? I have some ideas to help you...Ill PM you if you are still doing it.
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                        If I had known people were still reading, I may have held off a bit longer...oh well.

                        I hope the Arnelos will continue to address the issues, however. Compiling orders can be a great help, but maybe there is another way as well, I don't know


                        This is, perhaps, the second greatest compliment anyone has ever given me. The first was what my boss said to a 3 Star General: "If you want the job done right, go talk to Cole" (Im a civilian, but work for the Air Force under a contract with Boeing.)

                        Couldn't agree more.

                        And ada, are you going to continue the directory next term? I have some ideas to help you...Ill PM you if you are still doing it.
                        I guess when compeating against a Three Star General, that's not all that bad .

                        I was about to post about the Directory. Here's what I'm thinking.

                        First, the directory's way out of date now, which really isn't acceptable to me but I can't do much about it today. I'll probably let it dangle for another day and then get all the essentials in over the weekend, since I'm not sure if I could do it today without messing things up even more (at least I know for now when I need to search back to...)

                        On the Directory in general:
                        I picked it up last term so it wouldn't get dropped. With the exception of the first week (when I wanted to redo the format to incorperate a few new ideas) and this week (which has been nasty for everything, not just this) it hasn't been a huge burdon, and I'll happily do it again. Having said that, if you (UnOrthO) want to pick it back up, or the VP/Pres. wants to pull that back into his department, or someone else really wants to do it, I'm very willing to talk it over . We could do a minister system, I guess, but I'd personally rather wait for another month and see if the Con Con doesn't move fast enough to make us redo the system once all the Ministers are rearranged. None of the Ministers seem to be jumping at the idea of doing their own section either (if any are, then I could give them the format and they could do that one section...)

                        As for your new ideas -- please, PM 'em .

                        -- adaMada
                        Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                        PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                        Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                        • #42
                          I OFFICIALLY RENAME THIS THREAD "WAR & PEACE"
                          I coulda read the Bible in the same amount of time........

                          all the way through...............

                          both testaments...........


                          • #43
                            @ GhengisFarb

                            I just got home from various junk today, though everyone's schedules are all over the place due to this stupid serial killer mess (with just about anything outdoors being cancelled, this creates serious problems several weeks before a congressional election). I sure as hell hope they catch this idiot soon...

                            Thanks to UnOrthOdOx - I had a constant suspicion that you were in the race merely to get a rise out of me, but to be honest, by yesterday evening I figured you'd been in the race long enough that you couldn't possibly just be in it to mess with me So you waited just long enough for me to be convinced you were serious before giving it up... scoundrel

                            Thanks, again.

                            I have to run to church (evening meetings... fun... ). I haven't played a single-player computer game in over a week... so I think (when I get back tonight) I'm going to sit myself in front of a game of Civ3 on chieftan level just so I can have some amazingly easy fun with the AI this evening

                            I'll probably post about adaMada's stuff sometime tomorrow
                            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Arnelos
                              I'll probably post about adaMada's stuff sometime tomorrow
                              How do I get myself into stuff like this ...

                              -- adaMada
                              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                              • #45
                                Seriously, Arnelos, do not stop preparing. What are your opinions on HOW exactly to organize the chats and Threads (protocol, I believe, is the word you used).
                                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                                You're wierd. - Krill

                                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

