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Embassy of FANATIKA

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  • Change the system, nerve staple the populace... whatever...
    "In general, someone is a thing of value if and only if he or she is willing to submit to whatever degradation and abuse is required to preserve that position. Anything less betrays a lack of commitment." - Steve Albini


    • Sorry that I haven't posted in the past several days, but I am back. It's up to you to determine whether that is a good or bad thing.

      I will report on what is going on in Fanatika after I get home from work. You know, that work in real life.
      Le Républicain Catholique


      • edit: Octavian has been VP for term after term until this one

        The Election results:

        President: Octavian X (21)
        Vice President: Donovan Zoi (17)

        Domestic Department
        Leader: Grandmaster (19)
        Deputy: FionnMcCumhall (9)
        Gingerbread Man (4)
        Abstain (1)

        Military Department
        Leader: CivGeneral (21)
        Deputy: Feodor Ardent (11)
        Abstain (1)

        Trade Department
        Leader: Chieftess (20)
        Deputy: ikey (7)

        "Lake Land" Province
        Governor: Noldodan (15)
        Deputy: Myartar (3)
        withdrawn (5)
        Abstain (4)

        New Japan Province
        Governor: Veera Anlai (18)
        Deputy: Grandmaster (8)
        Abstain (1)

        Offices filled, no contest

        Foreign Affairs Leader: Eyrei

        Science Leader: gunning1

        Culture Leader: Plexus

        Chief Justice: naervod

        Public Defender: Cyc

        Hafen Land Governor: Cheetah

        "Hill-Arious" Governor: Feodor Ardent

        "Jungle Fever" Governor: Zarn

        North Governor: Shaitan

        Rhineland Governor: Goonie

        South Doughnut Coast Governor: Ehecatl Atzin

        Taliesin Governor: Stuck_As_a_Mac

        Offices unfilled through election process

        Judge Advocate

        Montis Abeo Gramen Governor

        Southwest Governor

        "Wine & Dine" Governor
        Le Républicain Catholique


        • We are halfway through the Industrial age.

          We are at war with Baylon and Persia.

          Russia has embargos against them for us.

          Army of Fanatika (It was upgraded recently.)
          foot soldier- Infantry
          Mounted/ Vehicle- Cavalry
          Artillery- Artillery

          Navy of Fanatika (We may need some upgrading.)
          Transport- Caravel
          Naval superiority- Ironclad

          Air Force of Fanatika (What's an air force?)
          Fighter- none
          Bomber- none
          No helicopters

          We have two armies as well.

          We have been getting a few leaders lately. We produced one, then we got another.
          Le Républicain Catholique


          • Well done Zarn .

            I am the Military Leader of Fanatika .

            I am currently preparing for the Iroquois War that we have planed . Expect full reports as the war progresses.
            "All your base are belong to us" -Cats | "You don't leave an enemy at your back. Not if you like living." - Mara Jade | "You know the first rule in combat? ...shoot them before they shoot you." - Faye Valentine

