I am seariously thinking about starting construction of the forbidden Palace small wonder in the city of Chiquita. Please post your thoughts here in regards to this. Although I am requesting at this time that the temple currently being constructed there be purchased next turn (after the switch to monarchy) and the next item in the que be the forbidden palace, there is a large construction time on this (I have not yet done the math taking into account the increase in production with monarchy, any improvements that will be built, growth, etc.) this will be a many turn project and it is easy enough to switch (and no penalty as in civ2) without any loss.
Please, discuss this as it is a matter for our entire nation to decide, not just me as public works minister.
PS - Aro and the other cartographers out there, if you could please attach a map showing this the location of this city in regards to the continent.... it is due to this central location that I feel it will be best served until late in the industrial age (when we own 2/3 of the world and get a domination victory....) Thanks. GK
Please, discuss this as it is a matter for our entire nation to decide, not just me as public works minister.
PS - Aro and the other cartographers out there, if you could please attach a map showing this the location of this city in regards to the continent.... it is due to this central location that I feel it will be best served until late in the industrial age (when we own 2/3 of the world and get a domination victory....) Thanks. GK