Considering the many good points raised in the threads Ubergorsk: a grim scenario and War Academy : Imminent danger I believe the War Academy should begin defensive plans for an attack either from Germany in the North or Persia in the West, and the Machiavelli Institute should begin plans to prevent such an attack through diplomatic relations with both Civs and to hinder such an attack through diplomatic alliences should one occur.
My own personal suggestions:
Just some food for thought...
-- adaMada
My own personal suggestions:
- Ubergorsk should be garrisoned with more units, including one or two on the Iron itself to protect from pillaging enemy forces.
- More dyes around Gia should be connected to our trading network and used as bargening chips, should we need an emergency military allience.
- Relations should be cultivated with both the English and the Greeks. Furthermore, should the situation become dire, good relationships with teh Aztecs would be helpful. (I understand the reasoning behind preventing the Aztecs from expanding if at all possible, but having them as a friend would be a useful trump card, at least until one or two more civilizations disapear from the map).
- If we could maintain a trading relationship with either the Germans or the Persians, we may be able to prevent a war, as they will likely not attack us if we are providing them with something they need.
Just some food for thought...
-- adaMada