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Term 3 Government and Forum Directory

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  • Term 3 Government and Forum Directory


    Format update comming soon...

    Spiffor's Spectacular Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game:
    Look no further to learn the basics of the Demo Game.

    Visit our friends at the FANATICAN Embassy

    Executive Branch

    President: MrWhereItsAt Vice President: UnOrthOdOx

    Next turn chats/threads:

    Sunday morning c. 0900 GMT (0400 EST)
    Tuesday evening c. 2100 GMT (1600 EST)
    There is a poll on this matter here.

    IRC-Turnchat tip
    Election Nomination Thread: Term 4
    Proposal for regional administrators and city governors
    The State of the Nation: Statistics #1: 2590 BC to 430 BC
    The State of the Nation: Brief Stats #1: 430 BC to 350 BC
    Ammendment discussion: Changing Administrations
    Flow of information discussion

    Current Maps, Reports, and Plans

    Report and save for 210-130BC
    Most Recent Maps of Uber Isle
    Current Map
    Tactical map
    Turnthread orders 130BC

    Current Official Polls

    Approval rating during Ninot's term

    Elections, term 4

    Vice President
    Minister of War
    Minister of Science
    Minister of Economy
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Minister of Imperial Expansion
    Minister of Public Works
    City Planner

    Archived Maps, Reports and Plans

    Report for end of 210 BC
    Report for 290-210BC
    Save for 210BC
    Report and save for 350-290 BC
    Report and save for 430-350 BC
    Report and Save 430 BC

    Foreign Relations

    Foreign Affairs Minister: Togas Deputies: Darkness' Edge , Gepap , adaMada

    Foreign Ministry Office, Term 3
    GePaps guide to foreign nations
    A Weltpolitik view of the world [longish]
    Discussion: RoP with America
    An Alliance with England?
    Foreign Policy toward Greece?

    Public Discussion Entity: The Machiavelli Institute

    Join The Machiavelli Institute
    Machiavelli Institute: The Right use of ROP
    Machiavelli Institute: Post War Geopolitics of Abananaba Minor
    Machiavelli Institute: foreign policy with Persia
    Machiavelli Institute: Ally Shield
    Machiavelli Institute: Foreign Policy Debate
    Machiavelli institute : analysis of the Greek Wars


    Supreme Military Commander: UberKrux Deputy: Aggie

    Headquarters of the SMC
    Discovering continents for fun and profit

    Public Discussion Entity: The War Academy

    Join The War Academy
    War Academy: Our military doctrine for the early Medieval age
    War Academy: General Offensive against Persia
    War Academy: General plans for Persia
    War Academy: General Plans for Greece
    War Academy: France and allies
    War Academy: War Chariots and our Golden Age


    Minister of Economy: Donal Graeme Deputy: Spiffor

    Economy website
    Minister of the Economy Official Post: Economic Forum
    Trading Lux

    Public Discussion Entity: The Adam Smith Foundation

    Join The Adam Smith Foundation
    Adam Smith Foundation: Benefits of WLT*D?
    Adam Smith Foundation: Gaining money in expense of the AIs


    Minister of Science: Apocalypse

    Area 25: Technology Guide to the Middle Ages
    The Compromise of 210 BC *Everyone Read*Area 25 : Tech Plans - Project lain
    Area 25 (This link does not exist)
    Area 25: The War

    Public Discussion Entity: The Thinker's Guild

    Join The Thinker's Guild

    Board of Territoritial Development and Expansion

    Minister of Imperial Expansion: Will 5001

    Minister of Imperial Expansion Office
    City Site Possibility near Napoleton
    What to bring to our island?

    Minister of Public Works: WhiteBandit

    Public Works Homepage
    Public Works Main Thread

    City Planner: GodKing Deputies: OPD , jdjdjd , Rendelnep

    OPD will be managing region #1, which will include the following cities:
    Name the Region (suggestions)
    chartres (occupied)
    orleans (occupied)
    rheims (occupied)

    Region #2 GodKing will be managing:
    Del Monte
    mycenae (occupied)
    boston (occ...

    Region #3 Rendelnep will be managing this region.
    Naming suggestions for province 3
    munich (o)

    Region #4 jdjdjd will manage these cities - all cities are currently occupied
    Naming Suggestions Region 4
    Paris: Domestic Issues

    City Planning Orders
    City Planner Office (space for discussions)


    Current Judges: notyoueither , Epistax , jdjdjd , Trip , Captain

    Court of Apolytonia
    Some Info on Court Submission Rules
    Court of Apolytonia: Case 1, Official Thread
    The Court of Apolytonia is in Session: Case 2 - Case CLOSED
    Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 13, 2002, 15:08.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    Informal links

    To add a link to this diectory, reply here
    The Jungle Gazette Archives
    The Church of THE ONE in Apolytonia
    Aftermath from the front...An International Report of the Uprising in Apolytonia
    The Five Most Influential Ancient Apolytonians
    Thinkers Guild : Which victory ?
    The Thinkers Guild: How to discuss in a Civ 3 Demo game?

    The $ Mini Game:

    Main thread and Directory

    Trading Session Four
    Trading Session Three
    First Two Trading Sessions-Has a good synopsis of rules on first page of thread

    Discussion Thread on Alternative Market System Solutions
    Commodity/Alternate Product Discussion
    ^^^-Very important! If your interesting in the $Mini-Game get involved in the discussion!
    Concept/Rule Discussion Thread-Also First Auction of Land Tiles

    Current Election Thread
    Approval of Buildings for Phase One Thread
    Compensation Approval Thread

    The authorized jurisdiction for Market One as mapped by The Apolytonian Geographic Society.

    Current Land Holdings..........
    4)Darkness' Edge

    ..."Epistan Plantation"

    ...a)"Ghengis Mountain"
    ..."The Jungle Farm"

    ..."Kramerman's Brothel Ranch"

    ..."The Mustang Ranch"
    ..."Sam's Minor Land Holding"

    ..."The Gazette Ranch"

    Official Poll Archive

    Switch to Monarchy Expires: 9/4
    Peace with Persia? Espires: 9/5
    Peace with Germany? Expires: 9/5
    Official: Should the Executive branch have the right to delegate?Expired: 8/28
    Poll--Who do we fight AFTER the French? Expired: 8/26
    Poll: Science funding should be Increased! Expired: 8/25
    Constitutional Convention Enabling Act Expired: 8/26
    Which polls should remain topped? Expired: 8/26
    Poll: Paris and the Great Library Expires: 8/21
    OFFICIAL: Trade Currency to Iroquois? Expired: 8/21
    Poll:Multiple Polls per Poll?Expired: 8/21
    Name Our Currency
    Do you agree with the idea of the Palace Jump?
    Get rid of the Notylopa Jungle
    Shall we get War Techs?
    Should there be a limited Senate. Yes or No
    Should we research an offensive war tech or two BEFORE going for long term cultural
    Should the SMC have control over captured cities?
    Should space05us be impeached for his sins or should we be merciful?
    How should we determine city names?
    What should our policy be? (Finance Minister Policy 3300 BC
    Do you agree with this proposal? (Current plan for turnchats)
    Should Ministers get first pick in naming cities?
    At which proposed sites should we settle?
    What Advance Shall We Research Next?
    What do we do with our commerce?
    Do we need Subforums?
    What do you want me to do? (Foreign Ministry)
    Should we build at the city sites proposed in Case Pink?
    Should we have a Code of Ethics added to our Constitution?
    Tech whoring project
    What Should The Tune Be? (Anthem)
    citizen census week 27
    When should Apolytonia declare war?
    Acceptance of Plan Eagle
    Prune or Genocide?
    Should we allow unofficial opinion surveys about elections ?
    citizen census week 28
    Separation of Campaign and Poll
    Who Should We Strike First?
    Should We Form This Emergency Court?
    Which Shall Be Our Official Flag?
    Do You Approve of the "Two President" Decision?
    The Citizens Vote - Foreign Affair
    WHat shall we research?
    our tax - science rate - 1400 BC
    citizen census week 29
    Should we now open embassies?
    OFFICIAL Petition for the Mods re Presidential Election
    National Approval Rating During President Trip’s Leadership
    What is causing the population shrinkage?
    Can we reword the code of laws
    Impeachment questionair - voice your opinion part 1
    Impeachment questionair - voice your opinion part 2
    Should we structure the way amendments are added into the CoL?
    Who Should Be My Temporary Replacement For Next Two Turnchats
    Boston or Philly?
    (Official poll of the Foreign Minister) Sneak attack vs. Reputation
    Declaration of War on America
    Do you accept this new method of Censuses?
    Should we stop the census-polls?
    citizen census week 30
    French Front: Archers / Swordsmen / Horsemen
    Our Glorious National Anthem
    Plan Gold
    census-do we need it?
    tech acquisition project
    Declaration of War on France

