Good ideas. We need our CoL to be more clear and precise 
However, about the term-limit issue : while I'm against term-limits (as long as someone does a good job and is liked, why firing him ?), these were decided by a vote.
Epistax : you should make a separate poll on the term-limit thing, because it's an important issue, and you can't simply bundle it with the rest (or your poll will quickly be threadjacked to this hot issue only)

However, about the term-limit issue : while I'm against term-limits (as long as someone does a good job and is liked, why firing him ?), these were decided by a vote.
Epistax : you should make a separate poll on the term-limit thing, because it's an important issue, and you can't simply bundle it with the rest (or your poll will quickly be threadjacked to this hot issue only)