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Orders for 380 AD

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  • #16
    Tonight's Episode: Ships & Settlers
    {Note, I still think Willsbury should be moved one tile NE}

    Turn 1(380AD)
    1) Settler in BHQ Moves on road NE, then N, then E (ends in Loveshack)
    2) Settler below hill (Uber Isle 1) Move E
    3) Settler Below Galley (Uber Isle 2) Move E

    Turn 2(390)
    1) Settler in Loveshack moves E, then E (crosses river)
    2) Settler below hill (Uber Isle 1) Move SE (should now be SW of wheat, THIS is the city site)
    3) Settler 2 tiles N of Horse (Uber Isle 2) Move E
    4) Galley (Uber Isle) moves N, then N, then NE

    Turn 3(400)
    1) Settler two tiles E of Loveshack Moves NE, then NE, then NE (should be S of Geofront)
    2) Settler SW of wheat, build city (Wheaton?)
    3) Settler NW of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move E
    4) Galley (Uber Isle) moves N, then N. (should be 2 tiles SW of Cow, WAIT here for settler from AGC)

    Turn 4 (410)
    1) Settler S of Geofront moves E, then E, then E. (should be E of Tyre)
    2) Settler NE of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move SE
    3) Galley (Uber Isle) (should be 2 tiles SW of Cow, WAIT here for settler from AGC)

    Turn 5 (420)
    1) Settler E of Tyre moves N (should be 2 tiles NE of Tyre, THIS is the city site)
    2) Settler E of cow (Uber Isle 2) Move SE (should be on coast, S and SE of lake. THIS is the city site)
    3) AGC's settler moves S, then S, then W onto galley
    4) Galley (Uber Isle) moves S, then S, then SW.
    Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; September 27, 2002, 08:54.


    • #17
      The next chat will be at 8 pm GMT on saturday. Aggie should be there for the last few turns when most needed as the early orders are unlikely to change as much due to ai moves.

      check out the topped thread for what time this is where you live. Note BST = GMT +1. or the time in the UK is not GMT ATM.
      Are we having fun yet?


      • #18
        Originally posted by OPD
        The next chat will be at 8 pm GMT on saturday. Aggie should be there for the last few turns when most needed as the early orders are unlikely to change as much due to ai moves.

        check out the topped thread for what time this is where you live. Note BST = GMT +1. or the time in the UK is not GMT ATM.
        OPD, can you understand my settler orders?


        • #19
          Updated top post.

          Ministers, if you could please just add the[*] instead of 1,2, would sure speed things for me. Thanks.
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #20
            Originally posted by GhengisFarb

            OPD, can you understand my settler orders?
            yes, good stuff Mr Farb
            Are we having fun yet?


            • #21
              Science Minister Orders

              Turn 1 [380 A.D.][*] Change research To Printing Press

              You didn't include me
              "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
              Former President, C3SPDGI


              • #22

                I copied the order that OPD wanted things in...I didn't double check them.
                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                You're wierd. - Krill

                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                • #23
                  Unortho - when putting the orders together, you placed the CP turn 4 (410) orders under turn 5 (420), which left the turn 5 orders out. Turn 4 orders would be done one turn late......

                  I will PM you about this..... that should be better.

                  Thanks for doing this, as I am sure it is helping OPD out a lot.
                  If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                  • #24
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #25
                      Crappy Orders!

                      Alright, I am in such a huge rush. I have a geology field class ALL day tomorrow and I am just now recently getting back from school and my girlfriend's. So I apologize as these are the CRAPPIEST orders I have ever given in my life. I will try to use Unortho's formatting next time, but in my rush, I just used my table template.

                      I may have left something out. I leave it up to OPD and the gang to decide. Just continue to clear jungle for the most part. If we need to gain growth for certain cities, please irrigate or mine based on feedback. But we are really kicking some serious ass on this jungle!

                      Orders for 380 AD
                        Current Turn Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn 5

                      Worker stack NW, NW waiting for orders. Move them SE.

                      Workers NE, NE waiting for orders. Join worker clearing jungle N, NW.

                      Workers stack N, NE waiting for orders. Clear jungle

                      Workers NW, build mine. -- If workers NW of Termina finish mine, build road. -- --
                      Loveshack: Worker stack NE, NE building road. -- Move to dyes NE Build road -- --
                      Chiquita: Worker E SE irrigating. Move NW Irrigate square -- If completed, move SW irrigate square --
                      Macross City: Worker stack SE clearing jungle. -- -- -- -- Irrigate square

                      Worker stack E clearing jungle.

                      Worker S, S building road.


                      Move N

                      Irrigate square

                      Worker S of Opiadom, build road.

                      -- -- If irrigation is completed, move NE, clear jungle.
                      Seeburg: Worker stack S, clearing junngle. -- Move NE Clear jungle -- --
                      A-G-C (UberIsle): Settler waiting for orders. Continue to build road south along the coast line. -- -- -- -- --
                      Newburg: Worker stack N, NW clearing jungle.

                      Move 5 workers to empty square NW of Persepolis. Once they get there, build a road on this square.

                      Remaining workers move W, mine iron.

                      -- -- -- --
                      Tyre: Worker E waiting for orders. Move SW Clear jungle. -- -- -- Worker SE*3, build road.
                      Last edited by WhiteBandit; September 28, 2002, 02:14.
                      First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

                      (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
                      The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


                      • #26
                        No matter. It's not like the Science Minister gives a lot of orders anyway

                        Really, I just wanted to say: "Look at me!!! I'm a Warlord!!! Yay!"
                        "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
                        Former President, C3SPDGI


                        • #27


                          Could someone with the game please check something for me. I have plans to trade dyes to Greece AND renegotiate the deal with Germany. I think that I am trying to give two different nations one commodity (as the other one we have is supposed to be for us).

                          Please double check the save, as I am at work and cannot check until I return home.

                          If we do indeed only have 1 to trade, can someone estimate for me how long it's going to take those workers to finish the road south of Oak Ridge that will give us the other dyes. I will sell THAT dye to Greece just as soon as we're linked up.

                          Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                          Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                          Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                          Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                          • #28
                            We are selling Dyes to Rome, France, Germany and Babylon (and wines to France). We don't have any dyes surplus, unfortunately...

                            About the roads, the workers will finish the first piece of road in two turns, and maybe 3 turns more to complete the connection with Loveshack (we have two greeks workers in the city), but I don't know nothing about the WhiteBandit's plans for these workers.
                            RIAA sucks
                            The Optimistas
                            I'm a political cartoonist


                            • #29
                              When you post my orders make sure to get the different general orders(refering to attack on bactra). I has said attack from ne hill, this was in error after looking at map i decided to attack from the north in 390 if possible.
                              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                              • #30

                                Aggie, Are you saying you updated your orders?

                                To all, please post or PM if you edit...

                                All Ministers:

                                I will be woken up sometime around 3 AM EST. After feeding my son, I will be editing this for the last time. After that, please PM OPD any changes.
                                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                                You're wierd. - Krill

                                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

