Hi, and well met! 
I am currently running for Minister of Science (ind) under the motto: "Revive culture and prosperity" I'm a reformist...
Both the Thinkers Guild and the Culture Club will be active (i hope)
during our reforms. This discussion is essential!
Adam Smith's is a longshot, but what can we gain if we don't try?
Also... I support togas' plan about the Democracy tech.
*Huge rat leaving area 25*

I am currently running for Minister of Science (ind) under the motto: "Revive culture and prosperity" I'm a reformist...
Both the Thinkers Guild and the Culture Club will be active (i hope)
during our reforms. This discussion is essential!
Adam Smith's is a longshot, but what can we gain if we don't try?
Also... I support togas' plan about the Democracy tech.
*Huge rat leaving area 25*