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Suggestions to make turnchats viable

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  • Suggestions to make turnchats viable

    Firstly sorry to all those who made the chat - I was almost an hour late. All who were there know that it was SLOOOOOOOW. We got 210 BC (which I started last time) basically finished, made peace with France and whored, whored, whored, and this took over 2 hours IIRC.

    This thread is for suggestions on how to improve the speed of chats. Instead of just plain throwing in the towel on chats for good (which was my initial gut reaction), I wanted to see one last time if there are any ways we can keep some kind of chat going without all the crap. Turnthreads are good, but not as fun for others. Perhaps we can only do chats now when there is comparatively little to do, say when we settle down and decide to just develop for a change. Right now things are complex and there is a lot to move and change, so maybe we should stop the chats until the wars are over and our troops are reallocated.

    Can you think of anything else?

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Solution ???

    If it is slow because of mIRC then we could always use something like this program written in Visual Baisc. It allows one person to host and anyone with the hosts IP to join the chat. You can also draw pictures with it.

    I like the turnchats and think we should find a solution. If it is slow because we had a lot to do then we could always just do a citizen chat type thing where we voice opinions and then the president can play the turns whenever they want. Basically we can make it more casual.
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    • #3
      It is slow because we're bad at making decisions in the chat. Connection speed is not the issue, though STABILITY is a problem. We couldn't use DALnet this time because the ENTIRE THING was down. Maybe they were doing maintanence or something.


      • #4
        Well all the orders need to be infront of the president before hand. Then they are systematically followed with the president giving a message. If something comes up, then they ask. This is how I see turnchats to now work. If nothing comes up, and all the orders are perfect, then the turnchat should just be a list of followed orders by the pres.

        Of course there is still an "anything else?" at the end of each turn.


        • #5
          Things were slow from the sheer amount of things to do. Even relying solely on the Ministers and others there for the orders, I had to read them, in some cases confirm or wait for various discussions to be concluded, switch to Civ, then carry them out, switch back, then change colour, report the moves in both rooms, change colour again if necessary.... and that's ONE move.

          The techwhoring took place without any real need for orders - just "get what you can" more or less, and even that took me about 10 minutes, as I had to negotiate with each civ, get what I could, then when I was done with all of them, I needed to do it all again to offer what I had just got.

          The slowness results from this being a damn busy time, and it MAY be possible that, when all we are moving is workers, turnchats could be done (if being rather dull for all concerned) at the same speed they used to be done. It is clear that warchats may be impossible except for certain key times.

          With chats, I could do all the boring shifting sh*t around, and when there is an attack to do I post the save and evereyone who can gets to attack as well. That way all the dull ****e of the game is just done by me, and the more interesting ass-whooping gets to be done by all. What do you all think of this?

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            I like it!


            • #7
              Good idea. One idea i thought of was this, each minster could do there domain and post it for the next(and of course everybody else). Kinda like the old board games where you have a const phase,movement phase, resource phase, combat pahse etc. Only thing is this is not strictly constitutional. If after a minister post, people have a problem then they can complain. Perhaps the actual movemt would have to be done in chat since for play along purposes and since you can't undo that,but everything else could work this way. Another option Pres sends to CP, he sends to MPW, he sends to ME. The clear up trades,workers and city queues. Then he gives to president to actually move units. If the minister have a problem they can ask people in chat. Since each minster knows his area he can play faster.
              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #8
                I think sky is refering to what I said

                The pres needs to only pay attention to the chat when a minister wants to be heard. Such as changing an order. OR when the president is waiting for a response.

                Nice quote in the sig sky. I wonder who said it *flutters eyes*


                • #9
                  Aye, I concur. We really need to make sure all the ministers orders are in the President's hands BEFORE a turnchat. We've been pretty good with this for turn threads, we just need to get in the habit of doing it for turn chats as well.

                  The President then goes an executes the orders. But before ending a turn we can discuss certain issues. For example: Before we ended the turn today, we decided to try and make an attempt to save Napoleton! A spearman was diverted from Geofront to Napoleton (will reach it next turn) while extra spearman were diverted from Ubergorsk and Loveshack to take up the slack. If this would have been a turn thread, an issue like this wouldn't have happened. Now we may in fact have a chance to save Napoleton (we won't know for another few turns).

                  So turn chats are still beneficial, as hectic as they are. They are in need of a streamlined approach though:
                  • Ministers need to get orders to Presidednt BEFORE turnchat.
                  • Chat is specifically played according to orders
                  • However, pause at end of turn for any final "thoughts" and new ideas that may arise

                  Since now it's just a random mess. "Okay everyone, tell us your orders!" And 38976438273 spam the channel with messages and we lose track of them.
                  First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

                  (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
                  The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


                  • #10
                    Why do I hear Trip's voice echoing across the ages?

