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We =need= ships!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by joncnunn
    Galleons can move faster than Galleys / Caravels, so by having existing naval units in harbors when we get Navigation so they can be upgraded immedately we'll cut a few turns off traveling the lost distance.
    Great idea joncnunn
    Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
    Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


    • #32
      Originally posted by joncnunn
      We're still better off sending Caravels into the ocean than Galleys. (Lower sink rates.)
      IIRC, all sinking possibility is based solely on tech, and the game doesn't distinguish between units.

      So I don't see any advantage to Caravels (aside from allowing some harbor cities to build infrastructure sooner).


      • #33
        We won't send ships that might sink into an ocean.
        Greatest moments in cat:


        • #34
          Har... Gimme a ship and I'll sail around the world!
          The world is round isn't it??
          So many pedestrians, so little time


          • #35
            You never know 'till you do it.
            Greatest moments in cat:


            • #36
              When, realistically, could this fleet be available for use should we decide to begin construction?
              Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
              Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


              • #37
                Kloreep, I could have sworn the sink rate of Galleys in ocean is 50% while the sink rate of Caravels in ocean is 25%.

                Yes, I think the coastal cities need some imporovements first to prepare for our golden age.
                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                Templar Science Minister
                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                • #38
                  joncnunn, how do you know that?
                  If you can find hard evidence to this it would greatly benefit our discussion, as well as our joint cause.
                  "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                  And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                  Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                  - Phantom of the Opera


                  • #39
                    I'll read my Civ 3 entry on Caravel tonight.

                    I played Civ 2 a lot longer than Civ 3, so I may simply have been mixing and matching in ways I'd have done if I were the desiginer of Civ 3.

                    In my mod I'll move the Galleon back to Magnitism so it won't crowd out the Caravel. I'll keep the Privatter at Navigation though to encourage a peroid of Priacy.

                    The other change affecting ships in the Middle Ages is that I elimated bombard from Frigates, and reduced bombard on Men of War down to 1.
                    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                    Templar Science Minister
                    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                    • #40
                      Here is something to think about.

                      "Have you seen on the map where Rome, Greece & the Aztecs have been exploring the Seas?


                      Compare these images:
                      Attached Files
                      RIAA sucks
                      The Optimistas
                      I'm a political cartoonist


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Aro
                        Here is something to think about.

                        "Have you seen on the map where Rome, Greece & the Aztecs have been exploring the Seas?


                        Compare these images:
                        I have been saying this from the very beginning. Based on the algorithms Civ3 uses to generate land masses launching directly west from Grecos has a high probability of hitting the Lost Civs' Contintent.

                        I campaigned to get Holeinwall moved so it could build ships and if it built a harbor it can build veteran galleys and later upgrade them and this could provide an Eastern Fleet to launch forth from Grecos.


                        • #42
                          If I'm looking at the images correctly though, the AI won't explore further west aroud there for fear of losing Caravels in the ocean.

                          But once Navigation is discovered, they'll quickly find them.
                          1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                          Templar Science Minister
                          AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                          • #43
                            Shiber, I broke out the 1.21f Civ 3 Encylopia:

                            Caravels : Ocean travel is treachous before Navigation or Mettalurgy.

                            Navigation : Makes ocean travel safe for Caravels and allows ocean trade connections with harbors.

                            Mettalurgy : Makes ocean travel safe for Caravels and allows ocean trade connections with harbors.

                            Astronemy : Makes sea travel safe for Galleys and allows sea trade connections with harbors.

                            Galleys: Dangerous to travel sea and in ocean. Great Light House makes it safe to end movement in sea, but never for oceans.
                            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                            Templar Science Minister
                            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                            • #44
                              That's what I thought before a lot of people said this isn't true and galleys can traverse ocean squares after Navigation and I figured this was just a mistake in the Civilopedia.
                              It's late. I'll make a scenario tomorrow to verify this.
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera


                              • #45
                                Ships are a waste of $, time, and resources now. Later they will be important. Unless forced, I will not build any more in my administration (next 1.5 weeks). Remember, they cost maintenance under republic, a drain on our funds. We currently lack development at home. How many cathedreals do we have? And we are religious? With what wonders? Focus on our better priorities for now. Soon we will make contact.
                                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

