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Embassy of FANATIKA

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  • Just had to bump this thread :-)
    Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

    Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


    • Well, Disorganizer seems to have recovered from his hand fairly well. I shall retire now and leave the embassy to it's rightfull representative.
      Welcome back Disorganizer

      Ehecatl Atzin
      The resistance shall be as transnational as capital!


      • Yes, dear FA leader. It still hurts a bit, but it works.
        Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

        Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


        • Look! a bump!

          @ Dis -- I'm glad it has healed well

          Ehecatl Atzin
          The resistance shall be as transnational as capital!


          • just asking- what do we do with our gls anyways?
            i know at the end of game 1, we built the cfc (no, not the site, the cure) and seti, but what else have we leader rushed?
            Spam Spam Spam Spamity


            • Mainly Wonders, I belive we had 3 leaders total in our last demogame, I think.

              Ehecatl Atzin
              The resistance shall be as transnational as capital!


              • Originally posted by Ehecatl Atzin
                Look! a bump!

                @ Dis -- I'm glad it has healed well

                Ehecatl Atzin
                I understand that you feel the need for these bumps but perhaps rather than carrying on your own conversations that none of us get you could tell us a little about what going on in your game. You bump every few days at least so it'd be cool if we could see how your game progresses not just in game but as a community as a whole.

                Just a few questions for reference
                Are you playing on king again? what civ are you and what year are you in. How many cities/pop do you have.

                This way it won't look like you're spamming our forum all the time.
                Are we having fun yet?


                • Not sure if we should tell you that, OPD, it could be classified...

                  But what the hell!

                  This game we are playing on emperor (the same as you, if I am not mistaken?) using the Germans as our base civilisation. We're currently in the year 1830BC, and just built our third city, gaining access to iron in the process. If you're interested in the current state of Fanatikan politics we're about four days into the second term but are still without an official Science Department result. This is due to two consecutive tied elections between the incumbent of four terms, Strider, and our richest and perhaps most outspoken citizen, Donsig. We're now on runoff election #2 and hoping to get a conclusive result this time!
                  "In general, someone is a thing of value if and only if he or she is willing to submit to whatever degradation and abuse is required to preserve that position. Anything less betrays a lack of commitment." - Steve Albini


                  • And the news updates in the embassy were stalled lately a bit due to a lazy president :-)

                    Anyways, i have a sad but also somehow good news to forward to Apolytonia:
                    I will definitely resign my position as ambassador in apolytonia because i will now take the challange as UN representative of Fanatika.
                    At the moment the new ambassador for apolytonia runs through an acceptance poll, but i doubt he will be declined.
                    It will propably be Sir Zarn.

                    I will surely visit apolytonia one in a while, because i got used to some of your habits ;-) And i will then surely post in the embassy as well.

                    It was a nice time being ambassador in your great nation, and i would like to thank all apolytonians and fanatikans who made this experiance possible.

                    I believe our relations will stay as good as they are now and hope we will manage to enact a multiplayer game soon.

                    Former Ambassdor of Fanatika.
                    Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

                    Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


                    • Greetings Apolytonia,
                      I am the Domestic Leader of Fanatika, leader of a religion, a citizen here, Fanatika, and Community, and probally your future ambassador. I actually joined Apolyton before CFC, but I never posted.
                      Well, I only need one more vote to become the ambassador. I have 18 yes votes and no no votes or abstain votes.
                      Le Républicain Catholique


                      • Greetings agian Apolytonians,
                        I Zarn Domestic Leader of Fanatika am officially the ambassodor to your fair nation of Apolytonia. I hope that good relations continue between our two natons. I support the move for a republic as well.
                        Le Républicain Catholique


                        • I will herewith give the key to our fine embassy to Zarn, the new ambassador.
                          I will continue my work at the UN and hope to see Apolytonian delegates there soon!
                          Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

                          Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


                          • Right now, Fanatika is discussing a plan to fight the Aztecs. Here is the link.
                            Poll Duration: 48 hours from posting or until quorum is met, whichever is the later The discussion leading to this poll can be found in this thread. Proposal: I would like to propose that we use the following strategy: [list=1] As we build our archers we use them to further explore the...

                            In elections, Strider has indeed become the Science Leader of Fanatika. He had three different polls with donsig, in which two of them ended up in a tie.
                            Le Républicain Catholique


                            • Hello Friends.

                              We have discovered writing and the plan to destroy the aztecs is quite done. The only thing that is needed is a turn chat to attack them!
                              We have not had the best of turn chats lately....sigh...
                              Our History department is up and running at the goverment forum, if you wish to read a bit about us
                              What else....hmmm...we have only 3 cities while the rest of our neighbours have double that, aprox. A shame really.
                              What have you guys been up to?

                              Ehecatl Atzin
                              The resistance shall be as transnational as capital!


                              • We finally switched to Republic (last in the known world, I think) after taking over all of mainland Persia.

                                We're currently at peace and the general consensus seems to be that we will stay that way for at least the next 10 turns or so... after that, there's something of a disagreement on whether to go to war with France immediately or wait a good while longer.

                                As for tech, we just purchased Chemistry from I think the Greeks during the latest turnchat.
                                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

