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The Apolytonian Geographic Society: a proposal

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  • The Apolytonian Geographic Society: a proposal

    What do you guys think about a Geographic Society, or something similar? Each branch of government or non-governmental societies could have needs of a specific map, or maps, depending of their objectives.
    This Society would be a non-governmental organization, able to respond requests of all group in our Demo Game. Some requests could take some time, depending of the data, of course.
    This seems too much for a single person. Later in the game, the maps will be very complex. I’m looking for interested people to help.
    I ask Togas, particularly, if he could find time, to help with the text to found this. All that legal stuff sounds very nice and respectable.
    I have already a host to archive the maps, but with some limitations for data storage. I think I can manage this. It’s not so expensive, at all…
    Suggestions, criticisms and comments will be welcome!
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist

  • #2
    I would wish to contribute but I'm already doing a crapload. It certainly is a worthy thing to do, however.

    If you need any juicey free internet space after the end of the month, lemme know. I can do 2 gigs for approx. $0 a month... ok exactly $0 a month.


    • #3
      Re: The Apolytonian Geographic Society: a proposal

      Originally posted by Aro
      I ask Togas, particularly, if he could find time, to help with the text to found this. All that legal stuff sounds very nice and respectable.
      This is a fine idea. You don't need to worry about writing up something legal, as this Society would be just like the War Academy or Thinkers Guild. It would be a volunteer group that took map requests and published them for us all. Since it's voluntary and has no official power it doesn't need to have a law passed to create it.

      IF you wanted to make a new position in the government called Cartographer or the like, I could help with the text for that. The new position's responsibility would be to create, collect, and post maps for all of us to use. The position would likely also be responsible for giving official names to landmarks and the like.

      Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
      Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
      Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
      Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


      • #4
        I like the idea, however my home computer has no softwear to help contribute, even if I somehow come up with more time to help. Your maps have been excelent and very usefull so far.

        Thanks for all the work.
        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


        • #5
          I'm certainly willing to help; statistics and maps work well together.
          I had already been thinking about this, b/c I thought once the regions are made, it would be really nice to have a map that labels the regions and geologic landmarks on the map.
          Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
          Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
          Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
          Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


          • #6
            This would be great! I'm paying approx. $12 a month... ok, exactly $11.95 a month
            Thanks in advance.

            Reddawg, your help will be inestimable! You are doing a great job with the stats.
            Last edited by Aro; August 20, 2002, 17:57.
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #7
              Re: Re: The Apolytonian Geographic Society: a proposal

              Originally posted by Togas

              IF you wanted to make a new position in the government called Cartographer or the like, I could help with the text for that. The new position's responsibility would be to create, collect, and post maps for all of us to use. The position would likely also be responsible for giving official names to landmarks and the like.

              Thanks, GodKing and Togas... This is governmental matter, I don’t know if it is necessary. In fact, I don’t want any position in the office… You know, old friends become new enemies too easily…

              The links
              Mingapulco (Former Region One. 300dpi, 12X7 cm)
              Region two
              Region Three
              Region four
              And the updated world map (300dpi, 30X20 cm, 1.9 Mb)
              World Map
              The sub-divisions of our continent:
              Geographic Map
              General Map
              The Grand Basin (by caesarqbear)
              The Grand Basin
              Ultra high detailed map of Abananaba Major (by caesarqbear, 300dpi, 47X27 cm, 1.4 Mb)
              Abananaba Major
              Tactical Map (300dpi, 32X19 cm)
              Tactical Map
              Last edited by Aro; August 28, 2002, 22:03.
              RIAA sucks
              The Optimistas
              I'm a political cartoonist


              • #8
                i'd join it


                • #9
                  ah! i see our contact finaly dropped ideas in here :-P

                  maybe you can also help us a litte:

                  im searching for a tool to convert a sav to a png/bmp/gif without revealing any hidden things (keep fog of war, keep undiscovered area etc.) to make maps of demogames...

                  the idea would be to run the utility on a sav to get the same view of the whole world you could get by scrolling-screenshotting-pasting together the whole thing.

                  maybe also a switch to get a plain geographical view and a view with cities, improovements units etc. would be nice.

                  if someone here find something like that, please give me notice! preferrably as pm here or on cfc.
                  i will do the same if i find it ;-)
                  Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

                  Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


                  • #10
                    Darkness'Edge, you’re in!
                    Disorganizer, I wish I had such tool. The worst part of this job is just the "scrolling-screenshotting-pasting together the whole thing", as you said. Maybe some of the tech guys around could help us... Could save a lot of work.
                    Btw, tonight we will have another world map, Mr. UnOrtho will play 5 turns and post the reports and save.
                    See the VP announcement .
                    This means work... Reddawg, more stats are coming...
                    Btw, Reddawg, we will need to see how work on those statistic graphics, I think I could help.
                    Darkness, I have a lot of work today, but I'll free tonight, and we can talk about how share data and work . Now I'm in a hurry, but I'll send you a PM later.
                    Thanks, everybody.

                    You can find the Reddawg statistics thread here:
                    The State of the Nation: Statistics #1: 2590 BC to 430 BC
                    Last edited by Aro; August 21, 2002, 07:34.
                    RIAA sucks
                    The Optimistas
                    I'm a political cartoonist


                    • #11
                      Aro, I'll look into the next saved game and if there is enough change to merit an update to the stats, I'll do so. Otherwise I'll be waiting until the next turnthread, the one they're going to play Sunday, to update the stats. Are they establishing any embassies in tonight's turn? I need screenshots! Lol.

                      I'll look into the charts/graphs too... I think I could make some easily enough.
                      Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                      Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                      Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                      Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                      • #12
                        Err... I don't know why, but all my links are dead at the moment. I'm trying to contact the #@%% people of Yahoo Geocities, but I couldn't. I'll try to fix this...
                        Well, it's annoying. Sorry.
                        RIAA sucks
                        The Optimistas
                        I'm a political cartoonist


                        • #13
                          I would be interested in such a group- after all, its the geographers that name the world! Though its great that I have recently found out that what I keep calling Anabana is really Abananaba (too many a's!).

                          Anyway: You have already made several great maps, so keep up the hard work
                          If you don't like reality, change it! me
                          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                          • #14
                            Thanks the Great Banana! The #@%& links are working again!!!
                            Thanks! You can help anytime you want, if send me your ideas (just a sketch, if you want), I can make some "final art", etc.
                            RIAA sucks
                            The Optimistas
                            I'm a political cartoonist


                            • #15
                              The new Updated World Map (350 BC, 1.9 MB) is here .
                              Some more ocean tiles, two or three new cities, a barbarian camp near Tzintzuntzen (what a name!!! ). Probably more than this, I just took a glance.
                              RIAA sucks
                              The Optimistas
                              I'm a political cartoonist