    Ammendment Ratification Archives

    Is this Constitution fit for ratification?
    Impeachment Process
    Should the finance and trade ministries be merged into a ministry of economy ?
    Military Commanders Amendment
    Ammendment - Time announcement of turnchats
    amendment poll: Impeachment Process
    Amendment: Integration of Minister of Economy
    THe real OFFICIAL poll: Bill of Rights
    Amendment II: Apolytonian Court
    3 Proposed Ammendments of the Constitution
    Amendment: Removal of E-Mail Distribution Clause
    Amendment III: Election Standards
    Raification of the Bill of Rights
    OFFICIAL ammendment poll: Ratification of the Apolytonian Court
    CoL amendment - Announcing the turn chats 1 week prior
    Ammendment: Changing Administrations
    Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 13, 2002, 15:02.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      Expansion Room
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4

        These are the code of laws that we, the new citizenry of Apolotonia, have decided upon. In it, we have declared that we shall form a government of the people, a Democracy, in which -WE- shall choose who leads us. We shall gather the smartest and most wise people of our tribe together, and they shall erect sacrad polls, and they will do their bidding. Let no other nation, barbarian, or calamity stand in our way, WE ARE CIVERS, AND WE WANT TO PLAY!

        ARTICLE I: Government Stucture

        Executive Branch

        This is the administrative section of our nation. The Executive branch is made up of the President and Vice President. These two are required to abide by the suggestions of the ministers, who represent the will of the people.

        The President shall physically play the game after referring to his advisors, and generally checking with the people.

        Once the turns are played the president shall send out the save game file via e-mail only to all the members of his cabinet and any Apolytonia member who specially request it. The Historian and Reporter must receive saves from the end of each turnchat.

        The President is required to host at least one turnchat a week.

        The President must have a 2/3 majority before he can change our Government type or mobilize our economy for war.

        The President has control over drafts.

        The right hand of the President; he may assist the president in any way currently needed (holding polls, consulting ministers, distributing the save files, etc). In the event the President is unable to play his turn, the Vice-president shall play the turn instead.

        Ministerial Branch

        Ministers make up the core of our government. They do the hard labor required to point our country in the right direction. Ministers are experts in the area they oversee, and they have the serious task of informing and advising the people on our situation. They are required to conduct polls in order to interrupt the people’s will. They are then to carry out that will, by giving their direction to the President.

        All Ministers are allowed to advise and consult with each other. They are also granted the right to petition for changes or actions from other Ministers that may be critical to the their department. Ultimately, however, it is the Minister in charge of his/her section that has the final say in how things are handled.

        Minister of Science:

        The Science Advisor is the nation’s greatest mind in the area of technological advancement. It is his/her responsibility to advise the president on which techs the people wish to research.

        The Science Minister is acknowledged the right to advise the Foreign Affairs minister on matters of Tech trading.

        Minister of the Military:
        This officer is the principal military advisor to the President and the people, and prepares military plans and reviews overall military requirements for our nation. He/She also has the responsibility to assess threats to the security of the country and keep everyone up to date on these threats.

        The Military Advisor is granted the power to set up the army's strategy. He tells what troops to move where, and which battles to engage.

        The Military Advisor is granted the right to take an active part in negotiations of Peace Treaties, Mutual Protection Pacts, or a Right of Passage agreements. (Note: The Foreign Advisor calls the shots, but the Military Advisor must have his voice heard).

        Minister of Foreign Affairs:
        This minister is the government’s chief advisor on foreign affairs and is responsible for carrying out foreign policy. He/She is given the power to enter into diplomatic negotiations with other countries, however should refrain from making commitments until approved by the people.

        The Foreign Advisor is granted the power to make peace, accept Mutual Protection Pacts, offer Right of Passage Agreements, and forge Military Alliances. The exchange of all items, except Strategic, Luxury, or Gold resources falls on the broad shoulders of the Foreign Affairs Minister. It is strongly recommended that the Foreign Affairs Minister consult the appropriate ministers when gifts or exchanges are involved.

        This Minister is required to consult the Trade advisor when Gold, Luxury or Strategic resources are involved.

        Minister of Trade:
        The Minister of Trade is the principle authority on all international trade. He/she handles all trade involving the exchange of luxurious goods and resources, and has control over any times that gold may be involved.

        The Trade Advisor is granted the power to make/accept Trade Embargos.

        City Planner:
        The City Planner is truly an artist and an economist, for he is responsible for making the foundation of our nation, cities, as prosperous and successful as possible. The City Planner manages building queues and citizens, but may also request the Public Works minister to improve city tiles when needed.

        The City Planner is strongly recommended to accommodate all Ministers who approach him/her with their various needs.

        Minister of Imperial Expansion:
        The Imperial Expansion Minister posses the important job of placing our glorious new cities.

        Miniser of Public Works:
        The Public Works Minister is in charge of all the workers and slaves in our empire.

        Minister of Finance:
        The Financial Minister has the power to control the budget of our civ. That involves assigning income for science, trade and luxuries.

        Public Information Servants

        The Historian logs everything that happens to our nation, however, he should do so without biased to political leaders or parties. The Historian is not allowed to vote in governmental polls.

        The Historian may request detailed information on certain things from the President, and shall be granted access to multiple saves per turn (before and after the save has been played).

        Reporters (Newspapers):
        These independent agents are bestowed the great privilege of keeping the people informed on the happenings of the game and government, as well as the general environment around us. They should strive to obtain accurate facts, and state things how they are, free of political involvement. The reporters act as a window into the game, serve as a government watchdog, and are general tool of the people.

        ARTICLE II: Government Policy


        Amendments to this Constitution can be submitted by any member of our nation. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.

        Length of Office Terms:
        All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into the same office, that member must run for a different office in his fourth term, or not run at all.

        Impeachment and Resignations:
        All members of our great nation are recognized the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time. Resignations will be handled the same as any impeachments.

        A poll will be posted which will expire in no less than 5 days. There are to be three poll options, yea, nay, and abstain. Upon the expiration of the poll, if 2/3 of the people who voted deem impeachment necessary, then the official shall be immediately removed from office. The President shall establish an emergency member to take his/her place until a new election can be held, and a new person voted into office to finish the term.

        ARTICLE III: Polling

        General Rules:

        Polls may be conducted in an ‘unofficial’ format to simply gain information, but CANNOT be used in any official decisions. All of the following rules are regarding ‘official’ polls, which may or may not be used as official results for the actual game. Any unofficial polls must be labeled as so within the first post.

