While I cannot know the thoughts of your citizens, and their feelings on the flow of information, but you are all welcom to set up a war room in here, to continue with the official duties. I am sure it will not be the normal level of debate that you are all used to, but enough to keep you afloat a few days?
In the mean time, please help yourselves to our plentiful banana's, and I will be sending you some of my PERSONAL stores of the fine wine we have recently obtained. I believe you will find it much more pleasant than beer.
Should any of you need new raignment, please let one of our taylors know, we have the finest dyes imaginable, and can produce clothing of the most astounding color.
If there is anything else I can do to make your stay more pleasant, please feel free to stop by the Gazette Estates located just NE of Termina. Any of you will be my honored guest. Don't feel the need to contain yourselves herein. Mingle, let your voices be heard, and enjoy your stay. Perhaps this interuption was destined by all the gods.
Banana Bless.
In the mean time, please help yourselves to our plentiful banana's, and I will be sending you some of my PERSONAL stores of the fine wine we have recently obtained. I believe you will find it much more pleasant than beer.
Should any of you need new raignment, please let one of our taylors know, we have the finest dyes imaginable, and can produce clothing of the most astounding color.
If there is anything else I can do to make your stay more pleasant, please feel free to stop by the Gazette Estates located just NE of Termina. Any of you will be my honored guest. Don't feel the need to contain yourselves herein. Mingle, let your voices be heard, and enjoy your stay. Perhaps this interuption was destined by all the gods.
Banana Bless.