Format update comming soon...
Spiffor's Spectacular Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game:
Look no further to learn the basics of the Demo Game.
Visit our friends at the FANATICAN Embassy
Executive Branch
President: MrWhereItsAt Vice President: UnOrthOdOx
Next turn chats/threads:
Sunday morning c. 0900 GMT (0400 EST)
Tuesday evening c. 2100 GMT (1600 EST)
There is a poll on this matter here.
IRC-Turnchat tip
Election Nomination Thread: Term 4
Proposal for regional administrators and city governors
The State of the Nation: Statistics #1: 2590 BC to 430 BC
The State of the Nation: Brief Stats #1: 430 BC to 350 BC
Ammendment discussion: Changing Administrations
Flow of information discussion
Current Maps, Reports, and Plans
Report and save for 210-130BC
Most Recent Maps of Uber Isle
Current Map
Tactical map
Turnthread orders 130BC
Current Official Polls
Approval rating during Ninot's term
Elections, term 4
Vice President
Minister of War
Minister of Science
Minister of Economy
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Imperial Expansion
Minister of Public Works
City Planner
Archived Maps, Reports and Plans
Report for end of 210 BC
Report for 290-210BC
Save for 210BC
Report and save for 350-290 BC
Report and save for 430-350 BC
Report and Save 430 BC
Foreign Relations
Foreign Affairs Minister: Togas Deputies: Darkness' Edge , Gepap , adaMada
Foreign Ministry Office, Term 3
GePaps guide to foreign nations
A Weltpolitik view of the world [longish]
Discussion: RoP with America
An Alliance with England?
Foreign Policy toward Greece?
Public Discussion Entity: The Machiavelli Institute
Join The Machiavelli Institute
Machiavelli Institute: The Right use of ROP
Machiavelli Institute: Post War Geopolitics of Abananaba Minor
Machiavelli Institute: foreign policy with Persia
Machiavelli Institute: Ally Shield
Machiavelli Institute: Foreign Policy Debate
Machiavelli institute : analysis of the Greek Wars
Supreme Military Commander: UberKrux Deputy: Aggie
Headquarters of the SMC
Discovering continents for fun and profit
Public Discussion Entity: The War Academy
Join The War Academy
War Academy: Our military doctrine for the early Medieval age
War Academy: General Offensive against Persia
War Academy: General plans for Persia
War Academy: General Plans for Greece
War Academy: France and allies
War Academy: War Chariots and our Golden Age
Minister of Economy: Donal Graeme Deputy: Spiffor
Economy website
Minister of the Economy Official Post: Economic Forum
Trading Lux
Public Discussion Entity: The Adam Smith Foundation
Join The Adam Smith Foundation
Adam Smith Foundation: Benefits of WLT*D?
Adam Smith Foundation: Gaining money in expense of the AIs
Minister of Science: Apocalypse
Area 25: Technology Guide to the Middle Ages
The Compromise of 210 BC *Everyone Read*Area 25 : Tech Plans - Project lain
Area 25 (This link does not exist)
Area 25: The War
Public Discussion Entity: The Thinker's Guild
Join The Thinker's Guild
Board of Territoritial Development and Expansion
Minister of Imperial Expansion: Will 5001
Minister of Imperial Expansion Office
City Site Possibility near Napoleton
What to bring to our island?
Minister of Public Works: WhiteBandit
Public Works Homepage
Public Works Main Thread
City Planner: GodKing Deputies: OPD , jdjdjd , Rendelnep
OPD will be managing region #1, which will include the following cities:
Name the Region (suggestions)
chartres (occupied)
orleans (occupied)
rheims (occupied)
Region #2 GodKing will be managing:
Del Monte
mycenae (occupied)
boston (occ...
Region #3 Rendelnep will be managing this region.
Naming suggestions for province 3
munich (o)
Region #4 jdjdjd will manage these cities - all cities are currently occupied
Naming Suggestions Region 4
Paris: Domestic Issues
City Planning Orders
City Planner Office (space for discussions)
Current Judges: notyoueither , Epistax , jdjdjd , Trip , Captain
Court of Apolytonia
Some Info on Court Submission Rules
Court of Apolytonia: Case 1, Official Thread
The Court of Apolytonia is in Session: Case 2 - Case CLOSED
Format update comming soon...
Spiffor's Spectacular Tutorial and Lexicon to the Democracy Game:
Look no further to learn the basics of the Demo Game.
Visit our friends at the FANATICAN Embassy
Executive Branch
President: MrWhereItsAt Vice President: UnOrthOdOx
Next turn chats/threads:
Sunday morning c. 0900 GMT (0400 EST)
Tuesday evening c. 2100 GMT (1600 EST)
There is a poll on this matter here.
IRC-Turnchat tip
Election Nomination Thread: Term 4
Proposal for regional administrators and city governors
The State of the Nation: Statistics #1: 2590 BC to 430 BC
The State of the Nation: Brief Stats #1: 430 BC to 350 BC
Ammendment discussion: Changing Administrations
Flow of information discussion
Current Maps, Reports, and Plans
Report and save for 210-130BC
Most Recent Maps of Uber Isle
Current Map
Tactical map
Turnthread orders 130BC
Current Official Polls
Approval rating during Ninot's term
Elections, term 4
Vice President
Minister of War
Minister of Science
Minister of Economy
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Imperial Expansion
Minister of Public Works
City Planner
Archived Maps, Reports and Plans
Report for end of 210 BC
Report for 290-210BC
Save for 210BC
Report and save for 350-290 BC
Report and save for 430-350 BC
Report and Save 430 BC
Foreign Relations
Foreign Affairs Minister: Togas Deputies: Darkness' Edge , Gepap , adaMada
Foreign Ministry Office, Term 3
GePaps guide to foreign nations
A Weltpolitik view of the world [longish]
Discussion: RoP with America
An Alliance with England?
Foreign Policy toward Greece?
Public Discussion Entity: The Machiavelli Institute
Join The Machiavelli Institute
Machiavelli Institute: The Right use of ROP
Machiavelli Institute: Post War Geopolitics of Abananaba Minor
Machiavelli Institute: foreign policy with Persia
Machiavelli Institute: Ally Shield
Machiavelli Institute: Foreign Policy Debate
Machiavelli institute : analysis of the Greek Wars
Supreme Military Commander: UberKrux Deputy: Aggie
Headquarters of the SMC
Discovering continents for fun and profit
Public Discussion Entity: The War Academy
Join The War Academy
War Academy: Our military doctrine for the early Medieval age
War Academy: General Offensive against Persia
War Academy: General plans for Persia
War Academy: General Plans for Greece
War Academy: France and allies
War Academy: War Chariots and our Golden Age
Minister of Economy: Donal Graeme Deputy: Spiffor
Economy website
Minister of the Economy Official Post: Economic Forum
Trading Lux
Public Discussion Entity: The Adam Smith Foundation
Join The Adam Smith Foundation
Adam Smith Foundation: Benefits of WLT*D?
Adam Smith Foundation: Gaining money in expense of the AIs
Minister of Science: Apocalypse
Area 25: Technology Guide to the Middle Ages
The Compromise of 210 BC *Everyone Read*Area 25 : Tech Plans - Project lain
Area 25 (This link does not exist)
Area 25: The War
Public Discussion Entity: The Thinker's Guild
Join The Thinker's Guild
Board of Territoritial Development and Expansion
Minister of Imperial Expansion: Will 5001
Minister of Imperial Expansion Office
City Site Possibility near Napoleton
What to bring to our island?
Minister of Public Works: WhiteBandit
Public Works Homepage
Public Works Main Thread
City Planner: GodKing Deputies: OPD , jdjdjd , Rendelnep
OPD will be managing region #1, which will include the following cities:
Name the Region (suggestions)
chartres (occupied)
orleans (occupied)
rheims (occupied)
Region #2 GodKing will be managing:
Del Monte
mycenae (occupied)
boston (occ...
Region #3 Rendelnep will be managing this region.
Naming suggestions for province 3
munich (o)
Region #4 jdjdjd will manage these cities - all cities are currently occupied
Naming Suggestions Region 4
Paris: Domestic Issues
City Planning Orders
City Planner Office (space for discussions)
Current Judges: notyoueither , Epistax , jdjdjd , Trip , Captain
Court of Apolytonia
Some Info on Court Submission Rules
Court of Apolytonia: Case 1, Official Thread
The Court of Apolytonia is in Session: Case 2 - Case CLOSED