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Campaign Thread: Minister of Imperial Expansion

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  • Campaign Thread: Minister of Imperial Expansion

    This is the Campaign Thread for the Minister of Imperial Expansion Election. Citizens are welcomed and encouraged to ask the candidates questions.

    Current Candidates:
    Jonny (DIA)
    Will 5001 (UFC)

    Good luck to all candidates.

  • #2
    Here's why you should vote for me, Jonny, as your new IE minister.

    As many of you know, city building is a very important aspect of Civ. I, being an experienced Civ player, will try to build cities in good, efficent, beneficial, and prosperous places. I will build cities that are assets to our civ, not disadvantages. However, now that the game has progressed a bit, there is more to good city location than just a location with good production. We must build cities in places that will give us luxuries and strategic resources, which are of tremendous importance to our civ. We also must build cities near our enemies, even if they are unproductive. These have several benefits. First, they allow us to slow down/prohibit the expansion of other civs. Secondly, they can be used as staging grounds for invasions. Finally, should we decide to build up our culture, espically in the border cities, it would increase the chances of culture-flipping some of their cities to us. City building can make or break a civ. I plan to make Apolytonia great, not break Apolytonia.

    Of course, there are other things involved in being a good IE minister than just city building know-how. For example, I always try to listen to and poll the people, which is very important in a democracy such as ours. I will rarely, if at all, take actions without asking the people first. Since this is a democracy, I plan to include the people as much as possible.

    Also, you can be assured that party politics will not affect my actions as IE minister. I won't ever ignore some people's ideas and automatically accept others just because of what party they are in. That's just plain silly.

    So, if you want a great Apolytonia for you and your children and your grandchildren (and so on), then vote for me, Jonny, for IE minister. Thank you.


    • #3


      • #4
        Are you for colonizing Uber Isle? If so when would you like to do it.
        For your photo needs:

        Sell your photos


        • #5
          Could you please post a picture for us to see where you'll place your cities ?
          If there is a settler SirRalph was moving (but hadn't time to settle with) when you're elected, will you keep orders unchanged ?
          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


          • #6
            Will 5001 policies

            This is the current Deputy IE minister Will 5001 campaign for the minister for Imperial expansion in the next election.
            As you know my proposed city cites has been accepted for our immediate expansion policies by the current government. For the short-term I propose that city 1 should be built ASAP to prevent expansion from either the Germans or the Americans. Although the map of the proposed city sites is out of date at present, if elected, I will immediately reassess the situation and revise my plans.

            I do believe that Uber Isle should be colonised as soon as the galleys have been used in the war against the French. We must not let this opportunity to colonise an island so close to our capital pass us by. If another civ can get hold of this island it will could become a military base just a few tiles from Apolyton.

            Obviously I will chose city sites that mix growth with production and strategic importance, and the public will be a factor in my decision making, and there will always be options to choose from.

            We need to consolidate our position after the wars and this office is very important to our nation for the future, as the work done now will stay with us until we win. That is why Will 5001 is the best choice on polling day.
            A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
            A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


            • #7
              Spiffor: As long as that settler is going to one of my preposed city sites (which I suspect it is, I think I may have ebven ordered it!!!!!), then yes it will continue to go to the site!
              A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
              A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


              • #8
                Here's my expansion plan:

                The following picture shows the three possible city sites I see. But first, a descripition of the sites:

                Site 1 (West-Northwest of Del Monte): It's near some grassland-shields and plains, so it will give us some production. It's also near desert, which is one of the places where saltpeter can be found. If we don't have any saltpeter, we will be at an extreme disadvantage going into the mid-game. It's also a good place to stage any offensives against the Greeks.

                Site 2 (West-Northwest of Boston): Along a floodplain and river, offering lots of food for growth. This would also provide a link between Boston and Chicago once we capture them, giving us a way to expand into the Ivory Coast. It's next to more desert (saltpeter). There is also an iron NW of the city site.

                Site 3 (North of Boston): It's surrounded by plains, offering no real growth possibilities until irrigated. However, if we built up culture here, we could possibly culture flip a German city. It could also be used as a staging ground for attacks against Germany.

                Here's the Picture:

                Of course, to ensure that we would be able to settle at these sites, we should probably build settlers as soon as possible to keep other civs from building there first. With so many neighboring civs though, this can be hard. Also, please note the Persian settler/warrior stack near "Thebes."

                In the long run, I'd like to expand toward the Ivory Coast, and also to Uber Isle. Of course, I don't really want to expand to Uber Isle until we know what is there first.

                I'm pretty sure that there is a settler of ours that is already on it's way to a city site. I will let it continue to go to it's destination and build there. Of course, I haven't figured out where it is going yet.


                • #9

                  Any more questions, anyone?


                  • #10
                    Are there any prevailing ideas you have seen discussed that you would strongly fight against, and if you were in the minority in this opinion, how would you aim to resolve this conflict?

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      City 3 should be moved 1 tile SE or even E, so it will be founded at the river.


                      • #12
                        Is palace jumping and FP building covered by the ministry of imperial expansion? If so what are you're views on it.

                        We might aswell let the US spam the land around boston and chicago with cities and then take them later on.
                        Are we having fun yet?


                        • #13
                          The FP and palace jump aren't directly related, but i do agree with palace jump to minimise corruption. I have to disagree with Jonny and state the Uber Isle is a MAJOR priority, even if the land is not very productive, it is of extreme military strategic importance. If a rival powerful civ can estabilish itself so close to the heart of Apolytonia, it wilol see the death of many fine Apolytonian soldiers. It could serve as a naval base in future conflictsand if a rival civ is allowed to get there first, an invasion force will not take long to reach Apolytonia, therefore, in a war it will be a priority, I have no doubt that we can capture it, but it will be a severe drain on our resourses in the event of war. If the land is fertile and productive, that will be great, but in the interests of our own defence, we need cities on Uber Isle.
                          A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                          A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                          • #14
                            P.S The building of a city on ivory coast has to be considered VERY carefully. We will need a road all the way there draining on our worker supply, it may prevoke the greeks to war, which is not good, it has a strong chance of being flipped, and by the time we get round to it, somone would have already built there. As for saying that site 3 may be able to flip German cities that is a bit of wishful thinking, we dont have a very strong culture, Berlin is quite near, we have more chance of being flipped ourselves! If site 3 (city 3 on mine! Coinsidence?!!! ) is built it will need a lot of cultural (or military) support.
                            A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                            A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                            • #15
                              The Americans have founded Washington at City #2
                              The good news is that they hold the place until we crush them
                              The bad news is they bar us the path to city#3 or ivory coast (unless we take a major detour, and we'd lose the race to ivory coast in this case.
                              Remains city#1 and Uber Isle
                              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis

