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The GL debate

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  • The GL debate

    Apologies to all, but I feel this is necessary.

    Before the ink is dry on the ballots of the new administration, some parties have launched some interesting polls on the use for our Great Leader. I do not contest that things have been debated, however...

    The first poll regarding 'What do we do with our great leader', found here:

    asked a question with 4 options. Two of the options were Army and Great Wonder. GW has garnered 46% as of right now. Army, 38%. Alright, close. So then...

    A second poll is launched asking 'What do we do with our great leader(Runoff)', found here:

    asks for a decision between Army and a specific wonder, that being Sun Tsu's. Sun Tsu's is currently polling 75%. So then...

    In this thread:

    discussion proceeds as if a binding decision has been made to build Sun Tsu's.

    I cry foul.

    First off, the build ques are the domain of the City Planner, not the military. What is a deputy SMC and soon to be SMC doing polling this question? Not that he cannot, any of us can, but shouldn't we allow the City Planner a voice in all this? Did he agree with the polls begun by the SMC?

    Second and most importantly, the run off between the options of Army and Sun Tzu's is a farce. No other wonder options are presented and none discussed in any detail (practically).

    The reason for this thread? Good you asked. Should I, or some other citizen challenge those polls by petitioning the court to declare one or both of them as invalid? I thought about just doing it myself. I am a citizen. I too can PM a justice with a complaint. However, I felt it better to put the issue out there for discussion and to see if any others are disturbed by the progress of the GL debate.

    Questions? Comments? Rotten vegetable matter?
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

  • #2
    In response to other options to Sun Tzu's or an Army being discussed. They have. To choose another option means holding on to the GL until another wonder becomes available to us and this means that we give up the chance that our elite units in the field have to produce another GL however slim that maybe.
    The general consensus among the citizenry is that we shouldn't wait but use the GL now in the hope of another one in the near future.
    Last edited by nz_upy; September 17, 2002, 02:55.


    • #3
      That is the reason I asked if the first poll was official. If it was/is official, I would question starting the second poll while the first poll was still open.


      • #4
        Unfortunately kring, the way our CoL is worded all polls are official unless they brand themselves as unofficial. Crazy but true.

        Part of the reason there is a Consitututional Convention movement afoot.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          NYE, the reason for the poll was this, "I wanted to see what the people thought, since we only had three days the quicker it got started, the better. I did asked the peole in the chat about what options to put in. Since I saw no other polls I started this one, in my eyes since I didn't put official on it I didn't think it was official, just advisory. I then started the second poll because I saw quickly that several of the options were favored and it would be best to get the 2 leading options. The reason I put Sun Tsu there was this, we only had the tech for it not any other and to the best of my knowledge the only way to get theology was through peace with persia( a decision already discarded) or through buying it(something that didn't seem likely). So to be as specific as possible I put those two options in only. I wanted to see what the people wanted. Looking back I could have put in Sistine chapel, along with a (we buy theology) option. I made a mistake when I didn't say "everbody do the new poll" in the first thread. Now to a larger issue "Who does control a GL?" He is a unit, yet he can disband to build things in cities or he can form an army. I see the cp and smc are the main ministers involved, but I think i the end the people MUST vote on such a thing, since the COL is silent on this and since it is of such large importance. In my opinion the same is true for trading cities away. I take some offense when you say the runoff was a farce, it wasn't. To the best of my understanding those seemed to be the options available and buying theology to get the sistine chapel did not seem an option. Personally I like all options since an army would have guarentee one less defender in every city(after attack) and of course the adbantages of the other wonders is clear, we can barracks or more 6 happy people with cathedral, so our cites could grow and grow(combined with pyranmids this is double deadly). In short the purpose of the poll was to understand the will of the people, however for the record such a poll isn't necessary. However in my opinion it would have been unethical to make this decision without consulting the people, which has been done. I am thus to some degree proud of what was done here.
          Last edited by Aggie; September 17, 2002, 11:39.
          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


          • #6
            Well a GL is military personnel, it is a warlord arising from the direct result of an Elite military unit winning a battle.

            Who controls their creation? The SMC.

            Who commands the military units? The SMC.

            While it is a major asset I think it is best put under the powers of the SMC as that is definitely the arena that it relates to. Consider it a boon of a well thought out battle plan.

            Now in relation to what it builds, the CP has to authorize a cities build queue for the GL to finish the production. So both the CP and SMC have to work together to build anything other than an Army.

            I feel that after all this discussion, Sun Tzu is by far the most logical decision to be made.
            Proud member of the Hawk Party.


            • #7
              As one who feels that buying Theology and building the Chapel is the way to go, I feel the best option was not given a fair hearing.
              And IMO, to define a great leader a "unit" give the SMC way too much power.
              aka, Unique Unit
              Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


              • #8
                I'll second that Robber_Baron. Besides moving the GL about and making sure he isn't attacked, the SMC shouldn't have lone control of such an important asset. This is something that needs to be decided by the CC. Also, i feel that the Sistine Chapel has also not been given enough consideration. Making Cathedrals, cheap cathedrals make six people content is the way to go. That will allow our cities to get really big, and produce more shields and commerce. That is a good thing, more so than getting barracks everywhere. I'd rather build the Chapel and use the extra commerce it allows us to build and maintain the barracks, then build Sun Tsu's Art of War.
                2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
                Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


                • #9
                  I haven't seen anyone argue that Sun Tzu is better than the Sistine. I have seen people argue that sacrificing 3 or more GLs "for a chance" to build the Sistine is extremely costly.

                  The only civ I see giving us Theology is Persia because they know they won't build it if we conquer all their cities.

                  We currently posses a GL. No AI civ is going to trade us a technology with a Great Wonder attached that they are trying to build while we own a GL. Their programming DID take that into consideration.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Robber Baron
                    As one who feels that buying Theology and building the Chapel is the way to go, I feel the best option was not given a fair hearing.
                    And IMO, to define a great leader a "unit" give the SMC way too much power.
                    If we could afford to buy Theology now, you might have a point, but I don't think we can, and doubt we will be able to for many turns yet. Keeping a leader hanging around when there is a war on and plenty of elite units involved is equivalent to throwing a leader (or half a leader) away, 'cos we can't get a new one while the old one is still around. Saving the leader for later is a bad strategy IMHO.


                    • #11
                      If we wait on Sun Tzu's we might not get it at all, since all civs with feudalism have been building it since they got that tech. I agree with GenghisFarb, that holding the GL is not a wise move, since more caould be generated. More importantly, I don't know if we will get more GL's, I don't even really care: Another civ getting Sun Tzu's is a great danger, it makes them much more powerful militarilly, and since it never expires, this means tha civs becomes a military danger for ever. As GenghisFab also added, Sun Tzu greatly increases possible GL creation, perhaps helping us garner various other Great wonders which come down the road.

                      As for who's authority it is, its never been spelled out in the CoL, so our SMC took initiative. As for it having to be the City Planner: since rushing something takes only 1 turn, it is hardly really a nuissance for this office, plus, since the GL event can't be planned for, it seems hard for it to be fit into City planner.

                      I hae no problem with a new poll, a final poll, on what to do with the GL once OPD takes over officially for the next turns, but it need to be done soon, and I say, that those that want to wait to get Theology have better come up with a good plan to do it swiftly, as in the next turns to be played, since many may not feel like holding the GL is a great idea and this most certainly will weakn any such plan, if it calls for possibly getting theology in x- amount of time. remember, if any civ soon gets Sun Tzu's, the loosers will probably shift for the Chapel, and we might end up with neither if we hesitate.
                      If you don't like reality, change it! me
                      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                      • #12
                        Here is something we could discuss, an idea for an amendment to the code of laws.
                        "Being that the use of a Great Leader(GL) is something that is beyond any ministers power, the use of a GL must be determined by a poll that list the following options for the GL, these options will be
                        1) Save for Later
                        2) Army
                        3) Any wonder that can be built with current or currently aquireable techs.(A vote for wonder that requires aquiring a tech, is considered an order to the FAM to aquire this tech immediately)
                        This poll will run from the time the chat ends until the beggining of the next turn chat.
                        It is the SMC job to protect the GL and move him to the desired location, and the CP's job to arrange the build order's so as to accomadate the building of a wonder."

                        This will prevent such debates in the future.
                        The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                        • #13
                          I agree with GhengisFarb's comments.

                          In addition, with RobberBaron, I think that giving exclusive control of GLs to the military branch gives the SMC way too much power. There should be an official, binding poll of the People on such an important matter. When to build is a matter for CP/PW.
                          Diderot was right!
                          Our weapons are backed with UNCLEAR WORDS!
                          Please don't go, the drones need you.


                          • #14
                            When to build must be given in the poll, if the wait option doesn't win then the wonder must be built as soon as possible, the smc,cp,pw,fam have to follow the poll. There can't be a "well we need to wait a few turns" ability for cp. Also i did check, the best deal on theology is this 181g and 25gpt. If you think we should get the sistine by all means pm togas and demand we buy theology, if it is obvious that most people want that, then we can do it this turnchat,otherwise it will be Sun Tsu.
                            Last edited by Aggie; September 17, 2002, 13:13.
                            The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                            • #15
                              Simply put, the people's will for the use of a GL must be specified before the Presidient begins any turnplay. When this one is used we must specify our will for the next one before turnplay.

                              The President must know what that GL's purpose is when it is generated. Otherwise we risk playing 4 turns with a frozen GL, or an immediate stop of gameplay while we debate on its use for a week.

                              The next 5 turns will be played in less than 12 hours if I'm not misinformed and I believe most people side with building Sun Tzu immediately.

                              My opinion is use this one for Sun Tzu. The next GL should be used for the Sistine Chapel if it is available to us, or an Army if it is not.

