AGGIE- I totally agree, a navy must be built to transport our units to the new world. If we can find lost civz that can put our opponents in check by either trading with us or tasting the sword, then would that not be the most beneficial to us at the moment?
ET - very good points all around
historyguy - I support your information of the Germans strengthening their position; I have seen the buildup myself during a routine Shadow Service tour, Otto DOES hold grudges (we all know this). I believe we must tread lightly...
we need to jumpstart our economy, somehow
ET - very good points all around
historyguy - I support your information of the Germans strengthening their position; I have seen the buildup myself during a routine Shadow Service tour, Otto DOES hold grudges (we all know this). I believe we must tread lightly...
we need to jumpstart our economy, somehow