                    MWiA, I suggest:

                    Post turn threads for the collection of ministers' orders and random spam from the plebes like myself (some of which may be useful).

                    Hold turn chats while you play so that citizens can watch along while you do your thing. A lot of people get a gas from being along for the ride, no need to extinguish that fire.

                    The important thing is that you play the game and only report things of significance. You post in red (nobody else does). Don't switch colours.

                    When a question comes up, you either...

                    a/ act if neither the minister nor the deputy is on hand.
                    b/ ask the minister or deputy for advice
                    c/ stop the game and discuss the issue in the chat
                    d/ stop the chat and come back to report to the nation

                    Minsters should chat in a different colour. Maybe blue. Who cares?

                    The bottom line is we elect you to play the game according to the advice of the ministers who we also elect. In the end, you bear the responsibility for the result. The buck has to stop somewhere, and I prefer to glue it to your forehead.

                    It is only reasonable to allow you the latitude to keep the game going.
                    Last edited by notyoueither; August 31, 2002, 23:51.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #11
                      I am glad that I got out when I did. It looks as if some major changes are needed. I like the idea of having the president use pre-planned orders to do all the boring stuff first, and then having chats to get the important stuff done.
                      2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
                      Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


                      • #12
                        Yes - The President types in red; the Ministers in blue and folk like myself in black. Makes it easier to follow.
                        Greatest moments in cat:


                        • #13
                          Epistax - was it you? I forgot who said it, so I can't really put that in there.


                          • #14
                            MrWhereIt'sAt and notyoueither are making a good point here.

                            I myself watched only couple turnchats back when we were preparing the war against Americans. Back in the times when everything was small and simple and moving scouts could be done with separate commands from SMC.

                            Nowadays it's different. There is NO way each and every move that President makes could be printed to the chat. And there's no need to.

                            Suggestions: Listen to notyoueither. Play while you're in turnchat and report what you've done to the little citizens. There's no need to tell us if a worker is moving east or any other unnecessary information. As from the view of a citizen, I see the turnchat as a show, which gives us a glimpse of what demogame is. Minister may need more information however.
                            Brilliant and effective way of curing headache, is to use a gun.
                            "Minulla on outoja unia / miehillä ei ole hampaita" Cmx - Pyörivät sähkökoneet
                            "I have strange dreams / men don't have teeth" Cmx - Spinning Electric Machines


                            • #15
                              Another idea: the basic purpose of a chat was so that all who wanted could make the same moves as the President simultaneously. This requires the Prez to post what they are doing each time. This was one of my biggest worries. Instead of the tedious copy/paste job I had to do each time there was a troop movement to make, could the Ministers NUMBER their orders? That way we need to have one official FINAL set of orders for each Minister, and all I need to do is type in "PW 2" instead of "Workers E of Apolytonia N, E, E". If anyone gets puzzled or hasn't the ability to have the orders thread up on screen, they can ask someone who has the time to answer them for the specific orders.

                              Sometimes little slipups creep into orders (like NE instead of NW), but these should be obvious enough when going through at least the Minister and the Prez, so shouldn't be any problem, especially with a pre-turnchat.

                              To summarise what I get out of everyone's posts:

                              1. Keep going with turnchats (I intend to do them on the weekend, the mid-week one MUST be a turnthread for me - this also means the game will progress a little if the next chat still doesn't work)

                              2. Have a pre-turnchat to flesh out orders with all Ministers/appointed Deputies who can turn up. I would ask that a representative for each Ministry be there. Any Deputies need not have any power, they would just have the orders for a Ministry in front of them, let us know what they are, and take down any possible alterations/clarifications for the Minister to deal with when they can. When should these be held? Do we need them before the turnthread as well?

                              3. I only report significant developments in the chat. This is a little tricky as I think I still need to post what I'm doing so that playing along is possible. If we used numbered orders as I mention above, this would speed things up. At the turn end, I could mention only the important developments (only certain troop movements, any WoW construction, wars, alliances etc.). As we have preserve random seed on, any playing with v1.21 shuld see the exact same things as I do, so any detailed looking about could be done by others (not really necessary anyway).

                              These are the three main ideas I see out of this thread to date, so thanks to all who have contributed them thus far.

                              Someone tell me if I am wrong in any of these thoughts, and if you have some ideas to add, please, PLEASE do so.

                              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

