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Campaign Thread: Minister of Imperial Expansion

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  • #16
    I feel that the chance of getting any saltpepper from the small patch of land is minimal, so it isn't really a reason, but there are many good reasons for building at site 1. We need settlers quickly, otherwise we will just be closed in, and will need to fight more than we have to!!
    A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
    A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


    • #17
      Tank v Tank
      Est-ce que tu as vu une baleine avec un queue taché?
      If you don't feel the slightist bit joyful seeing the Iraqis dancing in the street, then you are lost to the radical left. If you don't feel the slightest bit bad that we had to use force to do this, then you are lost to the radical right.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
        Are there any prevailing ideas you have seen discussed that you would strongly fight against, and if you were in the minority in this opinion, how would you aim to resolve this conflict?
        As of now, there are no prevaling ideas that I strongly disagree with. I feel that the game is progressing well. However, if there was a situation where I strongly disagreed with a popular idea, I can assure you I would not flame people, nor would I whine and complain like a toddler. I would present my point of view and my opinions and my arguments in a civilized manner. I would also be willing to debate my point of view in a civilized manner.


        • #19
          Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
          Are there any prevailing ideas you have seen discussed that you would strongly fight against, and if you were in the minority in this opinion, how would you aim to resolve this conflict?
          Strangely enough I don't think that I am against widely held views. If I was, I would fight my corner vehemently and not back down since i would beleive that the people would be behind me, however if I was in a complete minority, I would put my views aside, since, at the end of the day I am a representative of the people and I will do my best to encompass all views.
          A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
          A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


          • #20
            My Updated Expansion Plan:

            Well, the Germans have built Hannover at site 3 and the Americans have built Washington at site 2.

            That leaves Site 1, the Ivory Coast, and Uber Isle.

            I believe Site 1 still remains a high priority for the time being. We must get a settler there soon, however, or some other civ will get there first.

            If we build there, that leaves Uber Isle and Ivory Coast.

            It could be risky to build at Ivory Coast. It's a long way away and right in the middle of Greek territory. Building there might infuriate them. Of course, by the time we could get one of our settlers there, the Greeks probably will have already built there.

            That leaves Uber Isle. We are probably the only ones that know of Uber Isle's exsistance, so there are not AI settlers trying to rush there. Now that most other options are disappearing, I believe we should build there before some greedy AI civ.

            So, in order, we should build at:
            Site 1
            Uber Isle
            Ivory Coast

            Picture below:

