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Orders for 380 AD

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  • Orders for 380 AD

    The next chat will be at 8 pm GMT on saturday

    Minister please post your orders for the Next 5 turns.
    380, 390, 400, 410, 420. The 420ad turn will be ended and then the chat will be over. Note that the 370 ad turn was ended last time because orders were given for that turn.

    There were a few problems last time with regard to where to move stlrs and who decides where to move them. Ghengis this is up to I guess so could you post settler move orders aswell as where you want new cities to be built.

    Requests for finance should be given to Red soon so that he can decide what to do.

    Also note that there is an English stlr new tyre going to a possible city site.

    Also we need more city names I just gave the cities a load of daft names last turn so I think GK is incharge of the naming if he wants to change them.

    The next chat will be this weekend either sat or sunday. Sunday is easier but I have to see how aggie and apoc are avaliable.
    Last edited by OPD; September 27, 2002, 08:56.
    Are we having fun yet?

  • #2
    I will compile orders here for this set. Will ask Shiber to do it for future turns, though, as he said he could.

    If ministers would:

    Please use the following format for your orders:

    Year[ list=1 ] (without spaces)[*]order 1[*]order 2[*]order 3[*]so on...
    [ /list ] (without spaces)

    Year 2[ list=1 ]...

    It will help me out allot, thanks.

    General Orders

    OPD please refer to WhiteBandit's table for PW orders

    A. Minister of Economy
    1. Assure completion of Courthouses in Del Monte (3 turns) and Here It Is (2 turns)
    2. Switch construction of Cathedralin Macross City to Courthouse (corruption is up to 10!) and rush after one turn, at the cost of 92 Lytons.
    3. Allow Foreign Ministry deals with civs in the sum of aprx. 14 lytons per turn and 93 lytons cash.
    4. Allow 100 Lytons for upgrading of a War Chariot by the SMC; allow a maximum of one addition upgrade if another 100 Lytons are available.
    5. Compile a minimum of 200 Lytons in the treasury by the end of the turnchat.
    6. Once the 200 Lytons are secured in the treasury, rush a maximum of two temples in the Persian annexations, if the funds are available.

    /me points out the MoE has no authority to CHANGE production in cities.

    B. Public Works Orders

    C. City Planner Orders
    1. Grow means that the population is expected to grow, and the prez should double check to make sure the AI is working the most efficient tiles possible. In order of preference of this office, Shields, Food, then Money.
    2. Uber Isle City #1 – IF constructed, barracks. Name Shelbyville
    3. Uber Isle City #2 – IF constructed, harbor. Name Springfield.
    4. Purchase Requests: In this time of great need for our military, I would humbly ask that the only purchase, if acceptable to our finance minister and our executive, be the courthouse located in the fair city of Chiquita. Crime runs rampant, no doubt due to our recent visit by the Congressional Congress with their taste for American Women of ill repute….. If seen fit to purchase, please begin construction of a slave… er… um … worker there at once. Thank you. (Not an urgent request, military should take precedence).

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders
    1. Tech Trades:
      Tech aquisition priority = Invention, Education, Astronomy, Gunpowder, Banking, Printing Press.

      Other Trades
      Do not trade our World or Territory Maps.

      Do not accept a peace treaty from Persia. We have shifted our goal to conquest.

      Do not sign any ROPs or alliances.

      Demands: (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
      E. Give in: Rome, Greece.
      F. Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.
      * NOTE: Demands from charity civs can be accepted if they are small enough.
      * NOTE: Do not give in to any demands that involve giving away our World or Territory Maps

      All things left unstated in turnthreads/chats are for Presidential or Public decision. All things specified must be followed unless surprise events have made the orders illogical, harmful, or inappropriate. In that situation the President should end turnthread/chat if any major decision needs to be taken and no representative from the Ministry is present to make the decision. If only a minor decision, the President may use his discretion to change the orders so that they are logical, beneficial, and appropriate.

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. We are going to follow the following plan. This is based on Spear defenses for other cities, if pikeman add one knight to each attack.
    2. Move two/three knights toward Bactra, move them sw,s to approach bactra, if spear are defending rush into battle, even with 2 knights vs 2 spear I like our odds. If we don't win the first time we can get them with knights the following turn.
    3. 3/3 sword and 5/5 sword under cover of pike move toward Susa. When 2 knights are available for attack too, these forces attack Susa(knights first).
    4. After/during these battles; we build using, upgraded units and units from other battles, a 3knight/1or 2 sword force for tarsus. This force will consist firmly of 2knights from upgraded war chariots and sword from willsbury. The other forces can be sent as available.
    5. Send catapults to pasar
    6. All knew knights get sent to willsbury, then deploy as needed based on the following rules.
      a) If tarsus seems about to fall send the knights to pasar
      b) If fighting persist then send to persopolis
    7. Please have some workers repair the road to persopolis once units are within a turn of tarsus attack
    8. After fighting is done in the south use sword and recovering knights to end resistance(mainly sword if possible). Then gather all knights and sword at pasar for northern attack.
      a) Upgrade both wc as soon as we have money

    10. More money/cp request
      a) I see that some cities in occupied persia are building units, PLEASE CHANGE ALL CITIES IN PERSIA TERRITORY TO TEMPLES
      b) After we finish chariots please rush temples in occupied persia, we need to secure our borders
      NOTE: I am presuming we will survive the counterattack on Persepolis with only 1pike lost, and maybe a knight damaged, but note units that are not destoyed will be full power next turn. That is why I am NOT striking out from persepolis, I figured we have better odd of have a strong attack force if we stay put there in 380. THIS IS AN UNCHANGEABLE ORDER, TROOPS IN PERSEPOLIS STAY ON DEFENSE IN 380.
      Note: If the attack on susa is undermanned knights mentioned going toward tarsus can be diverted there(since with their speed they can catch up)

    380 AD

    A. Minister of Economy

    B. Public Works Orders

    C. City Planner Orders
    1. – Tassagrad – War Chariot
    2. – Gaia – Turn 1 worker into a tax man (should delay growth for an extra turn). Change production to a War Chariot.
    3. – Opiadon – Start on a Library
    4. – Loveshack – Pike
    5. – Ubergorsk – Pike
    6. – Tyre – switch to a settler. Rename “Ghengistown”
    7. – Newburg – Rename to “Splat”
    8. – Pasagadae – Rename to “Disney Land”. Work the cow. Start on temple.
    9. – Persepolis – Rename to “McDonalds”
    10. – BFM – Rename to “The Big Banana”. Change to temple.
    11. - #@#settlermove – Rename to “Gotham”.

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders
    1. Renegotiate Trade deal with Germany:
      Give Germany dyes for 6gpt, WM, and 5g.

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders
    1. Settler in BHQ Moves on road NE, then N, then E (ends in Loveshack)
    2. Settler below hill (Uber Isle 1) Move E
    3. Settler Below Galley (Uber Isle 2) Move E

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. The two catapults and sword nw Persepolis move into persopolis
    2. The two catapults and sword nw Persepolis move into persopolis
    3. Pikeman 2S of Pasar move 1 se
    4. Fortify all units in persepolis
    5. Upgrade WC in Willsbury if possible, if not move to Pasar
    6. Move other WC in Willsbury to Pasar
    7. Fortify Pike in Pasar.
    8. Knight in Tass goto Loveshack
    9. Galley n,n,n
    10. WC in uber fortifies where it is
    11. Sword in Willsbury e,e,e

    G. Science Minister orders
    • Change Research to the Printing Press

    390 AD

    A. Minister of Economy

    B. Public Works Orders

    C. City Planner Orders
    1. – Del Monte – Grow, will most likely be in disorder. Understand that if I change to a scientist the growth cannot occur, therefore I felt it best to have one turn of disorder in order to achieve the additional population point. Remove disorder by making one scientist after growth.
    2. – Gaia – War Chariot

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders
    1. If new source of dyes linked, trade with Greece: Give Greece dyes, (8gpt, and 88g -- this should change by next turn, just work out cheapest deal) for Engineering.
      If trade not possible, delay until next turn.

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders
    1. Settler in Loveshack moves E, then E (crosses river)
    2. Settler below hill (Uber Isle 1) Move SE (should now be SW of wheat, THIS is the city site)
    3. Settler 2 tiles N of Horse (Uber Isle 2) Move E
    4. Galley (Uber Isle) moves N, then N, then NE

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. Knight in loveshack e,e
    2. Pike N of Persepolis move s into city
    3. 5/5 sword 2s of Pasar move 1se
    4. WC in Pasar skips turn
    5. Knight in Willsbury e,e,e,se
    6. WC in gaia goto 1e of Loveshack
    7. Galley n.,ne,ne
      If there are 2 or more healthy knights in Persepolis AND no enemy near Persopolis ATTACK BACTRA. If we don't win but we destroyed one spear thenmove 3/3 sword to hill over bactra and finish the job. Note this presumes a spear defense, if it is pike we must wait till we have 3 knights to attack.

    400 AD

    A. Minister of Economy

    B. Public Works Orders

    C. City Planner Orders
    1. – Gaia - Grow
    2. – Here It Is – Pike
    3. – Ubergorsk – Grow. Work Iron. Request to have it mined ASAP.

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders
    1. Settler two tiles E of Loveshack Moves NE, then NE, then NE (should be S of Geofront)
    2. Settler SW of wheat, build city (Wheaton?)
    3. Settler NW of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move E
    4. Galley (Uber Isle) moves N, then N. (should be 2 tiles SW of Cow, WAIT here for settler from AGC)

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. Fortify ¾ pike in persepolis
    2. Sword N of Persepolis move in Persepolis
    3. Knight N of Persepolis into Persepolis
    4. WC in Pasar upgrades
    5. Knight e,e of Loveshack e,s,e,e,e,e
    6. WC e of loveshack e
    7. Galley n,n,n
      If bactra is our once we have 2sword and available knight proceed toward Susa. Guard units with pike(if possible) move units se,s,se to hill 2nw of susa
      * IF we have bactra move knights into city to recover(this should end resistace), if the knights recover prior to susa attack then use them for susa attack.

    410 AD

    A. Minister of Economy

    B. Public Works Orders
    1. – Termina – Pike
    2. – Tassagrad – Worker (no aqueduct, thus lower the pop just before growth)
    3. – Jerusalem – Courthouse
    4. – Loveshack – Grow

    C. City Planner Orders[list=1][*]– Del Monte – Should complete courthouse now. Recheck to see if additional gold (less corruption) is making the populace happy enough to change the scientist back into a productive worker (on the forest tile). Start on a pike. [*] – Another Glorious City – Grow. Start on barracks. [*] – Port Rouge, Tyre & Willsbury – Grow. Have Willsbury new pop be a Scientist. /list]

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders
    1. Settler S of Geofront moves E, then E, then E. (should be E of Tyre)
    2. Settler NE of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move SE
    3. Galley (Uber Isle) (should be 2 tiles SW of Cow, WAIT here for settler from AGC)

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. Sword in Persepolis ne,e
    2. Knight in Pasar goto Persopolis
    3. Knight in Persepolis ne,e
    4. Knight ne of newburg ne,e,e,e
    5. Knight in Termina goto 1sw of BHQ
    6. WC 2e of Loveshack e,s,e,e,e,e
    7. WC in tass(to be decided)
      * CONDITIONAL ORDER, Move forces 2nw of susa to 1nw of susa

    420 AD

    A. Minister of Economy

    B. Public Works Orders

    C. City Planner Orders
    1. – Apolyton – Grow.
    2. – Tassagrad – War Chariot
    3. – Timeline – War Chariot
    4. – Here it is – Grow.
    5. – Macross City – Turn 1 into a tax man (for growth next turn in case you finish the turn before the save).
    6. – Napoleton – Courthouse (site of what I am thinking of proposing for the FP)
    7. – Jerusalem, Hole in the Wall, Disney Land - Grow

    D. Foreign Affairs Minister Orders

    E. Imperial Expansion Orders
    1. Settler E of Tyre moves N (should be 2 tiles NE of Tyre, THIS is the city site)
    2. Settler E of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move SE (should be on coast, S and SE of lake. THIS is the city site)
    3. AGC's settler moves S, then S, then W onto galley
    4. Galley (Uber Isle) moves S, then S, then SW

    F. Supreme Military Commander
    1. Sword ne,e Persepolis e (ends up just w of tarsus)
    2. Knight in Persopolis ne,e,e (ends up w of tarsus)
    3. Knight ne,e Persepolis e (ends up just w of tarsus)
    4. Knight e,e Willsbury ------Movement Depends on the following
      a) If Forces are 3knight/1or 2sword at Tarsus goto Pasar and Fortify
      b) If Tarsus seems in doubt move to Persopolis
    5. Knight sw of BHQ goto 2e of Loveshack
    6. Knight in BHQ goto 2e of Loveshack
      All forces not otherwise order are ordered to attack Susa
      If susa falls and we have extra units move them to assist attack on tarsus
      Also begin attack on susa with knights
    Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 28, 2002, 05:45.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      HI. I am back and currently at work.

      I will download the new (370ad) save tonight and start to compile orders.

      When is the next turn(s) being played?
      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


      • #4
        I can give you tons of citynames, next time just ask and I'll throw one at you.

        That one between Timeline and Tassagrad could be River City, and the one on Uber could be Southport.

        I'll post movement orders for the settlers later.


        • #5
          I have to work untill about 7 pm GMT on sat but could maybe do one after that and I'm free on sunday. If aggie and Apoc could tell me when they are free?
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #6
            Well sat/sun day are bad, but perhaps we could do it around 22gmt either day and I could make it the other alternative is 12gmt 17gmt on sat, but that seems out. Hummm let me think what to do.

            As far as the smc presence, I'll figure out something, but due to the nature of the smc where so many decisions are made based on what the enemy does lets try to get chats to work within my schedule, I have full confidence in OPD but I also know doing smc duties puts great pressure on him and he has other things to worry about. Now for general orders, specific orders, and there aren't many, will come next time.

            We are going to follow the following plan. This is based on Spear defenses for other cities, if pikeman add one knight to each attack.
            1) Move two/three knights toward Bactra, move them sw,s to approach bactra, if spear are defending rush into battle, even with 2 knights vs 2 spear I like our odds. If we don't win the first time we can get them with knights the following turn.
            2) 3/3 sword and 5/5 sword under cover of pike move toward Susa. When 2 knights are available for attack too, these forces attack Susa(knights first).
            3) After/during these battles; we build using, upgraded units and units from other battles, a 3knight/1or 2 sword force for tarsus. This force will consist firmly of 2knights from upgraded war chariots and sword from willsbury. The other forces can be sent as available.
            4) Send catapults to pasar
            5) All knew knights get sent to willsbury, then deploy as needed based on the following rules.
            a) If tarsus seems about to fall send the knights to pasar
            b) If fighting persist then send to persopolis
            6) Please have some workers repair the road to persopolis once units are within a turn of tarsus attack
            7) After fighting is done in the south use sword and recovering knights to end resistance(mainly sword if possible). Then gather all knights and sword at pasar for northern attack.
            8) MONEY REQUEST
            a) Upgrade both wc as soon as we have money

            9) More money/cp request
            a) I see that some cities in occupied persia are building units, PLEASE CHANGE ALL CITIES IN PERSIA TERRITORY TO TEMPLES
            b) After we finish chariots please rush temples in occupied persia, we need to secure our borders
            NOTE: I am presuming we will survive the counterattack on Persepolis with only 1pike lost, and maybe a knight damaged, but note units that are not destoyed will be full power next turn. That is why I am NOT striking out from persepolis, I figured we have better odd of have a strong attack force if we stay put there in 380. THIS IS AN UNCHANGEABLE ORDER, TROOPS IN PERSEPOLIS STAY ON DEFENSE IN 380.
            Note: If the attack on susa is undermanned knights mentioned going toward tarsus can be diverted there(since with their speed they can catch up)

            Specific Orders
            Turn 1(380AD)
            1. The two catapults and sword nw Persepolis move into persopolis
            2. Pikeman 2S of Pasar move 1 se
            3. Fortify all units in persepolis
            4. Upgrade WC in Willsbury if possible, if not move to Pasar
            5. Move other WC in Willsbury to Pasar
            6. Fortify Pike in Pasar.
            7. Knight in Tass goto Loveshack
            8. Galley n,n,n
            9. WC in uber fortifies where it is
            10. Sword in Willsbury e,e,e

            Turn 2(390)
            1 .Knight in loveshack e,e
            2. Pike N of Persepolis move s into city
            3. 5/5 sword 2s of Pasar move 1se
            4. WC in Pasar skips turn
            5. Knight in Willsbury e,e,e,se
            6. WC in gaia goto 1e of Loveshack
            7. Galley n.,ne,ne
            *) CONDITIONAL ORDER
            If there are 2 or more healthy knights in Persepolis AND no enemy near Persopolis ATTACK BACTRA. If we don't win but we destroyed one spear thenmove 3/3 sword to hill over bactra and finish the job. Note this presumes a spear defense, if it is pike we must wait till we have 3 knights to attack.

            Turn 3(400)
            1. Fortify ¾ pike in persepolis
            2. Sword N of Persepolis move in Persepolis
            3. Knight N of Persepolis into Persepolis
            4. WC in Pasar upgrades
            5. Knight e,e of Loveshack e,s,e,e,e,e
            6. WC e of loveshack e
            7. Galley n,n,n
            If bactra is our once we have 2sword and available knight proceed toward Susa. Guard units with pike(if possible) move units se,s,se to hill 2nw of susa
            * IF we have bactra move knights into city to recover(this should end resistace), if the knights recover prior to susa attack then use them for susa attack.
            Turn 4 (410)
            1. Sword in Persepolis ne,e
            2. Knight in Pasar goto Persopolis
            3. Knight in Persepolis ne,e
            4. Knight ne of newburg ne,e,e,e
            5. Knight in Termina goto 1sw of BHQ
            6.WC 2e of Loveshack e,s,e,e,e,e
            7. WC in tass(to be decided)
            * CONDITIONAL ORDER, Move forces 2nw of susa to 1nw of susa

            Turn 5 (420)
            1. Sword ne,e Persepolis e (ends up just w of tarsus)
            2. Knight in Persopolis ne,e,e (ends up w of tarsus)
            3. Knight ne,e Persepolis e (ends up just w of tarsus)
            4. Knight e,e Willsbury ------Movement Depends on the following
            a) If Forces are 3knight/1or 2sword at Tarsus goto Pasar and Fortify
            b) If Tarsus seems in doubt move to Persopolis
            5. Knight sw of BHQ goto 2e of Loveshack
            6. Knight in BHQ goto 2e of Loveshack
            All forces not otherwise order are ordered to attack Susa
            If susa falls and we have extra units move them to assist attack on tarsus
            Also begin attack on susa with knights

            Last edited by Aggie; September 27, 2002, 20:52.
            The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


            • #7
              Is my table format okay, or would you like me to start posting in this list format?
              First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

              (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
              The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


              • #8
                If the table is easier for you, go ahead.

                The list would be easier on me as I could then cut/past directly without too much editting.
                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                You're wierd. - Krill

                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                • #9
                  (the following orders are a work in progress)

                  Specific Orders:

                  THIS TURN! 380
                  Renegotiate Trade deal with Germany: Give Germany dyes for 6gpt, WM, and 5g.

                  NEXT TURN 390
                  If new source of dyes linked, trade with Greece: Give Greece dyes, (8gpt, and 88g -- this should change by next turn, just work out cheapest deal) for Engineering.
                  If trade not possible, delay until next turn.

                  NEXT TURN 400
                  NEXT TURN 410
                  NEXT TURN 420
                  NEXT TURN 430

                  General Orders:

                  Tech Trades:
                  Tech aquisition priority = Invention, Education, Astronomy, Gunpowder, Banking, Printing Press.

                  Other Trades
                  Do not trade our World or Territory Maps.

                  Do not accept a peace treaty from Persia. We have shifted our goal to conquest.

                  Do not sign any ROPs or alliances.

                  Demands: (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
                  E. Give in: Rome, Greece.
                  F. Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.
                  * NOTE: Demands from charity civs can be accepted if they are small enough.
                  * NOTE: Do not give in to any demands that involve giving away our World or Territory Maps

                  All things left unstated in turnthreads/chats are for Presidential or Public decision. All things specified must be followed unless surprise events have made the orders illogical, harmful, or inappropriate. In that situation the President should end turnthread/chat if any major decision needs to be taken and no representative from the Ministry is present to make the decision. If only a minor decision, the President may use his discretion to change the orders so that they are logical, beneficial, and appropriate.

                  Last edited by Togas; September 27, 2002, 16:49.
                  Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                  Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                  Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                  Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Aggie
                    Well sat/sun day are bad, but perhaps we could do it around 22gmt either day and I could make it the other alternative is 12gmt 17gmt on sat, but that seems out. Hummm let me think what to do.
                    Can you appoint a deputy. Don't feel that todays discussions mean you must cancel anything important to be at the next chat.
                    Are we having fun yet?


                    • #11
                      (This space reserved for my dinner date)

                      EDIT: this doesn't make sense anymore because Togas posted his orders.
                      Last edited by GhengisFarb™; September 27, 2002, 08:46.


                      • #12
                        City Planning Orders (If I edit these orders based on RA input, I will post here the time and date along with individual changes so OPD [and if unortho is coelating he can] find the change quick and easy)


                        Grow means that the population is expected to grow, and the prez should double check to make sure the AI is working the most efficient tiles possible. In order of preference of this office, Shields, Food, then Money.

                        Uber Isle City #1 – IF constructed, barracks. Name Shelbyville

                        Uber Isle City #2 – IF constructed, harbor. Name Springfield.

                        Purchase Requests: In this time of great need for our military, I would humbly ask that the only purchase, if acceptable to our finance minister and our executive, be the courthouse located in the fair city of Chiquita. Crime runs rampant, no doubt due to our recent visit by the Congressional Congress with their taste for American Women of ill repute….. If seen fit to purchase, please begin construction of a slave… er… um … worker there at once. Thank you. (Not an urgent request, military should take precedence).

                        Turn 0 (380 ad Beginning)

                        A1 – Tassagrad – War Chariot
                        A2 – Gaia – Turn 1 worker into a tax man (should delay growth for an extra turn). Change production to a War Chariot.
                        A3 – Opiadon – Start on a Library
                        A4 – Loveshack – Pike
                        A5 – Ubergorsk – Pike
                        A6 – Tyre – switch to a settler. Rename “Ghengistown”
                        A7 – Newburg – Rename to “Splat”
                        A8 – Pasagadae – Rename to “Disney Land”. Work the cow. Start on temple.
                        A9 – Persepolis – Rename to “McDonalds”
                        A10 – BFM – Rename to “The Big Banana”. Change to temple.
                        A11 - #@#settlermove – Rename to “Gotham”.

                        Turn 1

                        A1 – Del Monte – Grow, will most likely be in disorder. Understand that if I change to a scientist the growth cannot occur, therefore I felt it best to have one turn of disorder in order to achieve the additional population point. Remove disorder by making one scientist after growth.
                        A2 – Gaia – War Chariot

                        Turn 2

                        A1 – Gaia - Grow
                        A2 – Here It Is – Pike
                        A3 – Ubergorsk – Grow. Work Iron. Request to have it mined ASAP.

                        Turn 3

                        A1 – Termina – Pike
                        A2 – Tassagrad – Worker (no aqueduct, thus lower the pop just before growth)
                        A3 – Jerusalem – Courthouse
                        A4 – Loveshack – Grow

                        Turn 4

                        A1 – Del Monte – Should complete courthouse now. Recheck to see if additional gold (less corruption) is making the populace happy enough to change the scientist back into a productive worker (on the forest tile). Start on a pike.
                        A2 – Another Glorious City – Grow. Start on barracks.
                        A3-5 – Port Rouge, Tyre & Willsbury – Grow. Have Willsbury new pop be a Scientist.

                        Turn 5

                        A1 – Apolyton – Grow.
                        A2 – Tassagrad – War Chariot
                        A3 – Timeline – War Chariot
                        A4 – Here it is – Grow.
                        A5 – Macross City – Turn 1 into a tax man (for growth next turn in case you finish the turn before the save).
                        A6 – Napoleton – Courthouse (site of what I am thinking of proposing for the FP)
                        A7-9 – Jerusalem, Hole in the Wall, Disney Land - Grow
                        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                        • #13
                          I updated orders, please let me know what you think. I also want to say this applies to all orders of all ministers. If you want to change the orders please say it BEFORE the chat to limit confusion. Thank You
                          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                          • #14
                            i promise to post my orders ASAP, at latest tomorrow evening. thats plenty of time for the chat right?
                            Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                            Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                            Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                            Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                            • #15

                              Reguarding DelMonte.

                              I do not believe changing an unhappy citizen to a Scientist will effect happiness in that city. It doesnt solve the unhappiness, just makes one less worker. If we changed it to an entertainer the same turn it grows, the city will never enter disorder either.

                              Now, we do need one Scientist, though. Currently there is one in Passargadea. These Persians CAN do good research when properly...motivated. I propose changing him to work the Cows to encourage Apolytonians to move to that wonderfull City. Currently there is not enough food to support them. I also propose to change a worker working the irrigated grass in Willsbury to a Scientist. We don't want that city growing till the Temple is built, anyway. Or we could change the worker from the Ocean to keep the growth and manage it with Entertainers.
                              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                              You're wierd. - Krill

                              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

