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Adam Smith Foundation: Trades in the next 5 turns

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  • Adam Smith Foundation: Trades in the next 5 turns

    ** EDITED **
    The following is my latest proposal (trade plan for 70AD). The previous plan can be found at the bottom of this post.

    1. Trade horses to France for 34 gold and their WM. France's WM is otherwise worth 6 gold, so we're basically selling horses for 20 turns in exchange for 40 gold.
    Pros: the plan will net us 40 gold and will probably make France less angry with us.
    Cons: we'll be providing France with the ability to build Horsemen. However I don't think France is of any threat to us because they don't have iron and because they've lost most of their productive cities and nearly half of their territory and have become a feeble nation, only second to America.

    2. Trade dyes to Greece for 27 gold and their WM. Greece's WM is otherwise worth 8 gold, so we're basically selling dyes for 20 turns in exchange for 35 gold.
    Pros: this trade will make Greece somewhat dependant on us and they'll be less likely to declare war on us.
    Cons: we will not be able to declare war on Greece for the next 20 turns since that'll consist of breaking a trade treaty with Greece and will lower our reputation. However, I think everyone agrees we don't want to do that anyway.

    3. Trade dyes with Rome for their WM. Rome's WM is otherwise worth 9 gold, so we're basically selling dyes for 20 turns in exchange for 9 gold.
    Pros: if we don't sell our dyes to the Romans now they will surely demand it the next turn or the turn afterwards and then we'll just lose dyes to the Romans. If we sell dyes to the Romans now we'll at least get their WM out of it, and we'll also be improving our relations with Rome (human to AI relations improve when you give the AI good deals).
    Furthermore, if we trade with Rome they'll be less prune to make further demands, mostly because they won't want to declare war on us in case we refuse (thus breaking a trade treaty and lowering their reputation).
    Cons: lousy trade. We don't net much gold.

    4. Trade dyes with Germany next turn for (rough estimate) all their money (estimated 45 gold), 2-3 gpt and their WM. As you've noticed, we'll have a trade route with Germany next turn. Germany is the only known civ with cities (7-12 citizens) and they only have one luxury at the moment. I suspect they're in DESPERATE need for another luxury and will agree to give us all their money as well as 2 or 3 gpt for our dyes.

    Notes: after we carry out this plan we will have exhausted all our trade options with dyes. However, there's another tile with dyes SE of Geofront. We should send a worker to connect it as soon as possible so we can make more trades.

    Got any comments and/or suggestions?

    ** Previous trade plan proposal **

    Greetings citizens,
    In one turn we'll have a trade route with France and Greece, and in four a trade route with Rome and Russia. I suggest that we ready ourselves for this and examine possible trade options.
    My suggestions are as follows:

    Trade with Greece:
    Greece is interested in our dyes. However, they don't have any money at the moment nor do I think they will divulge any gpt at wartime. If they don't gain enough money to justify a trade during the next five turns then don't trade our dyes to them.

    Trade with France:
    France is interested both in our horses and dyes. However, they have very little money and it's possible that they will not offer more money for both horses and dyes than they will offer for just dyes. Therefore I suggest that the president checks this next turn and if France will offer the same price for both commodities as the price for just one then we should only sell them dyes.
    I believe they will offer all their money (I estimate it will be 27-30 gold next turn) and their WM for this deal. As you know money is very important during wartime so even though this is a crummy deal I suggest that we accept it.

    Trade with Russia:
    We have nothing to trade with them yet. However, when we get iron Russia will be a likely trade partner (especially because we want to strengthen the Russians so they would hold off Rome for a while).

    Trade with Rome:
    Rome will be interested in our dyes, but I fear they won't have much to pay for it. However, we should trade our dyes with the Romans anyway for whatever we can get out of them (a bit of gold, WM etc') because otherwise they will probably demand it from us a turn or two later.

    Note about trading luxuries for tech: right now the best deal we could get for any techs will be through peace with Persia. Therefore we shouldn't try any lux./res. for tech deals (any such deals don't seem possible to me anyway).

    I'd be interested to hear other people's opinions about this issue as well.
    Last edited by Shiber; September 11, 2002, 14:15.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera

  • #2
    I'd rather trade Horses to France first, as they could get horses from several people. Russia's the only other civ with extra dye.


    • #3
      IMHO it's best to trade our dyes to the French first. Once we finish the harbor we'll be connected to Russia through Rome and Russia will be connected to France through Rome and us and will probably offer France their own dyes (if they connect their second dyes tile by then).
      I don't see Greece getting a second resource of horses anytime soon nor do I see any other civ connecting to the French anytime soon either. Rome however will be able to trade horses to France in about 20 to 30 turns (they have a horse tile just outside the borders of an unconnected fringe town) so we have to keep our eyes on them. In the mean time however we can safely assume that we'll remain the only civ able to sell horses to the French for a long while so we should keep our extra horses in their stables until France can afford them or until there's competition in the market.
      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
      - Phantom of the Opera


      • #4
        Either way, I think they'd pay more money for dyes than they have now. Russia and Rome will start trading with us (and France) at the same time (9 turns) since they'll be connected through the same harbor.