        Each official poll should have its rules laid out, as well as a form of expiration, either when a certain event takes place (i.e. ‘when the game starts’), or a time limit (i.e. ‘5 days’). This is to prevent the occurrence of an incident such as if doesn’t include an expiration, and says 3 weeks later "well this poll said this" kind of thing, and use its results officially. Each poll should lay out the potential options, as well as the question in a clear format. The required inclusions for the post are: an expiration date/event, a fair, clear and concise, unbaised question which addressed the issue of the poll, and a general description of what your poll entails. Instead of a description if you wish to post a link to another thread to give a description, that is acceptable as well.

        Those who wish to put up a poll are strongly recommended to first discuss the issue in another thread, and bounce around possible options for voting. If someone feels that a poll could have been better made as a 'grouping' poll, or a 'yes/no' poll, then it may be deemed invalid.

        Length of a Poll:
        Each poll must be open for a minimum of 3 days. This allows enough time for the majority of our members to see the poll and vote in it. Any poll open or taking results in less than 3 days is invalid. This includes 'spur of the moment' polls, that say something like 'This poll ends when turn 5 starts', but turn 5 starts in 2 days instead of 3 - this poll would be invalid.

        Fairness and Neutrality:
        The first post in a poll thread should be completely neutral. No options are to be suggested for voting, just what each option entails in an unbiased format. The same is true for the voting options. While poking fun at an option will probably be acceptable, if someone thinks that it interferes with a voter’s decision, then they may deem it invalid. If you show bias in your options, then it is no longer fair. So be warned, if your poll is a landslide one way and should win but someone feels that the options you presented are unfair and calls for a validity vote, if it’s deemed invalid your poll is useless.

        Poll Format:

        Each official poll MUST include either a ‘yes/no’ format, or a ‘group’ format, where similar options are grouped together, where the winning option within the group with the most votes is the official winner. The only time these formats do not have to be followed is in true multiple-choice polls, i.e. ‘Which Civilization should we be: Egyptians, Persians. Etc.’ In these cases, a simple ‘yes/no’ or ‘grouping’ poll does not suffice.

        If someone wants to conduct a repoll, then it must be created at least 3 weeks following the initial poll. If a repoll is created before 3 weeks has passed, then that poll is immediately invalid. If a poll is an alternative poll, offering alternatives to decisions made in a previous poll, then it also must be conducted at least 3 weeks following the first poll, or be immediately deemed invalid. Any poll that's general purpose is the same or similar as another poll will be considered a repoll.

        Length of Validity:
        Poll results are valid until either a repoll is conducted, or an optional expiration on the results of the poll is included (either from an event or a time limit). In any other case, the results of a poll are official until the end of the game.

        Invalidity of a Poll:
        If these rules are not abided by, anyone may consider the poll invalid. If someone believes a poll to not be following these rules and declares it invalid, then a vote may be conducted among the elected officials listed above to be either ‘valid’ or ‘invalid’. If the poll is deemed invalid, then its results cannot be used for any official purposes regarding the game. A poll deemed invalid cannot be voted on again unless it abides by the rules regarding a repoll.


        Amendment I: Minister of the Economy

        The positions of Minister of Trade and Minister of Finance are hereby dissolved by this amendment. In their place is the creation of a new office, the Ministry of the Economy.

        The functions of the Ministry of Economy will precisely be :
        - To adjust the sliders in agreement with the People or the President. These two get actually to decide who should get what budget. The minister of economy should only give documented advice.
        - To check if cities produce a good amount of money, and petition the city planner to build marketplaces and banks where it has to be. The minister of economy has no direct power on cities however.
        - To check if resources and luxuries are well dispatched in the empire, and to petition the minister of public works if different. The minister of economy has no direct power on workers.
        - To establish trades with the AI involving resources, luxuries or gold.
        - To haggle gold amounts in a trade decided by the foreign minister. The minister of economy has to agree with trades involving goods among other things (example, he has to agree to a suggested "Fur for IronWorking" trade). The minister of economy has no direct power on trades involving gold among other things, but no trade goods.

        Amendment II: Posting the SAV

        The passage:

        "Once the turns are played the president shall send out the save game file via e-mail only to all the members of his cabinet and any Apolytonia member who specially request it. The Historian and Reporter must receive saves from the end of each turnchat."

        is hereby replaced with:

        "Once the turns are played, the president shall publicly post the save game file for all members of Apolytonia to download."

        Amendment III: The Apolytonian Court

        This amendment hereby creates an official Apolytonian Court (hereafter refered to as "The Court")

        1. Purpose:

        The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute of national importance.

        2. Construct of the Court:

        a. Size of Court:
        The Court is composed of Five Justices. Each Justice is to be appointed by the President, and each must be approved by a simple majority of the populace in an Approval Vote.

        b. Installing the First Court:
        The First Court appointed, upon ratification of this amendment, are to be chosen to staggering terms. One member will serve for one month, two will serve for two months and the remaining two will serve for three months. These first Justices of the Court will be appointed in the following manner: President selects 2 (3 month terms), Vice President selects 1 (two month term), Minister of Imperial Expansion(two month term) selects 1 and Econimics Minister selects 1 (one month term). All appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the public.

        c. Terms in office:
        There is no limit to the number of terms a Justice may serve.
        Each Justice serves a term of three months in length, except as indicated above in 2b. All appointments and re-appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the public.

        d. Senior Justice:
        The Court is to select a 'Senior Justice', who will be responsible for ensuring that a timely report is published for each decision made by the court that communicates the rationale behind the decision; and make sure that the decision is stored and archived. Failure to provide the report is grounds for an appeal. The Senior Justice will also preside over any hearings before The Court.

        e. Other Governmental Posts:
        A Justice may not serve in any other governmental post.

        f. Reappointment:
        At the end of that term a Justice may be reappointed by the President. In cases where a Justice is not being re-appointed by the decision of the President, the President may be bypassed in this process if 75% of the populace re-approve the Justice in a vote. Any citizen may create such a poll. Such a poll would have to conclude before the term is completed.

        3. Case Structure:

        a. Quorum:
        A quorum of at least 3 Justices must be involved in any ruling that is made. Should The Court be tied about how to rule on an issue, any non-voting justice is to then review the case and vote.

        b. Rulings:
        All rulings are immediately official and final except where appeals are granted.

        c. Appeals:
        Appeals will be granted if there are grounds to believe that an error in the application of the law has been made. Any citizen directly involved in the case may make an application for an appeal. If 3 or more of the 5 judges decide to grant the appeal, a new trial will be created to examine the case. In that case, the current verdict is placed on hold until after the appeal process.

        d. Injunctions:
        The Court cannot halt the game to make a decision without a 2/3 vote amongst the people. In case of an emergency due to timing of a turnchat and poll of the populace, the Court may halt the game for 72 hours, but only by unanimous vote of the Court and only if a specific case has been presented to them that must be decided prior to the turnchat. In the emergency case, the Court would immediately have to present a 72 hour poll to the people for their approval of the Injunction. If not approved by the time of the poll's closure, the game immediately resumes where it was before.

        e. Case Presentation:
        The Court cannot act on any issue until a non-judicial citizen of the nation brings forth an Issue to The Court. Issues to The Court should be posted publicly and must involve a dispute that The Court is empowered to rule upon.

        Amendment IV: Bill of Rights

        Clause 1:
        No person shall be denied the right to become a citizen of Apolytonia.

        Clause 2: No citizen shall ever be denied the right to vote in any poll.

        Clause 3: Free speech shall not be abridged unless it violates apolyton rules.

        Clause 4: No one shall be banned permanently from participating in the democracy game, excluding those who are permanently banned from apolyton. Note that people may still be banned for any amount of time, as long as it is not permanent.

        Clause 5: The right to associate into any form of organization shall not be denied.

        Clause 6: No citizen may be punished in any way without due process of law.

        Clause 7: The government may not knowingly hide information or give false information to the people.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #5
          Amendment V: Impeachment

          "This amendment will hereby set the rules of impeachment and removal from office for all officials of the government in an elected or appointed post, and limited to these positions, President, Vice President, Justice of The Court, and Minister, incuding any Minister position currently described in the Code of Laws and any Minister position created in the future. This amendment shall override any prior rules on Impeachment and the Removal of an Official from Office mentioned in the Code of Laws presently.

          1. Impeachment:

          a. Any citizen may bring the case of impeachment of an official to a member of The Court by PM. "Any citizen" is defined to include the President, Vice President, Ministers and Justices.

          b. The Court will review the allegations made, allow an answer by the defendant, and by a vote of at least three Justices determine if there are proper and legal grounds to hold a Removal from Office hearing. If so, then the accusation shall be deemed "with merit", the official shall be impeached (indicted), and The Court shall proceed as directed in Section 2. If the accusations are found to be without legal merit, or if at least three Justices cannot find that there is merit to continue, the allegations shall be dismissed.

          c. Should a member of The Court be the subject of impeachment then he shall not take part in the decision by The Court. The Vice President shall sit in his place for the sole determination of whether the impeachment has merit, and shall be considered a "Justice" for that vote only.

          2. Removal from Office:

          a. Once impeachment has been approved by The Court, the matter then goes to trial for Removal from Office of the official (which will be in a thread started by The Court). This thread will have an outline of the facts presented by the complainant and the response by the defendant.

          b. The party who started the impeachment process will have a chance to elaborate on the summary and present the facts and evidence against the official including all specific allegations.

          c. The defendant will have a chance to answer these allegations and elaborate on his defense. The defendant will have three days to respond once the allegations are posted by the complainant.

          d. Both parties must post their arguments for the public to see, this will be in a thread on the matter started by The Court.

          e. After the arguments are presented, the public then can debate the topic in the thread, and may request that The Court hold a public forum for arguments (a chat). The chat will be moderated by at least one member of The Court. There will be a three day time limit to this thread after the defendant files his answer and the chat must occur within that period of time.

          f. The general populace will then review the case and vote for removal from office of the defendant in a poll. This requires a 2/3 vote. This poll will last for three days.

          g. If for valid reason, the defendant did not file his answer timely, he will be able to make a case for filing late to The Court, which they can grant if the lateness is within reason as agreed upon by a simple majority of the Full Court. This is the only means by which a case can be reopened and re-presented to the public.

          h. No appeals of the people's decision can be made, except as stated in "g", above.

          3. Offenses:

          a. An official can be impeached only if they have violated the Code of Laws in place at the time of the violation.

          b. The Code of Laws can never be amended retroactively and be made to apply to an act committed prior to the amendment.

          4. Other:

          a.. While impeachment and removal from office proceedings are pending, the official will remain in power.

          b. If the President is removed from office, the Vice President (VP) will immediately assume his duties, and appoint a replacement for his vacated post of VP. The replacement VP will serve the remainder of that term.

          c. If a Vice President or Minister is removed from office, the President will appoint a replacement, who will serve the remainder of the removed official's term.

          d. If a Justice is removed from office, then the President will appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the removed Justice's term. If the remaining term is for longer than one (1)month, a confirming poll will be placed to the people, as described in the Amendment creating The Court.

          e. Other procedural and housekeeping matters will be created by The Court as need requires in order to carry out this amendment.

          f. If the people feel The Court has shirked their duty by failing to impeach the official, the people can post their own poll for impeachment. If 2/3's of the people agree to bypass the court, and impeach the official, then trial will commence as stated above in Secction 2.

          Amendment VI: Changing Administrations

          Elections will be held for all officials from the 12th to the 17th of each month. If no official nomination thread exists by the 5th, the President is required to make one.

          Upon the completion of the elections, the leaving administration is required to play ONE turnthread/chat sometime from the 16th to the 18th to give the new administration time to organize, appoint deputies, and create their new offices in the manner they wish.
          Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 13, 2002, 09:41.
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

