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Forbidden Palace in Chiquita

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  • #16
    Well, Uber Isle already is significantly sized... I don't see how Chiquita is a good choice.
    Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
    Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
    Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


    • #17
      Yes, with uber isle as large as it is, I am leaning away from Chiquita. But where?
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      • #18
        Originally posted by GodKing
        Yes, with uber isle as large as it is, I am leaning away from Chiquita. But where?
        I think the maps will be a great help.

        Although the isle is looking really good the main body of it is quite far away from poly.
        Are we having fun yet?


        • #19
          /me hopes for a GL from Persia

          Nothing to do with the FP, though. I want to get our first Leader of the game! Having it ready for the FP would be a nice bonus, though.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #20
            First great leader should be used for an army, so we can build war accademy, etc. We are not military, so getting a great leader is rare.
            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


            • #21
              Originally posted by GodKing
              Request for a map in the forbidden palace thread - showing chiquita and the immediate vicinity.

              Second map (or a link to the existing one) showing the continent.

              I posted in the "Request Maps here" thread:

              Originally posted by Aro

              Chiquita's map is done. You will find it (and the new World Map - Abananaba) here .
              If you need some corrections, let me know.
              A thumbnail:
              Attached Files
              RIAA sucks
              The Optimistas
              I'm a political cartoonist


              • #22
                Originally posted by GodKing
                Yes, with uber isle as large as it is, I am leaning away from Chiquita. But where?
                Again, why don't we wait? Uber isle may be big enough to warrent it's own FP, and forgetting about that totally there's still the question of how far we're going to take our war with the Persians.

                Let's wait a few turns and see where we find ourselves.

                -- adaMada
                Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                • #23
                  GodKing requested this map. I, personally, would like to wait a few turns.
                  RIAA sucks
                  The Optimistas
                  I'm a political cartoonist


                  • #24
                    NOW REMEMBER YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TAKE THINGS IN CONTEXT......................
                    Attached Files


                    • #25

                      Hey, Ghengis, this is a excellent cartoon! You should send it to The Jungle Gazette!
                      RIAA sucks
                      The Optimistas
                      I'm a political cartoonist


                      • #26
                        What kind of cartoons do you produce?
                        Could you post a link to some of your stuff?
                        Are we having fun yet?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aro

                          Hey, Ghengis, this is a excellent cartoon! You should send it to The Jungle Gazette!
                          The Jungle Gazette's first Political Cartoon!

                          GodKing goes down in journalistic history!


                          • #28
                            I make political cartoons, mostly about our domestic (brazilian) issues. I have a page at my newspaper's site, here is the link. The site is a mess!

                            Edit: Will be hard to you to understand the cartoons, unless you speak portuguese AND know a lot about our politics... But you can see the pictures!
                            Last edited by Aro; September 4, 2002, 18:58.
                            RIAA sucks
                            The Optimistas
                            I'm a political cartoonist


                            • #29
                              Cool cartoon.
                              If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                              • #30
                                lol the cartoons look good but I don't have a clue whats going on.

                                I recognised the footballers but I don't think you made Ronaldinhio ugly enough.
                                Are we having fun yet?