        • #5
          I doubt ANY civ will have much money in the short term. For some reason whenever I have spoken with them, even France who is at peace with everyone, they don't have more than about 30g. However, if the opportunity for, say, 60g plus arises for a trade, I may well take it. Sixty gold is at least a couple more upgrades that we may badly need.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            Originally posted by GhengisFarb
            Either way, I think they'd pay more money for dyes than they have now. Russia and Rome will start trading with us (and France) at the same time (9 turns) since they'll be connected through the same harbor.
            4, actually.
            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
            - Phantom of the Opera


            • #7
              MWIA: I fear that if the French accumulate such a sum they will use it immediately to rush some project. I suggest that as soon as you're able to trade with Frace and they can offer at least 25 gold, do it.
              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
              - Phantom of the Opera


              • #8
                Up until the late midieval period the AI does not stock up on money, instead they use it to upgrade or rush buildings. We won't want to wait enough time for them to start giving GPT in order to trade, as it will take longer than 20 turns. So get whatever money you can now, and after 20 turns, wait until they are willing to give GPT.
                2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
                Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


                • #9
                  Understood. There are no different orders in the FAM orders list this time around about trades involving our lux, so I will consider the orders from last time to stand. I will make such a deal with France should it present itself.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Was just in the informal chat, and was convinced that the dyes to France trade was in our best interests... it'd probably have happened anyway if I hadn't been there, but I was, so my support goes behind it. Furthermore, it got us the map of the Greek Island, which was an added bonus, saving us an additional eight gold.

                    All things considered, good deal . I had reservations at first, but I'm now behind it.

                    -- adaMada
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #11
                      After reviewing the latest report and save I came up with this proposal for the trade plan of 70AD:

                      1. Trade horses to France for 34 gold and their WM. France's WM is otherwise worth 6 gold, so we're basically selling horses for 20 turns in exchange for 40 gold.
                      Pros: the plan will net us 40 gold and will probably make France less angry with us.
                      Cons: we'll be providing France with the ability to build Horsemen. However I don't think France is of any threat to us because they don't have iron and because they've lost most of their productive cities and nearly half of their territory and have become a feeble nation, only second to America.

                      2. Trade dyes to Greece for 27 gold and their WM. Greece's WM is otherwise worth 8 gold, so we're basically selling dyes for 20 turns in exchange for 35 gold.
                      Pros: this trade will make Greece somewhat dependant on us and they'll be less likely to declare war on us.
                      Cons: we will not be able to declare war on Greece for the next 20 turns since that'll consist of breaking a trade treaty with Greece and will lower our reputation. However, I think everyone agrees we don't want to do that anyway.

                      3. Trade dyes with Rome for their WM. Rome's WM is otherwise worth 9 gold, so we're basically selling dyes for 20 turns in exchange for 9 gold.
                      Pros: if we don't sell our dyes to the Romans now they will surely demand it the next turn or the turn afterwards and then we'll just lose dyes to the Romans. If we sell dyes to the Romans now we'll at least get their WM out of it, and we'll also be improving our relations with Rome (human to AI relations improve when you give the AI good deals).
                      Cons: lousy trade. We don't net much gold.

                      EDIT: I have also realized that if we make the trade with Rome they'll be less likely to make further demands because they won't want to go to war with us should we refuse (if they do they'll be breaking a trade treaty and ruin their reputation).

                      Got any comments and/or suggestions?
                      Last edited by Shiber; September 11, 2002, 10:47.
                      "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                      And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                      Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                      - Phantom of the Opera


                      • #12
                        We have enough spare dye to make the three trades; the more important IMHO is presently the Greek deal because, unless we plan to attack them before America, it would be more comfortable not to be at war with them at the time of the second American campaign (although it is certainly not enough to prevent them to wage war if they really want to).
                        The weakness of this reasonning is that they will be attracted by the american wealth if they leave us alone.
                        Statistical anomaly.
                        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                        • #13
                          The plans seems ok, Shiber. Great job.
                          Btw, you aren't running for the next term, and, IMHO, you should.
                          And about a greek war... I agree: No way, not now!
                          About Rome: I don't want a war with Rome now. It's for the future...
                          RIAA sucks
                          The Optimistas
                          I'm a political cartoonist


                          • #14
                            Thanks Aro, but I'm afraid I'll be too busy during the next three months to serve as a minister, plus I can rarely make it to turnchats (mostly because I wake up at 5:30 in the morning local time or 3:30GMT).
                            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                            - Phantom of the Opera


                            • #15
                              You'll notice I updated the top post to include my latest trade plan for the year 70AD.

                              EDIT: and again (this time added a 4th phase involving Germany and tons of cash).
                              Last edited by Shiber; September 11, 2002, 14:15.
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera

